The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 532 - OLD MAGIC

Chapter 532 - OLD MAGIC

"What do you mean with 'them'?" Hope frowned as she glanced at Lana, apparently, she was too tired to be bothered by the conversation between Hope and Lidya.

"We, the witch, believe in the existence of spirits, other beings that have no form." Lidya's eyes stared straight into Hope's. "That is where we got our magic from."

Hope wasn't sure that she understood what Lidya was saying. She knew about spirit, but did not have a deep understanding about it.

"This is an old magic." She added. "And just like human. Not all spirits are nice, consequently, we have this dark witches. All of theseare connected to each other."

"Okay…" Hope drawled, "I am confused now."

"You will understand when the right time has come. This realm is built by those spirit, you will need them when you face the upcoming war."

After explaining all that to her, Lidya closed her eyes.

Hope thought she would opened them again and gave her another confusing lectures, yet her breathe became even. She fell asleep.

She fell asleep right after she gave Hope a headache by her half-explainedknowledge about those spirit-witch-relation things and this realm. Yeah great!

However, the next thing she knew, there was a knock on the door and Kace's voice sounded from behind the door.

Forgetting about the puzzle in Lidya's words, she contemplated for a while, whether to take off the cloak or not, but she ended up kept wearing it, just in case.

Hope happily walked towards the door and opened it just to find Kace on his black sweater and jeans, smiling at her. The kind of smile that could make Hope grin foolishly.

"Let's eat," Kace tousled her hair and grabbed her hand as they walked to the first deck.


After breakfast, Kace took Hope to the upper deck to see the sea and got some fresh air. The twin were fast asleep after their head hit the pillow, thus it was only the couple who roamed around the ship.

Actually, Kace felt exhausted. He had not slept since last night. It seemed the three days when he got a long sleep was not enough for him.

However, having Hope there made things different for him. Upon seeing her in person, he just realized how much he missed his little mate.

Kace was leaning against the railing of the top deck, he looked up, staring at the soft ray of the sun with Hope right beside him.

Hope was looking at the water with the color of soft blue with shade of green, glimmered softly under the torch of the sun light.

There were many people in this upper deck, maybe those travelers were as tired as the twins.

"Do you think there are strange creatures that pull this ship?" Hope tilted her head to see Kace beside her. "You know, like the Moxars that pulled our carriage before."

Kace chuckled upon hearing her question. "Your imagination runs pretty wild."

"Why? Is that wrong to assume that?" Hope pouted her lips. "I think we're in a fairytale-like-world, with magical beasts live alongside of witches and vampires. I even thought of seeing a king and queen, is there a king and queen here?"

With the mentioned of 'King', Kace's mind wandered to his brother. Jedrek. He was a King… the Lycan King.

"There is a King, but not in this realm," Kace answered curtly.

"Oh…" Hope knew whom Kace was referred to, and talking about his older brother wouldn't be a pleasant conversation for Kace.

Although, Hope was quite sure even if she asked any questions about Jedrek, Kace would likely answer all of her questions, but she didn't want to see Kace to feel unease by bringing up the topic.

There was a comfortable quiet moment that stretched between them and even the sun was above their head, the heat was still bearable. historical

And that moment was the perfect thing to have with a company of your soulmate beside you, simply to pass that moment together.

"Come here…" Kace grabbed Hope's hand and pulled her to come with him.

The lycan brought his mate to a long wooden bench as he sat her down and used her thigh as a pillow. Kace put Hope's hand on his hair and asked her to stroke his head.

"Let me sleep for a while…" he murmured and closed his eyes.

"Hey, if you want to sleep we can go back," Hope whispered, she ran her fingers on his long hair, which was so soft in her touch.

"No, that way you can't repay me for landing you my thigh earlier." Kace became stingy.

"What a great man you are…" Hope said scornfully, but ended up smiling after that. Maybe, playing with his hair under the shadow of the pole while looking at the calm sea was not a bad idea afterall.

This upper deck was peacefully quiet and Kace had snored softly even before Hope could realize it.

Hope leaned her back against the backrest of the bench and hummed a song that she knew. She didn't have a single clue what would happen in this so-called sacred place where the priestess lived or if this journey would be as smooth as their plan, but she hoped Kace's wounds could be treated before it got even worse.

Hope closed her eyes, relishing this moment, when all of a sudden there was a voice that greeted her.

"There you are…"

The girl opened her eyes and immediately regretted the sight that she was seeing.

"My sense is right that you are here…"

Well, apparently this journey would be interesting.

"Abby," Hope hissed her name. She wanted to ask why she was here when her own mind answered it.

This young witch was there to attend the festival and this was her place after all. Behind her, Leon followed, looking as charming as the last time Hope saw him, yet she didn't feel glad to see them at all.

"Thank you for still remembering my name. But, what is it your name again?" Abby smirked, her eyes didn't leave Kace's sleeping face.

"She's Hope." Leon chimed in.

"Thank you for still remembering my name, apparently you've proven nothing but better memory than her." Hope smirked.

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