The Love of a Lycan



Jedrek and Torak went out of the tent when they heard the deafening sound of the rumbling thunder and felt that something was wrong with the shadow that casted down upon their tent, as everything turned dark all of sudden.

"What happened?" Eaton followed the two Donovan brothers out of the tent, and watched as the sky turned dark rapidly and large droplets of water started pouring down from the gloomy sky.

"Rain?" Sebastian stood beside Eaton and raised his hand to touch the droplets of liquid that fell on his face, but when he saw his fingers, they were stained with a strange, black liquid. "What is this?"

Jedrek and Torak wiped their faces off the black liquid that poured down from the sky like rain and narrowed their eyes dangerously. This was water which was mixed with charcoal and something sticky….. Blood?

"We need to go back to the castle now," Jedrek said in a low voice that sounded like an angry growl as he rushed toward the palatial gates of the city with Torak right behind him.

There was only one thing in their minds; their mates.

They left the castle and their mates, thinking they would be safe. After all, who would dare to come and harm them there?

And now they realized that their decision to leave the castle was totally wrong.

However, when Jedrek and Torak reached the front gates, they were stopped in their tracks all of sudden at the sight of the dreadful creature, who was standing right before them.

"Lucifer," Jedrek called a name with venom on the tip of his tongue. Meanwhile, Torak growled loudly upon seeing the devil.

"Long time no see the king of the lycanthropes," Lucifer said mockingly. He slightly bent his knees to show some respect toward Jedrek, yet it didn't seem like it.

"What are you doing here?" Torak asked grimly, but he glanced at his surroundings and tried to see and hear something from the city beyond the wall, yet he could see nothing except black smoke from behind the tall wall and the city was exceptionally quiet.

On the other hand, Jedrek didn't have patience to strike a conversation with Lucifer. He strode forward, ignoring the fact that the devil could be cunning enough to attack him right then and there, as they didn't know what he had up his sleeves. historical

"Jedrek!" Torak warned his brother, he wanted to grab his hand and pull him back, but he missed it and could only watch him walk straight toward Lucifer with his hands half shifted into sharp-razor claws.

Everything went very fast, and once Jedrek was close enough to the devil, he swung his hand and clawed Lucifer's chest.

Yet, instead of wailing in pain, the devil smiled viciously and from his wounded chest, it wasn't blood that trickled down, but black smoke that covered his whole body and then he vanished into thin air, leaving Jedrek standing there alone.

The king didn't waste another second, he was well aware that it was impossible to kill the devil, thus with the disappearance of Lucifer, he proceeded toward the most important matter at hand, he had to go to the castle and made sure that his mate was fine.

After that, Jedrek dashed toward the closed gates, trying to push it. However, the majestic iron-steel structure didn't even budge an inch.

At that time, from the corner of his eyes, he saw a white beast climbing the tall wall, digging his claws into the solid stone.

Jedrek clicked his tongue, shifted into his white beast and followed Torak's beast to climb the wall instead.


"Something is wrong Hope," Raine said. She was frightened by the last word from Calleb, him asking her to reach Raphael and the fact there was someone outside of the room along with the Gamma.

However, after that Raine couldn't hear Calleb's voice again, as if there was something had blocked her mind and was not allowing her to hear him.

Raine couldn't reach Raphael also like what Calleb told her to do.

"Yes, I can hear Calleb right outside the door." Hope looked at Lilac and then toward the door, she also heard Calleb's voice, talking to someone about something that she couldn't comprehend.

At that time, Raine felt like someone was staring at her and when she turned around, she found the familiar figure, smiling lazily at her while leaning his tall body against the fireplace behind him.

"Hello, Raine… long time no see," he greeted her with no enthusiasm. "Do you miss me?"


Serefina opened her eyes, her breathing was shallow and her body felt like she had just been thrown to the ground from a twenty floors building.

Last night was the night when she had to receive her long awaited repercussion for being alive, once again. A torturing night. Her bones felt like jelly and every move she made was filled with immense pain as she felt like her muscles were being torn apart.

She hated this feeling. But somehow, she was grateful for this pain, because it could distract her mind for awhile, from remembering another sort of pain, a pain from her injured heart.

Serefina was very weak at the moment, so did her power that protected the whole city, especially this castle.

Actually, she would recover after a few hours of resting, yet it seemed like she didn't have the luxury of time when the light of the sun that shone through her window was covered by gloomy clouds and the sky turned darker very fast.

When thunder rumbled, Serefina opened her sleepy eyes. Those lime-green eyes of hers watched her surroundings fiercely and her brows creased deeply.

Something was wrong.

And that was the moment when she could finally feel that her spell that had been protecting the whole place had disappeared, leaving this place vulnerable.

With that realization and the oddity, Serefina got up from her bed hurriedly, but her aching head hindered her movements.

Her body fell to the cold ground like a shaking leaf when she tried to gain her focus back.

And then, she heard the same voice she had been hearing for several times recently.

"My offer is still valid, if you want to join us," the voice was sweet and the promise behind it was very tempting.

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