The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 685 - ARRIVED

Chapter 685 - ARRIVED

"We are almost there." Tordoff approached Lilac, who was walking alone while touching every leaves that she could reach.

"Hm," Lilac hummed. "I can feel that. A big city with enormous gates surrounded the place." She could feel it beneath her barefoot.

Tordoff sometime forgot that Lilac has this ability. "Right. This is the second largest city in this realm. Though, the castle was not as big as the other one, but it is still a decent place for a King to reside."

Lilac glanced toward Jedrek's direction.

"Really decent place," Lilac said as they stepped out of the dense forest, which had canopied them for days.

The sun shone brightly and basked on Lilac's body, put her under the spotlight for every eyes to see her beauty. Captivated every soul with her charm.

And Jedrek was not an exception.

He knew Lilac was a rare beauty, but he had never seen her in this way. She looked majestic with the way she carried herself.

She was fierce like a fireball, yet at the same time gentle as a flower. Jedrek realized this from the first time he saw her, accepted the perception during the one year he put her into a deep sleep and the understanding deepened throughout their six days journey to the southern gates. historical

Meanwhile the certain guardian angel was oblivious with the way her mate saw her now. In her eyes, Jedrek didn't treat her any different. They were barely talking, but she had to admit the tension between them was not as thick as their first meeting.

It seemed they had come into a mutual understanding that they needed each other to win the war against the devil and there was no time to waste on trivial arguments or denial upon the bond between them.

Lilac watched the city below the hill, where she was standing now. A crowded city that was protected by majestic wall that looked like it could touch the sky. This was a strong fortress, which could protect the people inside from attacks from outside.

But, she was sure, this stronghold wouldn't stand against the force that would happen when the war broke out.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Tordoff said softly, yet his eyes were on Lilac instead of the beautiful city under the hill.

"Yes," Lilac agreed. She watched the city shimmered in the sunlight.

Tordoff stared at Lilac when the guardian angel didn't even realize the look that the general gave to her. However, there was one person who was aware with that.

"Tordoff," Jedrek called his general and snapped him back to reality. "I want you to go ahead and announce our arrival."

Tordoff must obey that order. "Yes, your grace," he said and took last glance at Lilac before he departed.

After Tordoff shifted into his beast and went ahead of them. Jedrek also continued to march toward the city.

The Alpha King didn't need to inform Lilac about this, but he knew she was following the group, walking as far as possible from him.

Although Jedrek initially had a lot of things to talk to her, but he found himself couldn't utter a word to ask her anything.

He didn't want her, but at the same time, she was all he needed.

And he knew, things would go even worse starting from now.


"The two gates to Tartarus have been opened, the Apricity River froze for the second time and all the guardian angels are here." Calleb listed all the things that had happened. "Torak is the most wanted person in the fulbright city and now the castle had been destroyed?" Calleb shook his head dramatically. "I don't believe this. Could things be any worse than this?"

However, before someone answered that, the Gamma knew; things would only get worse than this.

Calleb kept babbling as they walked through what must have been a village at some point, but now was only rubbles and ruins. It seemed the witches and the vampires where indeed came to this place and destroyed it when they realized the centaurs and the villagers had fled.

Now, all the lycanthropes and werewolves scattered around the area, looking for something that they could use as a clue to find where the centaurs were headed.

But, if the creatures who responsible for this mess were not able to find anything, how they could find something?

They people who resided there had been long gone, including their scent.

"Should we make a tent, Alpha?" Alpha Romulus asked Torak. The sun was almost set and they should call it a day.

Torak looked around and decided they would be safe enough to make a camp here. "We will rest here."

"Raine, I need you to come with me." Serefina approached Raine and Torak.

"Where will you take her?" Torak asked while narrowing his eyes.

Serefina rolled her eyes dramatically upon seeing Torak's protectiveness, she still had not yet gotten used with the way he treated Raine, despite knowing they were surrounded by his own people and Raine was not a scaredy cat like she was a year ago.

"There," Serefina said as she pointed her finger toward the village square not too far from them.

At the village square, there was a big podium made of white stone, which had cracked and split in half.

"What are you going to do there?" Torak could see there were still traces of blood stuck to the white stone.

"I want to see if she is able to use her power. The war is on our doorstep and she needs to grasp on it quickly," Serefina said.

Raine knew what Serefina said was right, so she tried to comfort her overprotective mate. "It's okay, I will comeback right away. You can make a tent for us while waiting for me," Raine said sweetly as she tiptoed and kissed Torak's chin.

Torak was unsure about leaving Raine with Serefina. "I will go with you." He wrapped his hand around Raine's waist as he walked her toward the ruined podium.

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