The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 516 - COME WITH ME

Chapter 516 - COME WITH ME

Hope turned around and was about to walk out of the room when she heard that woman's reply. Ignoring her, she kept walking only to find herself was not inside the same room as before.

Hope was startled, but didn't panic as Serefina had done the same thing a few times before when she was too lazy to look more like 'a human'.

"You're a witch," Hope turned to face the woman, irritation filled in her voice when her eyes met hers. "What do you want?"

The witch was still sitting on the same seat like before, but the room had disappeared and was replaced by a beautiful garden with a fountain of seven dwarves on her left side. A big tree canopied both of them and velvety grass beneath her feet.

In another occasion, Hope would appreciate the scenery, but not this time. She was too upset for being transported without her consent.

Hope knew she was trapped there, and there was no way she could get out from whatever place she was in now, without the willingness of the witch herself, but Hope refused to show anything that could be assumed as fear or weakness to the witch.

"Actually, I am here to help you," the witch shrugged her shoulder nonchalantly and then stood up graciously. "But, I need something in return." She smiled at her.

"I don't need your help, and I will not give you anything," Hope was glad her voice was not shaking.

"Are you sure? Even if I say I can help you to meet your mate?" she smiled triumphantly when Hope's expression slightly changed. "Haven't you been anxious all this time because Kace had not yet come as he had promised you?"

"How did you know?" Hope's question was barely a whisper, she squinted her eyes, trying to figure this woman out, but there was nothing she could find. historical

"Serefina told me. I have told you earlier, I am a friend of that witch, remember?" She closed the distance between them, but Hope relieved she didn't force herself to be extremely near her, which made her uncomfortable.

Yet, a second later Hope remembered something. "I think I have seen you." When she said this, the feeling was amplified and now she was certain this witch was the same woman from that day. "You are the woman who was standing across my school weeks ago."

"That would be me." She nodded, satisfied. "I am glad that you remember me, even though you were pretending to not see me at that time."

"Then, you supposed to know I want to keep it that way." Living with Serefina and facing her peculiarity had its own benefit. It made threatening the girl to be an uneasy job, even in a disadvantage situation like this.

The woman contemplated, but amus.e.m.e.nt was clearly seen on her hazel eyes. "I have never met a guardian angel as fierce as you before…" she murmured.

"Why do you think I will trust you?"—and how do you know that Kace is my mate? But, Hope didn't say the last question out loud as she stood there, trying to figure out, whether this witch was a friend or a foe.

There were not many people knew about Hope's identity as Kace's mate or a guardian angel. Probably, Serefina indeed had told her about that? Hope was unsure.

"I don't need you to trust me, I want to make a deal with you," she said in such a thick, straightforward manner. Her reason for being there to meet the angel not for gaining her trust, but to get something from her.

"I know better not to make a deal with a witch." That was a basic knowledge after she knew what happened to Lana.The girl was bound for life because of the agreement she made with Kace, thanks to Serefina for that.

"Hm," she hummed, nodding her head in agreement. "Serefina taught you well."

And after she said that, their surrounding around them changed again. Now, they were in the previous small room, in Hope's school and Hope was standing only one step away from the door.

"Don't give me that look," she chuckled when she watched how Hope curled her eyebrows showing her deep distrust. "Don't tell me that you are upset because we are no longer in the garden again. You have class to attend and moreover, I don't have intention to restrain you."

"Thank you for your understanding," Hope responded sarcastically, but when she was about to open the door, that woman talked again.

"Think about my offer again if you really want to meet your mate," she said languidly. "I have nothing to lose. After all, Serefina had me promised her to help if Kace and Lana still didn't return even when the festival began."

This woman knew too much for Hope liking. It felt almost like Serefina, indeed, had told her everything about it. However, Hope never heard Serefina mentioned someone as her friend or maybe because Hope didn't know much about her.

"Why they still hasn't return until now?" Hope couldn't help, but asked her. She was no longer able to hide her worries about what happened to them.

"I don't know, that??s why I will go there to find out."

"You will enter the pine forest? The Northern Coven realm?" Hope asked in low voice, but she couldn't hide her surprise.

"There is no need to be surprised. Just like what you have found out now, I am a witch. It is only natural for me to join the festival, right?"

"And you will take me there to join your witches kind and vampire?" Hope smirked. "No, thanks."

"Find me in the festival, where the torch is lit, THAT if you change your mind." She didn't look upset or offended by Hope's rejection, as if she had known how her reaction would be. "If you care enough to find your mate."

Hope opened the door harshly and slammed it shut, she didn't even give a damn to her last words, though it has lingered in her mind since that very moment.

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