The Love of a Lycan



Jedrek was in desolated place, near the habitation of fairy, was surrounded and protected by their magic. No one knew this place except a handful people that Jedrek was certain with their loyalty toward him.

Eaton was one of them. The former Beta of his father had pledged his loyalty to him long time ago, once he realized Janus had gone insane when he almost lost his mate when Diana was pregnant with Kace.

"The mind reader asked, how long you will keep her unconscious? Because he needs to make a preparation if you want her to be in this state longer." Eaton was no longer young, but his observant judgment was as sharp as ever. "There will be a side effect too if you keep her inside the illusion."

Eaton glanced at Lilac. Her sleeping face contorted, she must be fighting to break through the door at this time.

"For as long as possible." Jedrek glanced at Lilac before he received his cloak and walked out of the room. "Keep your eyes around this place."

"Will do," Eaton answered solemnly, but there was a trace of sadness when he watched Jedrek's back when he followed him to walk along the hallway.

Eaton had known him since the first day he was brought to this world, when everything was still sun and rainbow for the Donovan's family. action

However, everything changed once Diana got pregnant with Kace and her condition became worse over the time.

"Jedrek." Eaton stopped him while they were on the porch of this two- story house. "How long are you going to prolong this thing? You have to stop this before all of the situation now are getting out of hands and eventually kill you."

Jedrek looked at Eaton and shook his head. "This is not the time yet. I have to ensure something."

"There will no right time for the execution of the decision that you will take." Eaton hardened his gaze to the Alpha. Time truly had hardened this boy's heart. "There is no more time now. You know that. The guardian angel is here, regardless your plan to get rid of her."

However, Eaton's face fell when he watched the stubbornness in Jedrek's eyes. He knew right away that whatever he said now would fall on deaf ears.

"Tell the mind reader to go to Kace before Maximus does." Jedrek pat Eaton's shoulder. Make sure he finds the other guardian angel, who is with him."

Eaton narrowed his eyes. "What you will do when he finds the other guardian angel?"

"I will tell you once I see the three guardian angels." Jedrek didn't stay longer, after saying his pieces, he walked away, ignoring Eaton's questioning expression and helpless gaze.

"I hope you know what you will do and your decision is not something that you will regret," Eaton muttered to himself while watching Jedrek's retreating back.


"So, the Alpha wants me to hunt down his younger brother before Maximus can find him?" the mind reader entered the room where Lilac was still sleeping uncomfortably. "She is quite a fighter you know," he commented when he walked over to Lilac's bed side, placing a purple lilac flower beside the bed.

"As expected from the Alpha's mate," Eaton followed the mind reader's line of sight and watched as Lilac drifted, just like someone who was having a nightmare. "And yes, he wants you to go after Kace."

The mind reader crossed his arms and looked at Eaton with disapproving look. "Jedrek's mind is totally a mess, even I can't read his mind in this point. He keeps changing his plan from time to time."

"Maybe he did that, so you will not pry into his mind." Eaton shrugged his shoulder. He didn't need to be a mind reader to know how completely mess Jedrek's mind was. "He had told you many times to not do that, but you never listen."

"Aren't we his confidants?" The mind reader looked offended. "Why he didn't share his plan with us?"

The room was not very big and had no window, but it was comfortable enough with very few furniture and was dominated with pale blue color.

"With all the experience that he had been through, it's understandable."

The mind reader looked at Eaton with disdain, "Stop taking his side and justify his every action."

"You are right," Eaton nodded as he wiped the sweat from Lilac's forehead. "His decisions are not always the best, but I am sure he had thought about it thoroughly before he decided that was the best option for the situation. After all, desperate times call for desperate measures." And Eaton believed Jedrek was desperate to try to put everything in the right place.

"I will not argue with you about this." The mind reader threw his hands up, knowing really well how stubborn Eaton was.

The former Beta of Janus had lost his mate and son due to the deal that Janus made with the devil. However, long before that time, he always thought of Jedrek as his own. After all, the Donovan's firstborn grew under his watched, especially when Janus was too busy to find the cure for Diana.

Even though Jedrek went with him to most of the place that Janus visited, both of them rarely spoke with each other and the communication between father and son became nothing but a formal greeting.

Jedrek would always stick with Eaton.

"I will go now," the mind reader spoke irritably. The thought of going to different realm didn't really thrill him. "So, what am I going to do after I find Kace?"

"You have to find the guardian angel, who is with him," Eaton replied.

"Of course I know that." The mind reader rolled his eyes dramatically. "What I want to know is; what I am I going to do after I find Kace and know where the guardian angel is? Bring her here? Kill her? No matter what, she is his brother's mate. Her dead will do more harm than good."

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