The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 549 - COME HERE AND SEE IT!

Chapter 549 - COME HERE AND SEE IT!

From the carnage before their eyes, they could see there was actually someone, who managed to survive from the beast brutalism.

He caught blood a few time, only to add more blood on the scene. In this dark road where the light of the moon was covered behind the trees, the man shook his head and rose on his feet.

He threw a hard glare toward Ethan and Ian, who were shouting to inform Hope.

A killing intent shrouded him upon realizing that he had lost all of his men. His hands trembling and his body almost collapsed again, yet he managed to stand still by holding a spear stuck near him. He looked down and found his fellow hunter was dead in a gruesome condition.

Anger spread through his being and when he caught a sight of the beast that had killed all of his friends, he only saw red.

Anger that bubbled up inside his chest only made him more determined to finish off the beast, who seemed too exhausted to even move a finger.

He stalked toward him with spear in his hand.

"HOPE! GET OUT FROM THERE!" Ethan shouted again, he didn't know if this was wise to ask Hope to face this hunter, who apparently wanted to slash Kace's beast, but if they did nothing and let the hunter got his way, Kace would die for sure.

"GET AWAY FROM HIM, YOU MONGREL HUMAN!" Ian hollered, his eyes widened in fear when that hunter took one step after another to approach Kace's beast, dragging his bloody body with the help of spear in his left hand while his right hand hung lifelessly beside his body.

Meanwhile, inside the carriage, Hope was very upset to herself because she couldn't find the key no matter how hard she tried to look for it.

She was about to look inside the last cabinet when she heard Ian and Ethan called out his name, telling her to get out from the carriage immediately.

What happened?!

Hope didn't have time to think when her body took over upon hearing the urgency in the way they called her.

Ignoring the pain on her ankle and her back that felt like the wound almost split opened again, Hope jumped from the carriage's door and spotted the hunter, who was approaching Kace, right away.

"No, no!" Hope muttered to herself as her legs started to run. That man wanted to kill Kace!

In normal occasion, with her size and strenght there was no way she would be able to stop him, but this time there was nothing normal. Moreover, that man was greatly injured.

No matter how much Hope wanted to ignore the pain in her ankle, it turned out slowed her down, as she couldn't run as fast as she wanted.

With the distance between them, there was no way Hope could reach him before he managed to stab his spear on Kace.

Therefore, out of frustration, Hope looked around and grabbed whatever thing that she could throw to the hunter.

Fortunately, there was a stick, originaly it was a spear which had been split into two, without thinking twice, Hope threw it with all of her might, hoped it got to him.

Yet, the reality was not always as expected. Losing it momentum, the stick dropped to the ground pathetically.

Hope groaned frustratedly when she watched how that man was getting close to Kace. He only six more steps to get to him while Hope was still distance away from them.

Who would have thought there was a survivor from this carnage?! Hope overworked her brain to think of the solution, as she couldn't reach him in time!

Paying no attention to the screaming siblings, who tried to irate the hunter and divert his attention, thought that was a futile attempt, Hope looked around her with knitted brows while chanting to herself; there is no time to be scare!

When she found what she was looking for, the hunter was only two steps away from Kace, he had raised the spear in his hand and was about to stab the beast to his death.

"IF YOU KILL HIM, I WILL KILL YOUR FRIEND TOO!" Hope shouted fiercely. She was holding a man's head on her laps with a spear head in her other hand. "TOUCH HIM AND I WILL SLIT HIS THROAT!"

The thing that Hope was saying managed to make the hunter stopped on his track. He turned around to look at the girl and the man on her laps. He didn't know if there was another survivor aside from him.

The hunter narrowed his eyes, he couldn't tell whether the man that Hope held as hostage was alive or death since his face was facing the girl.

"He is died! The beast killed him!" the hunter roared after sometime he couldn't see any movement from the other man.

"No, he is not!" Hope objected stubbornly. "He is still alive! He is still breathing!" she held the head of spear near the man's neck. "He is unconscious, but still alive!"

The hunter didn't trust her immediately, from where he was standing that man was as dead as the other.

But, what if…

"Stay away from him!" Hope became bold when she watched that hunter was considering her words. "You can still save him if you treat his wound immediately!" she added.

However, the truth was; the man on Hope's laps was, indeed, died.

Before, she only looked for corpse which still in good condition to deceive him. With the distance between them, the hunter wouldn't be able to tell whether she was saying the truth or not. The darkness also helped Hope to cover the truth.

This was a horrifying experience for Hope to hold a dead body so close like this, yet the situation forced her to do this and she didn't have many choices left. action

"NO! HE IS DIED!" The hunter barked in anger.

"COME HERE AND SEE IT YOURSELF!" Hope retorted in the same way.

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