The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 690 - THE URGENCY

Chapter 690 - THE URGENCY


"Serefina," Calleb called the witch, "Torak is looking for you." Serefina turned around and Calleb raised his brows upon seeing how pale she was. "What happened with you?"

Serefina tilted her head and stared at the Beta questioningly, yet didn't say anything.

"You look so pale, are you hungry?" Serefina was being sick was absolutely not the reason that could register into his mind, thus the only thing that he could think of was that lame words.

This time the witch glared at him. "It is because of the moonlight, you stupid pup!" Serefina snapped at him.

Being called pup again and again was truly upset the Gamma. "Watch your mouth witch! I will claw your head at the first chance I got." He snarled.

However, Serefina just rolled her eyes and didn't give him snappy answer in return like usual, the witch just walked away.

"Don't you think she is a little bit weird today?" Calleb asked Raphael who approached him. "She looks like she didn't want to be here, but lead our group to this place persistently, nonetheless."

Raphael hit the back of his head. "Mind your own business Cal. Why? Are you worried for her now?"

"Worry? To her?" Calleb shuddered. "Nice joke, Raph!" He tried to hit Raphael, but he dodged it swiftly.


Serefina walked toward Torak and Raine's tent, but before she could enter, Torak had walked out of there and almost bumped onto her.

"So, you were looking for me?" Serefina crossed her arms in front of her chest, as her usual boring expression returned.

"Raine has been hearing whispers ever since we arrived at the village." Torak didn't beat around the bush when he voiced out his concern. "What do you think is that?"

The witch frowned and looked at the tent. She was sure, Raine was sleeping now, or else, Torak wouldn't be here and talk to her without his mate. This Alpha's protectiveness had reached another level ever since they were in this northern coven realm. He didn't let Raine out of his sight longer than necessary.

"What this whisper said?" Serefina asked with concern, she was sure that this area was clear from black magic or curses. However, she had to admit there were magic that she didn't know.

In this northern coven realm, where witches, fairies, vampires and other unknown creatures lived together, Serefina was not sure she could recognize all of their magic. This was one of the reasons she hated for being here.

"She couldn't catch most of the whispers, but one that was clear for her to hear was; I want to go there." Torak repeated what Raine told him.

"What is that mean?" Serefina frowned.

"Do you think I will ask you if I know?" Torak asked incredulously.

"Look." Serefina rolled her eyes dramatically. "I know most things, but not all of them." And then she added. "But, one thing for sure, she was not under any black magic or curses." She knew what concerned Torak the most.

"How can you be so sure about that?" Torak was squinted his eyes.

"I was the one who put the horn of unicorn on her. It can ward off curses and black magic." Serefina added more to her explanation exasperatedly when she watched Torak was still not convinced by her. "She is growing stronger than before, so the function of the unicorn's horn also gets stronger along with her power."

Torak stared at the tent before his eyes. "So, what do you think is that?"

"I don't know for sure, I need to talk to her." Serefina was about to enter the tent when Torak held her back.

"She just fell asleep." Torak pulled her back. "You can talk to her tomorrow." The whole journey was exhausting for his mate, after all she didn't have stamina as strong as the shifters, even though Raine didn't complain, but Torak could tell only from the look on her face.

Once again, Serefina rolled her eyes and threw her arms in the air. "Fine!?? she said, annoyed. "We will leave before the sun rise, make sure your sweet angel has enough sleep."

The witch walked away and Torak entered his tent again, but Serefina was barely taking her four steps when she heard vicious roar erupted from inside the tent, pierced the serene night.

It didn't take another second before the Alpha stormed out of the tent, shouting orders to all the lycans and werewolves around them. Put them in alert that something horrible had happened.

Among this chaotic situation, Serefina went into the tent and found no one there.

Raine had gone missing.

However, there was no trace that someone had broke into this tent or any suspicious witchcraft that she could sense, thus there was only one explanation.

"This girl should learn to control her power right away." Serefina clicked her tongue, peevishly.


Hope woke up with a start. Her black eyes turned blurry, as if she was staring at unfocused object in front of her.

"Hope? What happened?" Kace sat down immediately when he felt Hope's body was trembling and she was slightly hyperventilating. "Bad dream?"

Kace helped Hope to sit down and gave her a glass of water, which she drank half of it.

"Kace, I need to go," Hope mumbled as she jumped to her feet and ran out of the tent, Kace, who was about to grab her wrist, couldn't reach her in time.

"Hope!" Kace called to his mate and managed to grab her wrist outside of the tent, there were a few centaurs and hunters, who were on the night duty, watching them curiously. "Where do you want to go in the middle of the night?!"

"There is someone there." Hope pointed at the direction where the fireflies flocked together above the shadow of the trees.

"There is no one there!" Kace didn't let go of her, though Hope tried very hard to free herself.

Hope couldn't explain it, but she felt this urgency to go and find out who was there.

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