The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 595 - LITTLE KITTEN

Chapter 595 - LITTLE KITTEN

The little girl struggled to go down from Ethan's arms and was about to go straight towards Kace again with both of her hands held high, and a bright smile on her cherry lips.

"Again! Again! Bree wants to be thrown again!" she moved swiftly right under the eyes of the four people inside the hut.

Hope, and the siblings were too shocked to be able to get her back when she bumped into Kace's legs.

"Up! Up!" Bree squalled.

Before, every time she wanted to approach Kace, her parents would prevent her to do so.Because they were afraid of him. Different from her parents, Bree had always been curious about the beast since they lived under the same roof, but the two of them never interacted.

Kace looked down at the little human, who was trying to climb his body. His brows knitted, but he didn't move and just stared at her.

"Come here Bree, let's play with me," Ian hastily rushed forward and picked Bree up from the ground, before the beast changed his mind and did something outrageous to endanger the little girl's life.

"No!" Bree pouted and stretched out her arms towards Kace when Ian carried her out of the hut.

They still could hear her protest when Ian took her somewhere, only when Ian persuaded her to pick another bucket of flowers, then the girl stopped complaining and went along with him.

"Where are you going?" Kace asked Hope as he strode across this small room and hugged her tightly. "I miss you."

Hope rolled her eyes dramatically. He just woke up now and said he missed her? "I went to see Lana." There was a scoff from Kace as a reply. "She is sick because she is attached to you. It must be the result of the oath that both of you took."

"She is sick because she is weak, just like my human side," Kace grumbled and released Hope. "I see you got your cloak already," he said it distastefully since he couldn't smell Hope's intoxicating scent, it quite pissed him off.

"Yeah, they found it," Hope mumbled.

Upon seeing the closeness between the couple, Ethan was slightly trapped feeling awkward to stay there, thus he cleared his throat and walked away clumsily while saying; "I will go to see Ian and Bree." action

However, Hope chimed in. "I will go too, I don't want to be trapped inside this hut again, I need some fresh air!" She followed Ethan.

And of course since Hope was not there, the beast would proceed to go out of the hut too.

With his hand dr.a.p.ed on Hope's slender waist protectively.The two of them and Ethan, who was walking two steps ahead from them, strolled towards the clearing where not many centaurs were there.

From this clearing they could see the village not too far from where they were standing and, the supposed to be the Loris' family house, was in the opposite direction. They could only see a pile of rubble from a distance.

In front of them, Ian and Bree were picking some wild flowers near the trees.Kace could hear what the little girl was rumbling about and how patient Ian was in responding to her every babble.

Hope swatted his hands away from her waist and raised her hands while stretching her tired body. "It feels so good!" Hope squalled as she closed her eyes to feel the chilly night wind swirled her hair and cloak.

Both of them walked slowly as they enjoyed the scenery, despite what had happened, it was a good thing that they could have some peace for themselves, at times like this.

"So, when will we go?" Kace broke the silence between them as he watched Ethan who joined Ian and Bree to pick up some flowers, not too far from them.

Hope whipped her head, caught off guard by his questions. "I thought you wouldn't like it if we went to find the priestess."

The beast scoffed, "You will not stop until we meet the priestess and find Lydia, right?"

Hope grinned. "This is for you too."

"Is there something that I can do to change your mind, and carry you out of this place?" Kace raised his brows, provokingly as he already knew what Hope's answer would be.


"Then, let's meet the priestess and find the witch, so we can go out of this damn place as soon as possible," he grumbled, actually he didn't like this plan.

"Good," Hope said cheerfully and hugged him. Finally they were on the same page. It was very tiring to have to argue with him all the time.

Right at that time, Bree screeched and let out a low feeble sound.

"What happened?" Hope mumbled, but Kace had grabbed her hand to approach the little girl and the twins.

Upon closer look, they could see Bree was on the verge of crying.

"What happened?" Kace asked with a frown.

Hearing his gruff voice, Bree put down her hands and ran toward Kace, hugging his legs while her hand pointed at Ian accusingly. "He scared the kitten," Bree snuffled.

Hope squatted down and pulled Bree close to her. Because the little girl didn't get any response from Kace, she let Hope hug her and said the same thing.

"No!" Ian waved his hands frantically. "I didn't mean to scare the kitten, how do I know that she wanted to catch the kitten."

However, Bree was crying again. "Bree was talking to the kitten, but Ian scared her."

"Ian!" Hope hissed.

"Wait!" he held his hand up. "Why do you blame it on me? I am innocent."

They were trying to make Bree to stop crying, even Ian was forced to shift into his beast form by Ethan, yet the beast was not as cute as the kitten, and Bree looked at him sullenly.

They didn't even realize that Kace wasn't there.Only when there was a rustling sound and his voice came all of a sudden, did they realize that he briefly disappeared and just came back?

"Here's your kitten, now stop crying." Kace held a yellow little kitten in his hand by its scruff.

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