The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 702 - WE KNOW, BUT THEY DONT

Chapter 702 - WE KNOW, BUT THEY DONT

After Lilac and Jedrek was trapped in the tavern because of the rain, the Alpha King had better idea to introduce Lilac to their culture.

And now, here was Lilac, trapped with Warlock as she listened to him about the history of this realm and everything that entailed.

Lilac was not slightly happy about this and was far too boring to listen to Warlock's monotone tone.

"Listen." Lilac put down a book in her hands, a little bit harder when it slammed on the table that made Warlock raised his brows. "I don't know what the use of me learning all of this when what we are facing now has nothing to do with this."

"Because the King named you as his queen," Warlock answered curtly, but then his eyes became curios when he looked at Lilac. "Are you really his mate?"

"I am," Lilac replied simply, as if that fact didn't interest her at all.

"I don't believe it," Warlock mumbled and Lilac raised her brows, misunderstanding his words. "No, I mean; I don't believe it because the Alpha had been cursed by the moon goddess…" Warlock didn't need to elaborate further about the curse, there was tacit understanding between the people regarding this topic.

"Well, here I am. A token of gratitude from the moon goddess because the Donovan won the war with the devil." There was a thick of sarcasm in the way Lilac spoke.

In the other hand, Warlock wanted to ask more, yet in the end he resolved to keep all the questions for himself. It felt like he was prying into his King's life.

If the King said Lilac was his mate, then she was his destined mate. No question asked. "So, should we continue our lesson, your grace?"

Lilac cringed when she heard Warlock called her 'your grace' and threw him a look.

"No," Lilac said sternly and stood up from her chair. "Let's call it a day."

"But, your ceremony will come soon. At least, you have to know about the detail for the ceremony," Warlock retorted.

Lilac sighed and she looked at the sky through the window at her left side, twilight had fallen and the dim evening light shone through the leaves. Soon it would grow dark and Lilac had stayed there with Warlock since lunch.

"No. Enough for today." Lilac walked out of the room, didn't bother to listen to Warlock's complain. "Where is Jedrek?"

"The last time I saw him, the king was in the throne room," he informed her.

"Okay," Lilac replied. She needed to talk about this with him.

The moment the door was closed and Lilac was no longer inside the room, Warlock slumped on his chair. "I don't want to do this either."

He couldn't understand, why Jedrek wanted to learn all of this stuff. Even if she was his mate and she would be crowned as their queen, the interaction between Lilac and Jedrek was not like someone who was interacting with their mate.


Eaton was shaking his head. "I don't agree with your decision Jedrek," he voiced out his objection. "Why do want to have a mating ceremony? At time like this? I really don't understand."

"You don't need to," Jedrek replied casually, he looked to the far distance. The evening sky was exceptionally beautiful at this time around, with the sound of cricket sang in the air.

"Jedrek, it is not the right time to hold mating ceremony." Eaton was adamant to oppose Jedrek's idea about the ceremony.

"I didn't say it will happen tomorrow."

"Yes, you said it will happen right after you deal with Maximus," Eaton groaned in frustration. "I don't even know what you will do with Eaton if the three generals, who were looking after him managed to bring him back."

"Isn't that very obvious?" Jedrek glanced at Eaton.

"What?" Eaton raised his eyebrows. "You will exile him?"

"I will kill him," Jedrek replied without hesitation. Now he had killed Diana, Janus had vanished, the castle destroyed, the city central was ruined and the gate to tartarus had opened, Maximus's existence was no longer needed.

"I know, the death penalty is a suitable punishment for him, but after you killed him, you have to deal with eastern region." Eaton reminded him. "His influence there is great, the eastern region will revolt once the news about Maximus's death reached their ears."

"I will deal with them myself," Jedrek said.

Eaton sighed. "So, correct me if I am wrong, but your plan is to kill Maximus, hold a mating ceremony and then march toward the eastern region to deal with the rebels?"

"More or less," Jedrek replied tonelessly.

"Tell me Jedrek, why do you very adamant to hold the ceremony when you know this is not the right time for that?" Eaton narrowed his eyes, trying to read Jedrek's mind, but even Killian, the mind reader, couldn't do so, what's more him.

"Once the news about me having a guardian angel as my destined mate, those shifters out there, will start to reject her." After all, the image of weak creature became their queen wouldn't very appeal to them, thanked to the general knowledge about how weak they were and nature of the shifters who looked down on the guardian angels.

"So, do you think they will not reject her after the ceremony? Those shifters out there, despised her, therefore, why don't we keep this matter as a secret instead of flaunting the guardian angel around?"

"She is not that weak," Jedrek finally admitted it. historical

"We know, but they don't," Eaton said in matter of factly.

"Then it is her job to convince them." Jedrek concluded. "Moreover, I don't want to use the guardian angel like the first war. If she can't deal with the people, how can she handle the war? In spite of the fact, I don't want her as my mate, but you know very well the pain of losing your mate. I will not go through that unnecessary pain."

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