The Love of a Lycan




Lilac was dressing the wounds on Jedrek's back, which appeared getting worse by the day. She couldn't help, but frowned when her eyes saw them.

"You don't have to do it if you can't handle it." Jedrek stared at Lilac's reflection through the mirror in front of them, which Lilac didn't realize it was there and showed her expression.

"So, who will do it for you? Serefina?" her voice laced with more hatred than she intended too.

However, after saying that, Lilac realized how childish she became and lowered her head, put all of her attention on the wounds.

Jedrek didn't tease her, there was no way he would do that, but he pretended like he didn't hear what Lilac just said.

"The ointment doesn't help with the wounds." Jedrek pointed out the obvious. He didn't feel any better even from the first time Lilac put the medicine on him. It just wasted of time, yet Lilac insisted and Jedrek couldn't say anything to make her stop.

"I will ask the healer to make another," Lilac murmured. She dabbed the liquid with cotton and swabbed it on his gashes.

Jedrek turned around and caught Lilac's hand. He was sitting on a round chair and when he turned out to face Lilac, who was standing, he just needed to slightly raise his head to catch her gaze.

"This is already the third time and nothing is working," Jedrek said. "Stop it."

"And what? Do nothing?" Lilac glared at Jedrek defiantly.

"These are just gashes." Jedrek stood up and his tall body towered over his little mate, but he could see from her eyes that she didn't slightly feel intimidated by him.

"You are injured," Lilac insisted.

"Yes, and these just wounds." Jedrek let go of her hand, so she could express her irk.

"These are not only wounds! It is already not normal that they are not healing even after two weeks!" Lilac was almost screaming when she said that. "You can't just brush it off because it doesn't show any effect on you yet. You can't take it lightly!"

This wounds were Maximus's last gift to Jedrek and there was no way it wouldn't harm him. However, Jedrek had not been feel anything since he got this, except a few time he felt like his back was being burned, yet it only last for a few minute before the pain subsided and it was something that he still could handle.

Jedrek kept silence while listening to Lilac's rambles until she stop talking and he hugged her tightly, whispering. "Thank you for worrying about me."


"Can I enter the room?" Lana knocked the door when she already opened it.

"No," Serefina answered curtly. She didn't even raise her head from the book that she had been reading.

In spite of Serefina's reply, Lana entered the room anyway. "How do you feel now?" she asked when she visited the witch in Theo's nursing room. The closer the ceremony day was, the more Serefina would spend her time in this place too.

She would say that this castle was covered with the flowers that she hated, thus she couldn't go anywhere without being tempted to burn the whole decoration.

Later that Lana knew, the flowers were chose by Serefina herself and Lilac agreed with that. It was almost like an understanding between the two of them.

Serefina wanted an excuse and Lilac gave it to her.

Meanwhile, the mating ceremony would be held the day after tomorrow, therefore all the preparation was almost done now.

"Can the two of you stop asking me the same annoying questions?" Serefina put down the book in her hand and glared at Lana, who was strolling into the room despite Serefina's rejection and took a seat on the edge of Theo's bed since there was no more chair inside this small room.

"The two of us?" Lana knitted her brows, but then understood, who did Serefina mean. "Hope is worry about you too."

Serefina scoffed. "I doubt that, she seems getting along with the other guardian angel really well."

"You know her, she is a happy child. She gets along with almost everyone here, even the servants." Lana shrugged her shoulder. "Of course, she will worry about you, she thinks of you as her mother."

Serefina cringed when she heard that. "Just because I raised her, doesn't mean she can think of me like that!" the thought of that gave goosebumps to her.

Lana sighed and then stood up. "I think I am done here. Actually, Hope had been bothering me by asking to check on you since the last time she was here and you threw her out. Now, I see you are still having energy to get angry, I guess it is a good thing."

The last time Hope was here, she hugged Serefina tightly without saying anything, as a form of expressing her sadness for Serefina. However, the witch didn't appreciate that and threw her out of the room, then locked the door.

"Tell her if she keeps bothering me, I will burn down all the decoration of her best friend's ceremony," Serefina grumbled and watched Lana chuckled while walking out of the room.

Lana looked happier and less grumpy since she met her mate.

"I am happy for you," Serefina said all of sudden that made Lana turned around, didn't believe with what she heard. This would be the first time the witch was saying something nice.

"I didn't hear it wrong, right?" Lana looked amused.

"No," Serefina said and continued it lightly. "At the very least, you will not end up like me."

"Serefina…" Lana looked at the witch with complicated emotions.

"Take care of yourself and him."

Lana grinned, "I think Raphael more than capable to take care of himself."

"I was not talking about that mate of yours, I am talking about 'him'." Serefina nodded to Lana's stomach.

"What?" Lana widened her eyes. Didn't believe with what she heard.

"Close the door," Serefina said and turned around only to find Theo had opened his eyes.

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