The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 484 - WINGS

Chapter 484 - WINGS

"Now, tell me why you didn't call me when you could call Lana?" Hope asked in stern voice. The fact that Kace was calling Lana and didn't want to talk to her, had been bothering Hope to say the least.

"Because I fought someone who can read my mind and I don't want that creature to have an access more to know about you further." Kace caressed her cheeks, "Since you are always inside my mind, calling you would only make me think about you a lot. You are quite a distraction, you know?"

Kace then leaned over to kiss her temple while whispered against her skin. "A beautiful distraction."

Hope felt giddy and wanted to squeal when she heard Kace's words, but she didn't do that and embarrassed herself to act like a silly teenager, well, although she was indeed a silly teenager for a certain point.

"It's already late, why don't you go to sleep?" Kace whispered again, sounded sweet and gentle.

However, Hope snapped from her bubble of daydream as she caught the underlying meaning from Kace's action.

"Are you trying to distract me?" Hope narrowed her eyes as she slapped Kace's hand away from her. "Do you want to avoid the next question, don't you?"

Kace laughed out loud again when Hope pushed him from her. "How can you see it right away?"

"Seriously Kace." Hope crossed her arms, annoyed by him. "Did you kill the creature?" Hope didn't give Kace the opportunity to change the topic.

"No, I hurt him, but I didn't kill him." Kace admitted. He just… couldn't bring himself to kill that creature. Something held him back from giving in to his animalistic side. The same thing also happened when he fought Maximus and caused him this great wound on his back.

Not only that, Kace could start to feel his beast side was gradually becoming weak because of the constant oppression that Kace gave to himself.

"You don't?" Hope tilted her head when she heard that, "Was that a good idea to leave your enemy alive out there?"

Kace gave a small kiss on her forehead before he stood up. "You sound more and more like Serefina." After saying that, Kace walked toward the kitchen. "I am hungry, I will make noodles, do you want one?" he shouted from the kitchen.

Hope jumped down from the sofa and trotted toward the kitchen too. "No, but I still have many questions for you."

"Relax, I will answer all of that, but I still need to eat. I can't concentrate if I am hungry." Kace winked at Hope, who was sitting on the bar stool now.

"So, this creature had prevented you from calling me because you thought by being in contact with me, you wouldn't be able to stop thinking about me?" Hope surmised. "It doesn't sound convincing. How can you prevent yourself from thinking about something?"

Kace boiled water and started to make his own noodles. "I did thinking about you, but as I cut all the contact with you and focused on the matter at hand, that thought was less prominent in my mind."

Hope propped her head with her hands on the kitchen islands as she contemplated, thinking about Kace's explanation. historical

"Was that help? Doesn't that mean that thought is still in your head?" Hope watched Kace moved swiftly from side to side as he cooked his supper.

"Well, he was not that powerful to dig deeper into my mind." Kace shrugged. "Thankfully."

"Okay." For the meantime, Hope would satisfy with this explanation. "How about the two people that we met in the theatre, you seemed to know that annoying woman pretty well." Hope's voice laced with accusation.

"Both of them are witches from northern coven and apparently, there is another gathering there that required them to come to this village." Kace tried his noodles and nodded in satisfaction at the tastes in his mouth before he brought the noodles to the kitchen islands and sat across from Hope.

"Then what were you talking about earlier? About 'this thing??? and 'that thing'." Hope took another fork and ate the noodles, despite she said she didn't want to eat it.

"Your blood." Kace pushed the bowl and placed it in the middle so they could eat it together. "When you were sick, I took you to the hospital and they got your blood."

"Was that when I was eight years old?" Hope remembered the last time she was sick and was being admitted to the hospital. It was snow hard at that time.

"Yes." Kace nodded as he separated the egg yolk from the white one, because she didn't like it.

"There is a problem with my blood?" Hope ate the white one while Kace ate the egg yolk.

Afterward, Kace ended up explaining everything to Hope about the guardian angel and how her blood could be used for something evil, not only that, Hope also learned that her spirit power could be sapped.

If that happened, she would end up like an empty shell without soul.

Hope frowned when she heard Kace's explanation as she ate all the noodles and Kace could only sigh helplessly. Didn't she say, she didn't want to eat?

"That was my mistake to not careful enough. I didn't think clearly when we were in the hospital." Kace admitted. "A few things had happened in the supernatural realm and Serefina guessed; there is something to do with the blood that they took from you."

"Bad thing?" Hope put down the bowl and looked at Kace worriedly.

"Bad thing." Kace took the bowl and put it down in the sink.

"So, it means you, Serefina and Lana have been trying to track down the blood?" Hope asked curiously.

"That is only one of the missions." Kace poured a glass of water and gave it to Hope as he sat down again.

"I just realized now the reason why the devil woman back then was hurt because of my blood." Hope drawled. "As an angel, shouldn't I have wings, no?"

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