The Love of a Lycan



"Drink this first," Chiron repeated his words and brought the wooden goblet near Lilac's lips again, but the guardian angel raised her hand and swatted it away with all her might.

Chiron sighed and stopped trying, he rose and took three steps away from her.

Lilac struggled to sit down, but this was much more difficult than she thought, finally after a few attempts without any result, she gave up and rolled her body, so she could face Chiron. A layer of sweat appeared on her forehead and her breathing became shallow.

"Why did you do this?" Lilac asked again.

Only now, could Lilac see this whole place clearly. Apparently, Chiron took her to a meadow. The velvety grass beneath Lilac's body felt a little bit cold because of the beads of dew, it seemed Lilac had been here for a whole night.

In the distance, the peak of the mountain looked as if it could touch the starry sky above it. This wasn't the sight that couldn't please the senses. The sound from the whispering wind, the smell of the grass and the sky were out of this world, it was simply a feast for the eyes.

If Lilac was not in her current condition, she would be amazed by what she was seeing now. Unfortunately, she didn't have time to appreciate it now.

Before her eyes, Chiron still refused to answer her question and kept staring at the sky, as if he was deciphering what the stars told him.

"Do you want to kill me?" Lilac asked him again. Though they just met not too long ago and the conversation between them was very short, the guardian angel would have never thought that the chief of the centaurs would do this.

Chiron still refused to talk to her.

"Do you know that what you have done will put your people in danger?" Lilac tried to engage him in some conversation, she really wanted to know, what the thing that triggered him for doing something like this, knowing Jedrek, he wouldn't let this pass easily. "Don't you care about them?"

"What I am doing right now, has nothing to do with them," Chiron finally gave some response to her.

When Lilac heard that, she really wanted to scoff at his face, what kind of statement was that? Didn't he know how Jedrek would usually react? Was he just pretending not to know that or he was just being a hypocrite for believing that Jedrek wouldn't hurt them?

"Do you think Jedrek will care?" Lilac grunted again when she felt a searing pain burned her neck once again, the very place where her mark was imprinted. "He will kill them if he has to."

Chiron shifted on his feet and looked at Lilac. In his eyes was a reflection of the sorrow and painful memories that he felt deep in his heart, the feeling that he had buried for so long, until he thought, what he did now was necessary, as if this was his goal in this life.

"Then he will live to suffer the same pain," Chiron said coldly. This was the first time such a cruel words escaped his lips. "Witnessing how I took the essence of his very existence right before his eyes."


After recovering the spells that surrounded the castle, which had been broken by the devils when they invaded this place, Lidya found Raphael and Lana in one of the room by following the white butterfly.

"Where are the other people?" Lidya had a bad feeling from the moment she saw the countless dead bodies in front of the entrance gates and her feeling became more prominent when she couldn't find other people as she roamed around this huge place to put some spells.

Raphael saw Lidya approaching them when he was talking to Lana, discussing about what they should do now.

"People disappeared from this place," Lidya mumbled as she sat down on the sofa next to Lana. "Where is Serefina?"

Raphael and Lana looked at each other.

While Lana lowered her head, still shocked with the fact that Serefina had betrayed them, Raphael explained what Raine had told them to Lidya.

"She betrayed us," Raphael said coolly. He looked at Lidya when her expression morphed into one of a shock. "Serefina helped the devils to get Lilac and now she is with them."

"Impossible," Lidya whispered softly in disbelief. "You will not believe that, right?" she looked at Lana. The girl had been with Serefina for years and she was the closest person to Serefina that Lidya come to know of.

"I don't want to believe it too," Lana said in soft tone, she touched her flat stomach out of instinct when she felt uncomfortable.


Raine grabbed the white beast's fur tightly, as the beast moved gracefully fast, but steadily, crossing the forest while it swiftly avoided the falling trunks and the trees.

[My love, are you all right?] Torak mind- linked her and felt the girl nodded her head gently against his scruff.

Raine was still weak from what happened to her, but she was adamant about Torak bringing her to the meadow that she had seen in her vision.

Raine didn't explain further about it, she just told them that Serefina had crossed the bridge and was with the devils now.

Of course, this news was something that, even, Torak hardly could believe. If it was not Raine, who told him this thing, he wouldn't believe it.

Torak had fought neck to neck with Serefina and quarreled with the witch countless time, yet he never thought, she would do that. historical

However, on the other hand, Raine wouldn't tell lie.

Therefore, Torak and the others thought, Raine wanted to go to the meadow to find Serefina. They didn't know how she was able to know her location, but since this was her vision, something that only she could see, they trusted her nonetheless.

Alongside with Torak, was another beast with Hope on top of it, sitting in the same position like Raine, following closely behind Torak, while keeping his eyes on Raine, in case she fell from Torak's back.


Check my IG story to know every character's inner thought.

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