The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 491 - I HUGGED HIM

Chapter 491 - I HUGGED HIM

Serefina's sudden voice startled both Kace and Lana as they whipped their head at the same time toward the source of the sound.

"What happened?" Serefina was wearing a green long dress that reached her knees and yellow boats, with her red hair, her overall appearance was very eyes- catching.

Kace furrowed his brows as he felt the various color on the witch was quite irritated. "What are you doing here?"

"I miss you." Serefina winked at Kace, apparently she was in good mood and slightly drunk as Kace could smell alcohol from her.

"Crazy witch." Kace muttered. "Were you visiting your old friend again?"

"Hm." Serefina nodded her head and sighed deeply while closing her eyes as though she was trying to sober up within a second, which was possible in her case.

The moment Serefina opened her eyes, they were shining brightly in the color of green.

"So, what news do you have for me?" Serefina fixed her attention toward Lana, who was standing only three steps away from her.

"Torak sent his best hunter, James, to look for you." Lana answered her immediately, staring at the line of trees through the window behind the witch, avoiding her eyes. "He found his mate."

"Hm, he found him…" Serefina touched her chin, as she was deep in thought. "How he could find her when we are not able to catch a whiff from her?"

"Maybe because she is his mate." Kace chimed in. He had discussed this possibility with Lana before the woman acted outrageous. "You know, the mate bond and instinct."

Serefina rolled her eyes when she heard Kace mentioned the mate bond and Lana slightly fidgeted. Both of them were in the same boat, after all.

"I doubt that." Serefina rejected the idea. "I feel there is a magical power has been hiding the girl, but I could be wrong." She shrugged her shoulder, didn't want to make a random speculation. action

The most important part was the second guardian angel had been found and Torak was not crazy enough like his older brother to kill his mate.

With the thought of Jedrek, there was a wave of uneasiness hit the witch's heart. She dismissed it immediately.

"What are you going to do? Will you let Hope to meet the other guardian angel?" Lana's question earned a low menacing growl from Kace.

From the beginning Kace did not agree if Hope met with any of his brother before he was certain that they wouldn't harm his mate. Not even Torak, though he decided to keep his own mate alive.

"No," Serefina was in the same page with Kace at this moment. "This is not the right time to reunite them."

"Then, what will you do?" Lana looked like she was not affected by Kace's strong reaction.

Serefina contemplated for awhile and answered while staring at Kace. "I will see why he needs me there."

There was silence that ensued after Serefina's statement. Awkwardness spread in the air from Kace and Lana, and this didn't go unnoticed by Serefina.

"Have you found the person who can cure him?" Serefina was a witch not a healer, though she was powerful enough and the things that hurt Kace was something related to black magic, but it was still beyond her ability.

"No," Lana answered in a matter of fact tone. "I will try again to find that person in different place."

"No need for that." Kace cut this conversation. "It will heal with time. My healing ability will heal the wound, I just need to take a rest and everything will be find."

"No, it will not." Serefina shook her head as she stood up and walked toward the lycan. "That is black magic and it has been proven your healing ability couldn't handle it."

"I will find the person sooner." Lana ignored a glare that Kace threw to her direction, her eyes focused on Serefina.

"Who is this person you are looking for?" Kace asked impatiently. "Tell me and I will find them."

At this point, Serefina already felt there was something wrong going on between the two of them. "This person is in the northern coven, will you manage to enter that realm?" she asked casually.

Entered the northern coven was not an easy task, especially when almost all the creatures there didn't appreciate the existence of shape shifter.

"Show me how and I will do it." Kace didn't back down because of that fact. If Lana was going to hold this against him and it would be better to make everything clear now.

"Do you really think…" Serefina's words died down as the three of them tilted their head toward the door, which a second later was being pushed by someone from the outside.

"Lana…?" Hope's soft voice traveled into Kace's ears as her head poked from behind the door. "Kace you are also here and… Serefina?" Hope frowned at the witch. "Why are you here?"

Serefina rolled her eyes dramatically. "Oh, please… why I can't be here?"

"See, I told you, there is your mother there…" Ian's voice rang from behind Hope, but his figure couldn't be seen as he was afraid to confront the three people inside the room at the same time.

Facing one of them had already overwhelmed him, moreover all three at once. Nothing good was coming out from meeting them, not to mention they were having a bad temper for some random reasons.

When Hope went to deliver Lana's book, Ian wanted to go with her, thus when they couldn't find Lana inside the teacher's room, Ian tracked her and discovered Lana was with Kace, yet half way here, he caught Serefina's scent too.

"Let's go." Kace dr.a.p.ed his arms on Hope's shoulder as he ushered the girl out of the room, ignoring his mate protest about Lana's book.

Once there was only Serefina and Lana there, the witch narrowed her eyes at the she- werewolf in front of her. "What happened between you and Kace?"

Didn't want to beat around the bush, Lana answered honestly. "I hugged him."

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