The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 775 - ALPHAS BLOOD

Chapter 775 - ALPHAS BLOOD

"Don't worry about that," Lilac said in reassuring tone. "Jedrek went to see Rowan now. I am sure he will get something from him."

Raphael nodded, but the tension still didn't leave his expression. "Great."

"I am sorry about Lana," Lilac said regretfully. "We should have approached this matter more cautiously."

But, Raphael shook his head, "No one knows this will end up like this."

Lilac stared at the door and then at Raphael, who seemingly still didn't want to let anyone entered the room. "I will take Hope and Raine with me."

"Bring Calleb also with you," Raphael said, nodded at Calleb, who was sitting beside Raine with brows knitted together tightly, he seemed worried for Raphael.

"No need, we will meet Serefina." Lilac refused it. "Calleb can stay here with you, I will bring a few guards with us."

Raphael shook his head. "No. Bring Calleb. We don't need another sneaky attack on the guardian angel. The things will only get worse if that happened." Raphael made his point.

However, at that time, Torak's scent hit their sense even before his figure appeared.

And of course, the first person he would check on was Raine. He approached her and gave a brief examination to make sure his mate was safe and sound.

"You are here," Raine hugged him and looked very please. She was worried about him too.

"Hei, may I know where is Kace?" Hope asked, she craned her neck, but couldn't see her mate anywhere. Didn't Torak and Kace go together?

"He is out of this city wall. Lead the people, who just came into this realm," Torak replied and freed himself from Raine tight hug before he walked toward Raphael to check on his Beta, leaving the confused Hope.

It was very rare to know that Kace was willing to give an order and acted as a leader, not to mention there were a lot of people there.

"How is she?" Torak asked Raphael, he could see that the Beta was being overprotective by not letting anyone to enter the room. He could understand this, after all Torak would have done worse when he witnessed someone hurt Raine.

"She is fine, just need a few days to rest. Fortunately, the silver didn't reach her vital." Raphael glanced at the door. "Torak, I am sorry but…"

"Stay here." Torak cut him in mid sentence. He knew what Raphael was going to ask. "You need to be with her."

There was a faint smile on Raphael's lips. "Thank you, Torak," he was grateful for his Alpha's thoughtfulness.

"You also stay here," Torak said to Calleb.

It surprised the Gamma, but it was Raphael, who rejected the idea immediately. "I don't think he will be much help here." The last thing that Raphael needed was Calleb nagging at him and he knew he would do.

"Hei! You don't need to show your displeasure straight away!" Calleb complained.

"You need to be quiet, yet you are nothing but quiet," Raphael scoffed and crossed his arms.

"He will be a good reminder for you," Torak finished their banter. It was the right decision to let Calleb looked after Raphael, since the Beta would neglect and tire himself when he took care of Lana, thus Calleb's fussiness would be needed. historical

And because Torak had decided that way, Raphael and Calleb couldn't say otherwise.

"Torak, I need to take Raine and Hope with me to meet Serefina, there is something that I want to discuss," Lilac said after Torak had settled down the thing with the two of them.

Torak glanced at Raine. "What is it?"

"A few things about guardian angel," Lilac spoke firmly.

"All right," Torak agreed. "I will walk you to meet Serefina, after that I will find Jedrek."

"Jedrek is in the dungeon, interrogating Rowan. I think he will be there for some time." Lilac let him know where Jedrek was. Things only became more complicated, not only in this place, but also in the eastern region.

"As expected." Torak nodded solemnly.


"Did you manage to make him open his mouth?" Torak asked, leaning against the door made of iron steel inside this strong and very unpleasant smell dungeon.

In front of Jedrek, who was sitting on the chair, it was Rowan, writhing in pain because of the cut from the same silver dagger that Kyle used to hurt Lana.

The king would ask one of his men to cut a chunk of his flesh if Rowan was still stubborn to not say anything useful.

And for now, he just finished to destroy Rowan's left thigh and cut off all his toes. Blood was everywhere, even Rowan was choked with his own blood and pain.

"You should knock the door," Jedrek said dramatically, though he already knew Torak was coming to his way the moment the guards let him into the dungeon. His brother's scent was quite hard to be ignored.

Torak rapped his knuckles on the iron door twice. "What you get from him?"

"Nothing. He didn't say anything." Jedrek tilted his head and touched his chin.

"Maybe you cut his tongue." A guard brought another chair for Torak next to Jedrek.

"That will be the last part of him that I will cut off." Jedrek glanced at Torak. "Any idea?"

Torak scrunched his nose when he heard Rowan was cursing both of them and got kicks from the guards. "He is always this vulgar?"

"He was quite bold even when he was still pretending to pledge his loyalty to me." Jedrek chatted with Torak lightly. "I didn't see Kace."

"He is in charge for the people outside the city wall," Torak replied and Jedrek looked at him in surprise.

"I thought he will never agree to take that responsibility again." If there was one thing that changed from Kace since the war, it was his reluctance to take control upon other people's life again.

"Alpha's blood runs through his veins and he is not in the position to refuse it," Torak said.

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