The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 579 - UNDER ATTACK (4)

Chapter 579 - UNDER ATTACK (4)


They didn't stop running, instead, Zarrn led them to the backyard where there were few hunters busying themselves preparing their weapon.

They dipped their arrow, sword and dagger into a green liquid inside a large basket.

They were facing demons after all, with those hunters being merely human. They wouldn't be able to fight them if they didn't have the proper knowledge about their weaknesses.

"What was that?" Hope mumbled under her breath when Zarrn opened a secret door on the ground, lifting its heavy lids, so Hope and the twins could go inside.

"Poison that could harm the demons," Zarrn answered her. "Now, get in."

The three centaurs who came along with them, had stepped inside this secret passageway, followed by Ethan and Ian.

"Careful Hope," Ian reached out for Hope to help her step down the stairs.

Zarrn didn't go down with them, but when he closed the lids, everything was pitch-black and silent.

"Ethan?" Hope went panic because she couldn't see anything, she knew Ian was holding her, but she couldn't see Ethan, she didn't want to lose anyone again.

"I am here, Hope."

Hope felt there was someone touching her left shoulder, knowing it was Ethan, then she became slightly relaxed.

"You can see in the dark?" After a moment Hope realized, aside from her, the other could walk just fine with the lack of light.

"You will be able to see inside the darkness if you get used to this," One of the centaurs replied to her question.

Hope wanted to say that she didn't want to get used to it, because in order to do so, she needed to stay in this kind of environment for a long time. No, thanks.

"Supernatural creatures have better eyesight than humans," Ethan chimed in. "But, if you get used to this kind of environment, I think you can."

They chatted to each other about this for another minute before finally, Hope could see some light in the distance. The light sourced from three torches, lining up beside the right side of the stone wall.

A centaur named Biryon moved a statue that blocked the small wooden door and when the statue jerked away and started to slide over, Hope could hear voices coming from the other side of the door.

And there, they were not inside some place like a cave anymore, or an entirely closed huge room like a hall for a refugee.But they were outside. They were in another part of the forest.

Apparently, every house in the village had a secret passageway that led them to this part of the forest. Hope and the other only knew about this later.

"Where are we?" Hope asked Biryon beside her. Aside from the three centaurs that came with them, there were another five more of them there.

The other five centaurs and three hunters, they could be easily recognized because of the brown cloak that they were wearing. They gave one or two instructions to the villagers to follow them.

"We are near the centaur's den," Biryon said. "We will be fine there."

Hope followed the horde of the people to go to the direction that the centaurs showed them. Occasionally, Hope would look back to the secret door.

The moon shone brightly above them as its light illuminated their path.

She hoped everything would be fine with Kace and Lana too…

She couldn't bear any bad news.


Kace watched with Chiron beside him, as all the demon wolves propelled forward, their beady dark eyes showing no sense of mercy at all.

The lycan knew the ten demon wolves were no match for his strength. After all, he had killed that same amount of demons earlier this morning when they attacked Hope and Carina inside the forest.

But, now before their eyes, it seemed the whole race of demon wolves had flooded the village. They were like mad dogs, uncontrollably biting and clawing everything that touched them as their snout sniffed the air as if they were looking for a certain scent.

His mate's scent.

This thought alone made Kace boil in anger. How dare they target his mate!? If there was someone behind this attack, they would pay severely for their intention.

"If this is not your plan, who do you think behind this attack?" Kace asked Chiron beside him.

There were the whole centaurs and dozens of hunters behind Chiron and Kace, ready to enter this battle. They only waited for their leader's cue, which was the two people in front of them.

"The demon woman," Chiron replied simply, there was no other than that demon, who fought with the priestess a year ago, who would be able to control these demon wolves.

They shouldn't be here in the first place because the village was very far from their habitat.

Kace's bones snapping and his muscles expanding as he turned into the white beast once again. The wounds on his back were visible to see and Chiron slightly knitted his brows upon seeing that.

"ONWARDS!" Chiron shouted and then the centaurs and the hunters ran full force with unsheathed swords,or bow, and arrow in their hands, they had come prepared.

It didn't take a long time before they were already deep in the throes of sparring.

Chiron was holding the demon's head in one hand and a bloody dagger in the other. While the white beast was lunging head first into two demons by himself.

He dove his teeth into the first creature, sinking them into their black fur, and crushed their flesh along with their bones.

The demon wolves let out a disgusting, gut-wrenching squeal. But the white beast didn't let go. Instead he used his back leg to kick the second creature in the face, causing him to fly backwards a few meters away only then to be taken care of by the other hunters.

The white beast removed his teeth from the first demon wolf and swiped his claw against the second wolf's face.

Those demon wolves then puffed into black smoke. Disappeared.

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