The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 619 - HE LOST HER

Chapter 619 - HE LOST HER

Hope woke up dizzy when the sun light shone brightly on her face, she rubbed her eyes and remembered that Kace had been piggy backing her since a while—she actually didn't know since when, because she lost track of time.

"Put me down," Hope mumbled and yawned at Kace, she stretched her arms and legs, made the lycan slightly lose his balance and had to secure her on his back.

"You can sleep a little bit longer," Kace said lightly as he could pick the scent of those centaurs who were nearby.

"No, I will walk," Hope insisted, wriggling her body from him.

"The centaurs are nearby," said Kace to her, but still didn't want to put her down. The beast liked it when Hope's warm breath brushed against his neck and her steady heartbeat thumped on his back, knowing she was this close and put him at ease.

"I will walk," Hope said again, as she wriggled her body trying to break free.

The girl was so stubborn and because Kace thought she had rested enough, he put her down. Kace looked at her as a big smile etched on her cherry lips, her complexion looked well too. historical

From the distance, they could see Chiron and the rest of the centaurs that came with him. The chief of the centaurs stood tall on his four horse-legs, a long, big bow was in his right arm and a quiver was behind his back.

With the sight of the centaurs, all of them were looking slightly cheered up, knowing that their journey had ended.All they had to do next was tore turn to the village, and created a strategy about how to retrieve the priestess' body, and the thousands of skeletons that belonged to the missing children, from inside the cave.

That wasn't an easy task, but they were confident that they could think of one or two solutions.

However, Kace didn't know where it was coming, or even caught a glimpse of it when all of a sudden there was an arrow that hurled from thin air and pierced Hope's chest right before his eyes.

Blood spraying in the air, splattering on Kace's face and cloak, as a look of pure horror on his face.

Hope didn't feel it at first, but the fear that tainted those black eyes of the beast made her follow his line of sight and found the tip of the arrow that pierced through her heart along with the waves of pain that turned her entire body numb.

Kace moved fast when he watched Hope's body was about to collapse, he stretched his arms and cradled her as he knelt.

"LYDIA!!!" That was the first name that flashed in his mind, the person that could possibly help Hope.

Lydia didn't need to be called twice as she already crouched down beside Kace, she reached for the arrow and it vanished into dust, causing Hope to cough up blood.

Kace's body was trembling.

"Press her wounds!" Lydia said, her voice laced with panic.

Kace did what Lydia said, but when he pressed his trembling hand on Hope's chest, the girl grimaced and whimpered in pain. Kace's mind was in disarray, he frantically spoke something that Hope couldn't comprehend and was not able to elevate her pain.

The pain was unbearable. She was having difficulty breathing, every time Hope wanted to say something, blood rushed up to her throat, clogging her windpipe, putting her more in agony.

"Kace! Bring her to the centaurs!" Lydia looked something behind her back that Hope couldn't see it, but judging from her expression alone, she knew, whatever was happening, it was not something good.

Hope shrieked when Kace carried her away towards the centaurs, cradling her bleeding body as gently as he could, but still, a little movement made Hope had to shut her eyes tightly and bite her lips.

Vaguely, Hope could hear someone was shouting behind Kace's back, and another screams after screams.

She was unsure about what was happening, but when Hope heard there was a blazing sound and the air around her became warm, she realized what they were facing now.

The witches and the vampires had caught up with them.

But, how many of them were there? Could they fight them again? Did Kace have to fight again? He just recovered! No, all of them were not ready for a battle.

"Please, please, please Hope… open your eyes…"

There was a pleading voice, sounding very pitiful. Hope felt like her heart was being stabbed twice only by hearing the sound of his voice.

"Please stay with me…"

The same voice.

Hope gulped hard and opened her eyes, but she was not able to see anything.

Hope felt like her body was being drowned, and the voice that called her name started to fade away, along with the numbness of her senses.

And the last thing that she heard from that pitiful voice was a pleading from him.

"Please… don't give up on me…"

Kace couldn't believe what he was seeing right now… his mate stopped breathing. His Hope stopped breathing.

Kace didn't know what he should do at this moment.

Chiron approached him, and did his best to bring her back, but Hope just didn't move.

Even in this clamor with the hunters, and the centaurs fought off the vampires, and the witches behind him, Kace was sure that he couldn't hear Hope's beating heart anymore.

The sound from the world suddenly ceased to nothingness, as he watched Hope closed her eyes, laying on the pool of her own blood.

Kace couldn't feel anything, yet at the same time he felt like there was something that weighed him down, hazed his focus and clouded his mind.

The essence of his life had disappeared, and there was no more gravity to hold him to the ground.

And the last thing that Kace saw was red.


Someone called him, but he gave no response, as slowly, very slowly, white fur escaped from every follicle of his skin and his body shook with the force that came from within.

"Stay away from him." The same voice warned the centaurs, coming from a woman with red hair.

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