The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 559 - I REMEMBER YOU

Chapter 559 - I REMEMBER YOU

Kace was still slightly confused with his surroundings, but the first thing that came into his mind was his mate, Hope. And then the scene of how the beast's wrath was rampant, without him who was not able to control his monstrous side then.

He felt like he had been sleeping for way too long. But despite he was deep in his sleep, he still could comprehend what was happening around him while being out of reach from control, Kace felt like he was being under water, literally.

He felt exhausted, but the thought of Hope and the last thing that he could remember, turned him furious and frustrated. He needed to see his mate, he needed to know that Hope was fine, that she was safe.

When he couldn't see her or smell her scent, everything in him screamed with fear. He was afraid if something had happened to her and if he failed to protect her.

Kace's furious eyes caught a sight of the female centaur and out of instinct, he growled at her loudly, caused the female to rise on her horse-foot and took two steps back.

Afterward, Kace felt there were two people holding him back, prevented him from lunging onto the centaur or did something unforgivable.

Meanwhile, no one warned Ian and Ethan that Kace would wake up with this sour mood. He, literally, woke up with killing mode activated around his system.

"Kace! Stop it!"

"Hope is fine!"


The siblings started to cry for Hope to come.

Fortunately, Kace was still not strong enough to throw them across the room, or else, they would have been writhing in pain for daring enough upon their attempt on taking him down.

"HOPE!" Ian screamed exasperatedly towards the door when he watched the one who came was Chiron instead of the girl.

The centaur chief placed himself between the angry Lycan and his fellow female centaur. Staring down at Kace without doing anything.

Why would he just stand there?! Ethan thought. Why didn't he bring Hope with him? Wasn't she supposed to return along with him?

When Kace almost broke free from the sibling's grip, Hope appeared. She was panting hard when she talked.

"What happened?" her eyes skimmed the room and it didn't take a long time for her to catch the sight of Kace.

On the other hand, Kace stopped moving. He stared towards the girl without blinking. And then she rushed at him and threw herself to his opened arms.

The feeling was surreal when the spark erupted between them. When this tingly feeling wrapped Hope's body in his safe embrace.

"Hope…" Kace's body was trembling because of relief. "My hope…" he buried his face on the curve of Hope's shoulder, taking the liberty to breathe in her intoxicating scent.

Kace was like an addict and Hope was his special drug that calmed his nerves.

"You are awake." Hope's voice was croaked when she started sobbing and hugged him tighter, afraid he would fall asleep again. He had been sleeping for a long time and she had become worried.

Kace pressed her against him, wanting to feel her more. He couldn't imagine if something bad happened to her while he wasn't there to protect her in this strange land.

Seeing the beast had been tamed, Ian and Ethan slowly moved aside and let the two of them have their own moment for a little while.

Hope wanted to stay like this forever and she could tell that Kace also wanted the same thing, but there was another urgent matter that they must sort out.

When the euphoria had ceased down, Hope wriggled her body from Kace's tight hug. He let her go, but the lycan placed his hand on her waist instead.

Only now Kace realized there was another centaur inside the room and his instinct was to hide Hope behind him as he growled deeply.

"It's alright Kace, they are here to help us." Hope stroked the beast's back.

"Yes, they helped us." Ian chimed in, but still didn't want to come close to the lycan. He and Ethan stayed beside Carina and Chiron.

Kace and Chiron exchanged looks in silence before finally Kace became a little bit relaxed, yet he still kept Hope close to him.

"Bring the other woman that you said has the same condition like him." Carina tilted her head to the twins.

Ian and Ethan looked at each other. "She is asleep, why don't we go inside the room?" Ethan suggested.

"I think Kace also needs a proper bath and meal." Ian added.

However, Chiron shook his head. "We don't enter human's houses."

That statement was a little bit confusing for them. Was that their law? But, Chiron and Mr. and Mrs. Lori seemed close enough to visit each other, why didn't they enter their house? historical

"Centaur doesn't enter other creatures' properties. It shows their respect to them." Unexpectedly, Kace spoke as he stood up, though his movement was a little bit clumsy, but his voice was firm. "Creatures with high morals."

Chiron gave Kace a small nod. "I will take that as a compliment."

That was one of the reasons why the centaurs were rarely seen inside the village. They protected those inside by monitoring potential danger from outside.

"I thought your people are already extinct." Kace shifted his dim blue eyes toward the female centaur, who stood tall beside the male.

Chiron took a step forward and covered Carina from Kace's stern gaze. "We managed to survive." Like usual, Chiron spoke with his calm and deep tone, as if there was nothing that could break his calm nature.

"And all of you live in this realm." Kace concluded. "This is not your place."

Hope could see it, there was a tinge of anger that flashed on Carina's eyes, but she hid it by looking away to the front yard.

All of a sudden the atmosphere became tense again.

"I will carry Lana here." Ian volunteered, he didn't think he wanted to see another outburst, as he walked out of the barn, Ethan followed him.

There was silence until Kace spoke again. "I remember you."

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