The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 734 - SEREFINA (2)

Chapter 734 - SEREFINA (2)

There was an emotion that flashed in Serefina's lime green eyes, but it disappeared in a blink of an eye, leaving her with stoic expression.

Serefina continued to walk, ignoring the devils, but Asmodeus kept walking behind her.

"Wait, what her name again? The young guardian angel? Let me think…" Asmodeus enjoyed this little game to annoy Serefina. "Lily? Lilian? Lalia? Oh, right! Lilac! Her name is Lilac!" she clapped her hands happily, as though she was five years old child.

Serefina clenched her jaw tightly, but she continued to walk. She didn't want this devil got what she wanted, yet for someone like her, it was hard to hold back her anger. She was too hot- headed for being patience.

"I remember how angry you were when Lilith tried to seduce your man," Asmodeus mumbled, but loud enough for Serefina to hear it clearly. "I have to admit, she didn't do her job well. She couldn't sway Jedrek's devotion for you."

Serefina closed her eyes and tried to not hear whatever Asmodeus said, but it was hard to do since it was only the two of them in this forest and the devil determined to not stop until she got the reaction that she wanted.

"But, it seems his destined mate could. He is ready to settle down and crown the girl as his queen. How are you feeling?" Asmodeus walked in light step, she was very happy, even one was able to hear it from her voice.

Serefina could feel the anger started to rise in her throat and her breath became erratic.

"I am sure, you are not feeling well now. Don't you think Selene is not fair to you?" Asmodeus plucked some berries and ate them. The sky was covered with dark smoke, thus it was hard to tell whether the sun had set or not. "You were helping Jedrek to kill all the shadow guards and captured all the guardian angels to use them against us during our war… but, what you got?" she asked rhetorically.

Of course Serefina remembered that. The shadow from the shadow guards pierced through her heart and killed her.

"You die…" Asmodeus said dramatically.

This time, Serefina stopped walking and so did Asmodeus. The witch relived that moment in her head.

At that time, she was having argumentation with Jedrek, so she went to the village and wreck havoc there, since she knew Jedrek had ordered his warriors to march there because the shadow guards refused to hand over the guardian angel.

There was something in Jedrek's mind until he didn't realize that Serefina had disappeared. It was Kace, who followed her to the village of angel.

However, the moon goddess erased his memory when she resurrected her.

"And now, you are forced to see the only man that you love misunderstood you? And be with another woman?" Asmodeus pointed out. "Then what's in it for you to be resurrected?"

Furiously, Serefina turned around and glowered. "What do you want?!" She balled her fists until blue fire enveloped both of her hands, she was ready to burn this devil back to hell, if she needed to.

"What I want?" Asmodeus asked innocently. "I just want you to be happy. After what you have done, at least Selene could spare you to be with someone you love. The moon goddess knows you love him. You will not be here if you are not. If I can speak honestly, I envy the love that you have for Jedrek."

Serefina sneered. "A devil talking about honesty?"

"I just point out the truth." Asmodeus shrugged her shoulder. "Did I say something wrong? I will ask you then… what you get from guiding those guardian angels?"

Serefina didn't answer that, but she glared at her.

"Do you think this is a blessing because the moon goddess resurrected you, so you can meet with Jedrek again? And in exchange you do all the work for her, even though you don't want it?"

The blue flames in Serefina's hand grew brighter, she was ready to launch her fire at the devil if she didn't stop talking.

"Let's be honest. Deep down, you really want to kill this guardian angel who has stolen Jedrek from you, right?" Asmodeus walked closer toward Serefina, kept talking with her enchanting voice. "Don't you ever think that this is not a blessing but a punishment for you and Jedrek?"

Asmodeus stopped right in front of Serefina and stretched out her hand to brush away the witch's hair.

"The punishment is because Jedrek wants to deny his own soul mate, so he can be with you and you, for imposing selfish desires on one of the goddess's creatures." She tucked strands of Serefina's red hair behind her ears. "This is not fair for both of you. You love him and he love you, so why the two of you can't be together?"

Serefina lowered her fiery gaze and watched the ground beneath her feet, missing the smirk that appear on the corner of Asmodeus's lips. historical

"The guardian angel is only an obstacle for the two of you to be together." Asmodeus leaned over and whispered on Serefina's ears. "I know you hate her for stealing him. I know there is a part of you that want to kill the guardian angel." She smiled triumphantly when Serefina didn't respond to her. "Join us and I promise you to get what your heart desire…"

Asmodeus then planted a kiss on Serefina's cheek before she stepped back.

"So, what do you say?" The devil raised her eyebrows and stared at Serefina eagerly.

Serefina finally raised her head and smiled softly. But, in the next second, she threw fireballs from her hands that burned Asmodeus within seconds.

As the devil's body collapsed to the ground and turned into ashes, her voice echoed in the forest. "Just a single drop of Lilac's blood… and we will take care of the rest…"

Serefina didn't bother with that voice and continued to walk away.

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