The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 600 - UZU MOUNTAIN

Chapter 600 - UZU MOUNTAIN

All the preparation was completed and they were ready to go to Mount Uzu.

Because Lana had been unconscious, even Carina's magic couldn't help regain her consciousness, the twins were assigned to stay behind. At first, Ian would complain endlessly.But because Kace turned deaf ears to his whining, and Hope was not able to convince Kace otherwise, only then Ian stopped and resigned to his fate. historical

For Ethan, he didn't have a problem at all. Whether he had to stay or he needed to go.For him, as long as the decision had been made and that was the best that they could have in order to help the situation, he would follow.

Moreover, he had been addicted to Carina's story about the stars and learned a few things about herbs and magic. Regardless of how he would never be able to perform the latter, he liked to see how different centaurs' magic to the witches' magic.

Therefore, it was only a small group of centaurs, which included Chiron and Biryon and another ten more centaurs that would escort Kace and Hope to the border of Mount Uzu.

Since Kace didn't agree to bring the hunters with them, thus the hunter only watched their departure from afar.

The other night, Chiron explained to Hope of things that she missed, that Leroy had died during the invasion of the demon wolves, the girl who served the priestess was apparently an impostor as well. She had killed him and ran away.

Therefore, the head of the hunters now was a man named Delta.

Delta was a man in his early thirty with curly brown hair and neat beard. He was slightly bowing his head, followed by the rest of the hunter, when they watched Kace and Hope's small group depart on their journey.

At least, he respected the decision that was made, that Kace objected to their presence.After all, it was a journey to save their respected priestess, they must have had a great sense of responsibility joined in.

The fact that Kace had killed many of the hunters was overshadowed by this event. Especially when they learned that it was not only Kace's own deed, but there was also a great misunderstanding on Leroy's side that caused their loss.

The damage in the village was still apparent and many people had lived in fear of another attack. Not to mention the fact that the priestess, who they had served for the past one year, turned out to be an impostor.The true enemy, who lived among them and they didn't even know it.

The current head of the hunter, Delta, tried to learn the mistake from the previous leader by listening to Chiron's suggestion.Thus it was easier when Chiron talked to him to not come on this journey.

The four days journey ahead was something that no one could predict.

However, thankfully, four days passed without anything happened. Actually, it was quite a nice trip to Mount Uzu since Hope could see how beautiful nature there was, but because of the urgency of the matter at hand and also the uncertainty ahead, she couldn't really enjoy it as much.

Kace acted less hostile towards Chiron, and even helped them to make a bonfire or take turns to watch when the night came.Though he didn't have to do that, while grumbling he would insist on doing it.

Probably, it was his beast's side that softened since he was allowed to surface for quite a long while, or maybe it was his human's side that gradually healed.

Whatever it was, Hope was just glad that during this journey, the beast got along pretty well with the centaurs.

And finally, they came to the spot where the centaurs couldn't go through the barrier.Not only that, apparently this was the furthest that they could go.Because since an hour ago, Hope could see the centaurs were grimacing in pain as they staggered slightly.

They kept Hope and Kace accompanied until Chiron raised his hand and stopped the entourage behind him.

"I think this is the farthest part that we can go.Our people will not be able to go more than this." Chiron stared ahead where the mountain towered over them with white cloud around its peak. "Are you okay?" he shifted his attention towards Kace.

Just like what they had discussed before, the supernatural creatures wouldn't be able to enter this place, but shapeshifters were a different case since they could alter into human form.

"I am good," Kace replied rigidly. He held Hope protectively while staring at the lushes of the trees before his eyes, which hid many uncertainties in their path ahead.

"Are you sure?" Hope tilted her head to study Kace's facial expression to see if there was any sign of discomfort, but his face was devoid from any emotions.

"Let's go." Kace didn't even say a 'goodbye' to the centaurs as he ushered Hope to move forward. The faster they found the priestess, the faster they could figure out how to find Lydia and returned.

Hope turned around and waved at the Chiron, Biryon and the other ten centaurs. After four long days of journey, she had become used to having them near.

"We will wait here until your return," Chiron said.

At the very least, that was what they could do, since they couldn't accompany them to the heart of the mountain.

Hope kept waving at them until Kace turned her body around to watch her step.

"You will stumble onto something if you keep on walking that way," he grumbled. "So, do you know where we should go? To the peak of the mountain or under?"

Hope knitted her brows, "I don't know. Why don't we start with scouring the whole area?"

Kace knocked her head softly, "Silly head," he scoffed as Hope pouted at him, "How long do you think it would take us to scour the whole area? A month? Three months? I don't want to stay here that long."

"So, what should we do?" Hope frowned.

"The candle my love, the candle that the Candlemaiden had given to you," Kace reminded her exasperatedly.

"Oh, right!" Hope slapped her forehead and searched on her pockets.

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