The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 720 - THE FIGHT WAS OVER

Chapter 720 - THE FIGHT WAS OVER

Lilac didn't need Tordoff to show her the way to Jedrek, because she could feel it through the vibration beneath her feet, even their vicious roars were enough to lead her to find their location.

Lilac ran as fast as she could with Tordoff followed right behind her. Turned from one corridor to another and rushed across the small garden, where Lilac had bloomed all the flowers there, regardless it wasn't the time for them to bloom.

The two of them dashed toward the backyard garden, which strangely didn't have any guard around that area. Apparently, Jedrek had everything planned. He had sent every guard away.

It was impossible there was no one heard this loud commotion and came to check about what was happening.

Another roar and whimper.

Lilac felt like her heart was bursting. He had been running non- stop, not even halting to catch her breath.

However, the moment she reached the backyard, all she could see was blood everywhere, but the two beasts were not in sight.

Lilac walked toward the dense trees across the yard, but Tordoff held her arms to stop her. "Warlock is right, you shouldn't be here."

"But, we are already here." Lilac swatted his hand away and walked toward the direction where she could feel the beast's heavy breath.

"Let me go first," Tordoff said and walked ahead of Lilac, kept her behind his back and tramped toward the dense trees, to notify their presence.

If Jedrek was in his beast form, and Tordoff was almost a hundred percent sure he was, he didn't want to move recklessly around the angry beast. He had fought Jedrek's beast once and he didn't stand a chance, thus he knew better to not provoke him again. Even his beast felt restless when it sensed their Alpha.

Behind Tordoff, Lilac could see long traces of blood that splattered on the trees and bushes. She didn't want to think whose blood was that.

And there, standing on all four, the white beast that had his jaw clamped on the other beast's neck. It sharp- razor talons dug deeper, tearing the flesh of his opponent and created a pool of blood beneath them.

The white beast groaned and grunted viciously even when the other beast was no longer could put up a fight.

"Lilac, we need to go…" Tordoff said softly. He pushed Lilac behind him while his eyes locked on the beast.

However, his small voice distracted the white beast from his prey. And as he lifted his head with blood was still dripping from the corner of his mouth and fangs, Lilac and Tordoff could see his red eyes.

The white beast snarled viciously when he saw Tordoff, standing in front of Lilac, hiding the girl away behind him from the beast's sight.

Tordoff was well aware, red eyes for the angry beast was not a good sign, it meant their animal's side took control over them and he didn't know whether Jedrek would hurt Lilac or not in his state now, thus out of instinct, he needed to protect her, little did he know, his decision only aggravated the beast.

"Lilac, get out from here," Tordoff whispered.

"No." Lilac objected his idea firmly. "I will see him."

"No, the king is not in his right mind, he can hurt you," Tordoff gave Lilac a glare, but the girl didn't even flinch when the white beast snarled viciously at them.

"I can handle him myself." Lilac moved swiftly and stood in front of Tordoff, but the general was too worry about her and once again grabbed her shoulder to prevent Lilac from moving closer toward the king.

However, this time the beast let out a deep menacing growl while clawing his opponent face, ripped the flesh, as the blood streamed and soaked to the ground. The metallic smell was very thick in the air.

With just one glance, Tordoff knew that Maximus stood no more. He died at the hands of the king.

If it was ordinary shifter, they would run away in the first chance given, but Tordoff stayed. There was no way he would leave Lilac. He didn't want the king to hurt her anymore. historical

"Let me go," Lilac looked at Tordoff firmly. "You will only upset him by touching me."

The beast prowled toward them, his red eyes fixed on Tordoff. He was ready to pounce on him and tore his hand from his mate.

But, before it could do that, Lilac had shoved Tordoff away from her and she stepped forward, knowing what the beast's intention. "I know how to handle him." Tordoff was about to retort, but Lilac raised her hand to stop him. She knew what she was doing. "No." she said sternly.

It took every ounce of his will to not grab Lilac's hand and drag her out of the danger.

However, Lilac walked very steady to approach the white beast and stopped two steps away from him. She stretched out her hand to touch him and the beast shifted his attention toward Lilac, still baring his fangs.

"Jedrek," Lilac called his name when their eyes met. "Come here."

Somehow, Lilac had more faith on Jedrek when he was in his beast form than when he was in his human skin, because she knew, the beast moved out of his instinct, and his instinct told him to never hurt ther mate. That was how the mate bond worked, while his human side, had a lot of things to be considered and prevent the pull of the bond flew naturally.

Cautiously, the white beast took a step closer toward Lilac, his eyes were still glancing back at Tordoff every now and then, before he allowed Lilac to touch his bloody snout.

Only when he felt the spark between them, his focus was on his mate as he relished her touch.

Lilac smiled and moved closer, so she could hug his massive head and run her fingers across the beast's fur, which covered in blood.

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