The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 751 - THIS IS THE TIME

Chapter 751 - THIS IS THE TIME

The sky was gloomy when Jedrek woke Lilac up, the guards had told him that Torak and Kace were spotted outside of the city with a few people with them, they must be theirs' mate and Torak's Beta and Gamma.

Since they were already nearby, it would only take them no more than two hours to arrive at the castle's gates.

"We need to go now," Jedrek said when Lilac finally opened her eyes sleepily. She rubbed her eyes, but then grimaced, forgot that both of her hands were injured.

Jedrek immediately grabbed her wrist and put down her hands before he helped her to sit down.

"This is annoying," Lilac looked at her hands sullenly.

"You asked it yourself," Jedrek reprimanded her lightly.

Lilac was about to retort his words, but remembered that it would involve Serefina into the conversation, thus she didn't say anything afterwards.

Lilac and Jedrek needed time to adjust with their odd situation and it seemed, it wouldn't take any time soon for the three of them to get used around each other.

"I will ask Keira to help you with the dress," Jedrek said. He tucked strands of Lilac's hair behind her ears.

"I can do it myself," Lilac murmured, yet Jedrek didn't take a 'no'. historical

"She will be here soon." Jedrek stood up and walked toward the door, leaving Lilac, who was staring at him with a scowl on her face because the king, once again, did what he wanted without her consent.

Lilac didn't use to have someone to help her dressed.


Keira helped Lilac to get dressed after she took a shower. Initially, the she werewolf wanted to help her to take a bath, but Lilac refused that kind gesture.

Lilac was dressed in a golden color, which made her look stunning and her hair cascaded down her back.

"You look so beautiful," Keira praised Lilac when she put a belt on her slender waist. The dress hugged her body perfectly.

At first Keira didn't think it was right to have a guardian angel as her queen, especially when people said Lilac was the king destined mate and not the chosen one. There must be a mistake somewhere.

Just as any other people had their perspective about the guardian angel, she shared the same thought until she followed Lilac for a few days, regarding of the mating ceremony, but the more Keira spent her time with her, the more she could see that the rumor was a rumor. The hearsay was not completely true.

After all, the guardian angel had been extinct for centuries and only a few people who lived in the same era. And even fewer people, who fortunate enough to see them in flesh.

Yes, Lilac was soft and kind- hearted and she didn't appear so fierce or dominant, but in some occasion she would show Keira that she had a temper too. The guardian angel would smile when she rejected her idea, even though she and the other women suggested otherwise.

Keira was convinced that her judgment was right after seeing how Lilac fought Serefina, the pure blood witch, this morning.

"The king will fall head over heels the moment he saw you." Keira was always good with her words until she spotted a small frown on Lilac's expression and she remembered about the Serefina.

The pure blood witch was the king's ex lover and somehow she was welcomed to stay here. People started to gossip about the three of them and the stories about how the king had gone feral when Serefina left him, started to circulate again, from lips to lips.

"I…" Keira tried to find the right words to say to redeem her mistake, but Lilac just shrugged it off.

"Do you know where Jedrek is?" Lilac turned around when Keira had done with her belt and watched as her eyes turned foggy. She mind- linked someone to answer Lilac's question.

"The king is with Beta Lyrus in the north wing," Keira informed Lilac.

"Oh." Lilac was always curious to know how it felt to be able to do mind- link. It was very useful.

But then, Lilac remembered, she would be able to do so once Jedrek marked her, which fortunately, would happen less than two weeks from now.

"Can you tell him that I will wait for him at the entrance gates?" Lilac saw Keira nodded her head. "I will go there now."

In the same way she knew Serefina had entered the realm, Lilac knew that the other two guardian angels were near. She could feel it in her heart and for a moment, she felt better even though she would meet with Serefina again later.

Lilac took light steps toward the gates with smile on her lips.

This was the time…


"Stop frowning." Hope elbowed Kace beside her and looked at him worriedly. "We have agreed with this."

"I was forced to agree to this!" Kace glared at Hope, but then his eyes softened. "I am sorry, I shouldn't snap at you."

Kace had been in foul mood ever since they arrived in this realm. He even had a moment where he got really grumpy when the beast inside him forced his way to the surface when they were in the city central and witnessed how that place had turned into a nightmare.

For some reason, Kace's instinct was to take Hope far away from this d*mn place or the upcoming war, yet he knew that was not the right thing to do.

Because once the devils won the war, no place was safe enough for him and Hope.

"This place is beautiful," Hope squalled beside him, but Kace only hummed as a reply. He was not in the mood to enjoy the scenery. He had been here more than he could remember and this place was not his favorite.

The entrance gate to the castle was wide open and from a distance Kace could see the older brother he hadn't seen in a long time.

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