The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 760 - DO YOU KNOW ME?

Chapter 760 - DO YOU KNOW ME?

"What happened with your back?" Torak asked Jedrek when they were in the corridor, following the scent of their mate, which apparently were in the same place, just exactly what he had asked them.

Meanwhile Kace was walking ahead of Torak and Jedrek, he was in rush to be with Hope.

"Nothing." Jedrek didn't even glance at Torak when he answered that.

"Nothing?" Torak repeated his answer, raising his brows questioningly. "There must be something if your wounds didn't heal properly."

There was a long gash on Jedrek's neck that couldn't be covered by the cloak that he was wearing. Probably, there was another wound on him that Torak couldn't see.

"It will heal soon." Jedrek brushed off Torak's question and quickened his pace.

Torak didn't believe it. He caught up with Jedrek and stared at the wound again, but his older brother adjusted the collar around his neck and concealed it.

This time, Torak simply just walked beside him and didn't ask another question. If Jedrek determined to not let him knew, then there was no amount of question that could make him to do otherwise.

Moreover, Jedrek looked fine.


Because Kace walked ahead of them to reach the chamber, therefore when Jedrek and Torak entered the room, he watched Kace was trying to carry his sleeping mate, cradling her in his arms gently.

Meanwhile, Raine dashed toward Torak behind him and hugged her mate tightly.

Her voice, as she was complaining, sounded adorable in Jedrek's ears, which made him think that Lilac would never do it, she was too mature to make a noise like that, and Torak didn't seem to mind when he listen to her.

"Why have not you slept yet?" Torak caressed her back and held her close to him.

"I am waiting for you, of course." Raine raised her head and looked at Torak sullenly. "I couldn't reach you through the mind- link, neither Raphael and Calleb." historical

"Yes, me too. But, everything is all right now." Torak reassured Raine and kissed her temple.

Meanwhile, Jedrek walked over to the couch, where his mate was sleeping soundly. She curled her body into a ball and hugged the quilt while her black hair scattered on the pillow beneath her head.

Somehow, Jedrek felt that he could stare at Lilac like this all night. However, he wouldn't do it here.

Putting his arms under Lilac's head and behind her knees, Jedrek lifted her up and brought his mate out of the room.

Lilac stirred awake when Jedrek walked in the corridor, there were only a few guards were stationed in every few hundred meters.

"You have returned?" Lilac asked sleepily. She rubbed her eyes and yawned.

"Yes, go back to sleep," Jedrek said softly and the girl in his arms didn't need to be told twice. She nuzzled the side of his neck, looking for comfortable position, and fell asleep again.


Serefina walked in the empty corridor with Theo and Warlock???s eyes were on her back, also another eyes that kept staring at her, which she didn't know whose those eyes belonged to.

"Serefina, are you sure, you will go alone there?" Warlock shouted from behind her back and just like Theo, if he could choose between the witch and the guardian angel, he would vote for Serefina to be his king's mate, yet there would be no such a thing.

"She will," Theo muttered. "The women around our king are very hot- headed."

"Couldn't agree more with you," Warlock said. "So, what we should do now?"

Theo looked at Serefina's back, her figure disappeared when she turned on the other corridor. "She seems to know this place quite well, so I guess she will be fine." He contemplated. "We will wait for half an hour, if she didn't come back, we will go and check on her."

Warlock nodded.

On the other hand, Serefina walked along another empty corridor and lined up windows on her right side, which showed her the inner yard of the castle, and across from it, was the king's tower, where Jedrek's chamber and his study room were located.

Serefina glanced at the tower, but it was too far for her eyes to catch anything from where she was standing, therefore, she continued walking until she reached the end of the corridor, which ended with a closed brown door.

She walked over and waved her hand when she was close enough. As soon as she did that, the door swung opened for her and let her went through without so much difficulty.

Inside, she found an old four post bed in the middle of the chamber and a chair at the foot of the bed, which was not empty.

Serefina narrowed her eyes at the figure. This person was sitting on the chair and was wearing black cloak with hoodie that covered half of his face, leaving only his thin lips to be seen.

"So, is it you?" Serefina stood in front of the black figure. She was on alert, readied herself for the worse outcome.

At first, the black figure didn't even move, neither he would talk when Serefina took a step closer with fireballs on both of her hands, which the flames illuminated the dark room, revealing every cobweb on the ceiling and under the table and bed.

From the look of it, it seemed this room had been abandoned for very long time.

"You don't want to talk? Should I force the answer from your mouth?" Serefina flicked her hand and blue fire circled the black figure, so close to lick his cloak and set him on fire.

"Do you even know me?" He finally spoke with his hoarse voice. His lips curved into a mocking smile. "You better run, before something bad happened to you," he suggested.

Upon hearing that, Serefina laughed derisively, but her laugh died down, when the shadow tendrils extinguished the flames she had created.

"Do you know me?" the black figure raised his head to reveal his face.

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