The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 707 - TERRA (2)

Chapter 707 - TERRA (2)

Lilac narrowed her eyes at the young girl named Terra, she moved closer and ordered the warrior to release her. "Step back," she said to the warrior and he did what he was told. "What are you doing here Terra? Where is your parent?"

Terra blinked her eyes. "I got lost your grace," she said softly.

"Got lost?" Lilac smiled at her softly. "How did you come here?" now, Lilac was standing two steps away from Terra, while Theo and the other lycans were standing beside her.

"I went here with my mother and father, but then I got lost," she looked at Lilac with pitiful eyes, as if she was afraid of being here alone.

"How long have you been lost in this forest?" Lilac asked again in the same tender tone.

"One, two hours." Terra shrugged her shoulder. "I don't know…"

"Let the guard take her to her parents." Theo suggested to her, but Lilac raised her hand to stop it again.

"You really think that she is lost?" Lilac glanced at Theo. "Lycan lost their pup in this swamp? Are you sure that she is one of your kind?"

With remarkable hearing and sensing ability, it was almost impossible for the lycanthropes lost their pup, even though they were in the wild like this.

Theo and the three lycan warriors behind Lilac sniffed the air and only then they realized. "She is human child."

It had been so long since the last time they met with human and because they were accustomed to lilac's scent, they didn't think that the child they were dealing with was actually human.

Moreover, how could there be a human child here?

"Right," Lilac agreed as she clapped her hands. "Human child, what are you doing in the realm of the beast?"

Realized that her lie had been exposed, Terra took a step back. Her innocent eyes hardened.

"Now will you tell me where your parents are?" Lilac moved her hands and the roots under Terra's feet followed her movements.

Terra was aware that she was in danger now, thus she was about to flee when her feet was caught by one of the roots under Lilac's control.

"You said you want to meet with my parents! I will let you meet her!" Terra struggled to free herself, but the roots turned her helpless and nullified all of her effort.

"Fine, just tell me where are they and I will bring you straight away to them." Lilac tied Terra on the tree.

"You don't need to do this. She is only a human child." Theo frowned at Lilac. "Why don't you let her go? She is of no use to you." historical

"No," Lilac rejected Theo's idea. "She is here for a reason. A reason that I don't like."

It was Terra that Lilac sensed earlier. The darkness that forced her to come in this swamp area. The darkness from her that was so strong that made Lilac felt uneasy.

The darkness was the part of human heart that was bound by something very evil. Everyone had darkness in their heart, but only if it reached to certain level that the guardian angel could feel it.

Just how Lilac sensed Terra.

"Bring her to the castle," Lilac ordered the three lycan warriors and they did what she said.

"What you will get from human child? You just wasted your time. Let her rotted in this swamp," Theo said in disdain while frowning at Terra, who was struggling from the lycan that held her.

"Information," Lilac answered without hesitation. Her eyes locked on Terra.

"Jedrek will not agree. He dislikes human," Theo stated.

"There are a lot of things he doesn't like and the guardian angel is one example, but you can see where I am now," Lilac said in finality.


Raine didn't see it coming, but Hope already knew this would happen, yet she was still dumbfounded by the bloody scene before her eyes.

The only thing that Hope had experienced that close to the gruesome scene like this was when she killed the witch.

With the witch, Hope did not feel sympathetic because she would kill or hurt her if she did not do what she had done.

But, now it was totally different. Hope knew the priestess and she was crying with deep sorrow for some time when Kace retrieved the dagger from the priestess's chest and moved her to another place.

Therefore, to watch how helpless the witch now, or how her eyes widened in disbelieve upon seeing the betrayal from the young girl that she trusted, mixture of emotions flooded in her heart and turned her knees weak.

Hope and Raine watched as Terra stabbed the priestess three times in a row and the last time, the young girl stabbed her right in her chest.

The priestess collapsed to the ground and eventually didn't move at all.

"We have to save her…" Hope mumbled absentmindedly. She turned her head to look at Raine when she didn't give any response. "We need to save her…"

On the other hand, Raine looked more collected than Hope. She had seen this kind of scene a couple of time already. The death of her parents, the death of the lycan who harassed her, the death of Sunny, the death of Aeon and countless death that she couldn't remember during the battle with the devil and the riot in Torak's pack when he was claimed dead.

Raine had watched more than enough.

Therefore, she was more calm than Hope, who was in emotional mess, she was crying hard now.

"Hope, we can't save her…" Raine tried to shush her, but Hope's eyes locked in horror to the priestess's body. "There is nothing we can do. We have to go from here."

Hope shook her head.

"This already happened, there is nothing we can do, we cannot change the past." Raine glanced at the direction of the devil and Terra worriedly.

And as Raine expected, the two of them had heard Hope's voice and now Terra and the devil woman were walking towards them.

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