The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 542 - HE IS COMING

Chapter 542 - HE IS COMING

He roared angrily at Hope.

The girl crawled away from him until her back hit a tree behind her. When the sight of this man loomed in, Hope recognized him as the man from the bar. He was the one who stared back at her then.

Hope wanted to stand up, but fell back to the ground with a grunt. Apparently, she hurt her ankle.

The man didn't bother with her as his veins bulged out when he clenched his jaw tightly to ready himself from the pain that was about to kick in, as he pulled the dagger out of his arse.

He wailed in pain when the dagger, that was drenched with blood, managed to get pulled out. He tossed it aside and stomped a couple of time, in hope that the pain would stop.

In another time, Hope would apologize to him. She didn't think straight when she stabbed him in that place, but for now, her mind was reeling to find a way to escape from this man.

Even now, Hope could still hear a loud snarl and howl from Kace's beast along with the other three, who must be Ethan, Ian and Lana.

Even from this far, Hope could still distinguish Kace's howl. It sounded very powerful and filled with wrath.

But, what was holding him back? Why he had not found her yet? Hope was trying to stand up again with the support of the tree behind her. Winching in pain, Hope tried to take a step.

The sharp pain made her shut her eyes and willed herself to ignore it. But, it was so hard when Hope had to take the second step and the third step and being grounded again.

"Where do you think you are going?!" the man held her on the ground by straddling her.

Hope fl.u.s.tered with this suggestive position, but the tense of the situation helped her to get her mind straight.

Was not able to use her leg to kick this man away, Hope pounded his chest with her bare hands. Even though, that wasn't a good idea either since this men's chest was as solid as rock.




Only then Hope realized there was something the matter withthe situation. Apparently, there was a misunderstanding between them.

"What?" Hope stopped struggling as both of her wrist being held by this man, only used a single hand. What a show off for strength!

That man panted lightly, glad this little girl stopped attacking him. "I am helping you to escape from them, I am not here to hurt you!"

Hope blinked her eyes a couple of times, trying to discern his intention.

"Why do you think I need your help?" Hope didn't feel like she had ever asked him or his men to help her. In any case, she was afraid of them.

"You stared at me when you walked out of the bar." He knitted his brows upon hearing her question.

Hope didn't know whether she had to laugh or cry, but this whole situation was totally a big misunderstanding.

"No! I wasn't asking for help!" Hope sighed exasperatedly. "I stared at you because I was afraid of you."

"Afraid?" That man was growing an even more confusion in him. "You were afraid of me?" He scrutinized Hope's expression and when the girl below him nodded, he let out wry laugh. "You were afraid of me instead of those beasts?"

"They are my friends!" and mateā€¦ but Hope wouldn't let him know about that, there was no point of letting him to know this information. "Now, get off of me!" she pushed him away, but the man didn't budge.

"Werewolf and Lycanthropes don't befriend with humans. They kill us. They kill those who are inferior to them." The man's eyes flickered with hostility. "Don't be a fool."

"First of all, can you move aside please? I am not comfortable with this position." Hope wiggled her hands. "You're hurting me."

That man's tight grip would leave some ugly marks on her wrist and if Kace's beast saw this, things would turn out of control very fast.

"Sorry,?? he grunted with his guttural voice as he moved away from Hope and helped her stood up. "You hurt your ankle?" historical

He watched how Hope grimaced when her left legs touched the ground as she couldn't stand straight.

"Thanks to you for throwing me to the ground like a piece of garbage," Hope spoke sarcastically.

"Thanks to you for stabbing my arse, now I have similar problem like you," He countered her with the same tone and Hope had to admit her wrongdoing.

"You attacked us and separated me from my friends!" unfortunately, she was not willing to back down yet.

"You call them friends? Did they do something to your brain?" That man was about to touch Hope's head, but she swatted his hand away. "Maybe the witch casted a spell on her," he talked to himself.

"Enough, I will go back to my friends." Hope couldn't find any further reason for her to stay longer with this man as she could hear Kace's beast cry for his mate from afar.

"Wait! You can't go to them! You will be safe with us!" That man stopped Hope's movement, simply by holding her shoulder and with her injured legs, this was enough to stop her. "Just because you are wearing this cloak,you think I won't know you are a human?"

Hope slapped her forehead. She forgot about this cloak, that was why Kace couldn't pin point her position.

Since she couldn't move and this man was stubbornly holding her back, the only thing that Hope could do was to remove her cloak and let the beast knew her location.

The cry from afar stopped for a while before the ground was shaking with a loud roared. The beast could smell her.

"You better let me go now if you don't want to get hurt." Hope smirked. "He is coming."

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