The Love of a Lycan



Brann, Jon and a woman named Yara, would be the representatives of the people started from today.

"All of you are invited to come, one month from now for further discussion." Jedrek stood up and Lilac did the same, she was sitting right beside Jedrek, on the throne that would belong to her soon. "There will be guards, who helped you to bring back the bodies and my deep condolence for your lost."

Brann, Jon and Yara lowered their head in gratitude and grief.

However, when they raised their head, there was determination and wrath in those eyes. The anger for the devils that had caused this to them.

"Thank you, your Majesty, we will be forever grateful for what you had done for us," Brann said in deep voice.

"And congratulation for finding your destined mate," Yara said fondly as she looked at Lilac.

They knew now that Lilac was a guardian angel, but Yara was there when Lilac stood unfazed in the middle of the people, who were shouting at her, asking for answers.

Yara could see that Lilac was not a timid and weak guardian angel like what rumor had said. Moreover, she would be their queen some day, thus she should be treated as the queen that she deserved.

Unfortunately, not many people had the same point of view like her. The two man at her left and right, mumbling their congratulatory only for mere formality.

After a few words, Jedrek finally dismissed them.

"I am glad this doesn't turn out so bad," Lilac talked behind him when all the three representatives had escorted to the backyard, where they would retrieve their fellow shifters' dead bodies.

"Hm," Jedrek murmured and turned around to stare at his mate.

"It is already noon, let's have lunch," Lilac said and grabbed Jedrek's hand. However, Jedrek twisted her hand and pulled his mate closer. "What are you doing?" Lilac frowned when Jedrek started to sniff her shoulder and hair.

All the guards inside the throne room lowered their head to avoid staring at something that they shouldn't.

Jedrek's nose was so close, until Lilac could feel his warm breath brushed against her skin bare skin on her neck.

"You met Tordoff," Jedrek said in rigid voice.

"Yes, I met him," Lilac admitted it. There was no way she could lie to him about this. Tordoff's scent must have lingered when he touched her. "But, this was not what you think."

All of sudden, Jedrek released her body and this made Lilac almost lost her balance, thankfully she regained her footing quickly, but that was the last thing she had to worry about now.

"I met him when I am on my way here," Lilac tried to explain.

"That is your excuse why you were late?" Jedrek narrowed his eyes and his voice sounded boring.

"That is my reason. Not an excuse," Lilac corrected her.

"I have told you to stay away from him," Jedrek said rigidly. "That's what we agreed on, right? Have you forgotten that?"

Lilac crossed her arms in front of her chest and somehow her defiant acted only amused the king. He liked it the way she rolled her eyes or how she clenched her jaw in annoyance.

"Of course not. I remember it perfectly. But, it was a coincidence, we didn't make a promise to meet with each other," Lilac said in frustration, especially when Jedrek didn't seem to believe her. "We are living in the same castle, so there is always a possibility that we will run onto one another."

At first, Jedrek didn't respond to it, but then he started to climb down from his throne, leaving Lilac alone in confusion.

Only when he had already half- way crossed the room, Jedrek turned around and frowned at Lilac. "Didn't you say, you want to have a lunch?"

"Huh?" Lilac was still unable to understand Jedrek's fickle mood now. "That's it?" she didn't believe he would let it slide easily.

"You said you met him because of coincidence. I trust you and I will take care of that so called coincidence." Jedrek tilted his head and gave her a meaningful smile.

"What do you mean you will take care of that?" Lilac walked down the stairs while staring at him suspiciously. "Jedrek?"

However, the king refused to answer that.


Torak and the other arrived at the raven village when the sun set and was greeted by the whole pack house, who were curious to see Kace and the guardian angels.

Despite this was not the first time Raine was here, but this was the first time they knew that Raine was a guardian angel.

Some of the shifters were old enough to know Kace, they exchanged hug and patted each other back.

Apparently, they treated Kace more like a friend, but of course with respect that he deserved as the member of Donovan's family, because no one would dare enough to approach Torak that way.

"Oh, my dear!" Belinda literally screamed when she saw Raine and hugged her tightly before her interest switched to Hope. "Who is this? Kace, is this your mate? The other guardian angel?" Belinda slapped Kace's shoulder, didn't even bother to greet him properly.

"Yes, she is my mate. Beautiful isn't she?" Kace rubbed his shoulder, but said that proudly.

"You are lucky to have her as your mate!" Belinda gave Hope a big hug and then said to her. "I hope he is not a disappointment for you, my dear."

Hope chuckled and shook her head, she liked this woman immediately.

Belinda also ecstatic when he found out that Raphael had found his mate, she greeted Lana with another big hug and then glared at Calleb. "So, when you will find yours?!" historical

"I have the same question too! Do you think it is easy to see them all lovey dovey in our entire trip?" Calleb snapped back at her. "I will flaunt her in front of you when I found her, just wait for my revenge," he said sullenly.

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