The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 878 - SHALL WE?

Chapter 878 - SHALL WE?

"You can't do this to us, Jedrek!" Swan roared and his voice boomed in the clearing. He wouldn't have thought that Jedrek would bring a lot of back up with him.

The fairies!

How on the earth did he succeed in persuading those creatures to side with him?! The faes had been avoiding confrontations like this for as long as he could remember and chose to live in seclusion, in their own village of fairy.

"Oh, I can," Jedrek smirked viciously, even Lilac was startled a little bit when she noticed how devilish he looked right now. "And I will show you how I can," the king said calmly.

He had already given enough chances to the spell-casters from the northern coven realm to remember their place, but even now, they were still acting ignorant of the possible dangers which they had brought upon by themselves by rejecting to follow his order.

Swan thought he could hold the Alpha back with his protecting spells as long as he could handle Lilac's power with their own magic, as they thought that they could now understand how Lilac's power worked when she destroyed their city with ease. How foolish of them to realize that they were totally wrong from the beginning?

Meanwhile, Lilac's eyebrows slightly creased when she saw how eager those spell-casters waiting to fight Jedrek. From her standpoint, it was indeed true that the spell-casters had the upper hand because of their magic, coupled with this barrier, which restricted the lycans from crossing over.

Yet, when Lilac noticed how calm Jedrek was, she was starting to wonder; did he have some other plan that she didn't know of? Like how he planned the faes' surprising entrance.

"Last chance, Swan!" Jedrek's voice dripped with authority, just like the king he was. "For the sake of your contribution in the past, I will give you one last chance to give back my people to me." Jedrek's eyes turned black when a low and deep growl erupted deep from his chest.

Lilac, who was standing next to him, could feel it clearly.

"Jedrek, what you will do about the barrier? Were the faes able to go through it?" Lilac asked in low voice, which could only be heard by Jedrek.

In spite of the fact, this was day time, still the sun refused to shine and the cold winds that blew from the north left Lilac shivering a little bit.

Jedrek noticed that.

The king wrapped his mate in his cloak to prevent her teeth clattering from the cold winds. Lilac appreciated this gesture and her heart felt even more warmer than her body. "No, I will break the barrier," Jedrek replied to her.

"How?" Lilac tilted her head and looked at Jedrek questioningly.

And, instead of answering Lilac's question, Jedrek raised his right hand, which was not holding Lilac's body.

Lilac followed his movement with her eyes and watched how Jedrek raised his hand in a beckoning move, as if he was calling someone, or… something.

A little while later, small burning flames appeared on the tips of his fingers and formed into a bird before landing smoothly on his palm. It was as big as a falcon, with majestic feathers that fluttered brightly like a bonfire.

Lilac recognized this small creature as the famous firebird.

"Firebird," Lilac gasped in surprised, she totally forgot that the Donovans had these firebirds?within them, aside from the monstrous beast of lycan.

The mystical bird soon left Jedrek's palm and flew above their heads. It left dust of fire when the bird flapped its wings and moved toward the barrier, the one that was erected by those spell-casters.

The bird let out a cry when it opened its small beak, as it started breathing fire out.

Lilac and most of the people, who had never seen it, were startled when they saw how the small creature could create such majestic flames despite of its small frame.

But, Sebastian and Theo didn't even looked surprised, they smirked triumphantly upon knowing that Jedrek finally let out one of the legendary firebirds, which were only owned by the three Donovans.?Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click /book/the-love-of-a-lycan_13952362506619705/shall-we_50390402162816624 for visiting.

The flames didn't even spread ten meters far from the bird, as if there was something that blocked their path, but after a few minutes, something started to crumble, just like a haystack that was being burned. The whole invisible barrier came crashing down after being burned by the firebird's magical flames.

A wall of fire was created and it depicted the size of the barrier, it showed how gargantuan the invisible wall of protection that those spell-casters had created to prevent Jedrek and his people to come closer.

"Shall we begin?"Jedrek tilted his head toward Lilac beside him and smirked when the wall of flames started to fade away. It meant the barrier already crumbled. It was only a matter of time for them to go through this hurdle.

"Sure," Lilac replied merrily when she saw how the spell-casters faces twisted, horror stricken as their eyes widened in fear. Now they knew what was coming for them.


Raphael felt a headache coming upon hearing what Torak proposed earlier. How could the Alpha expect him to take care of the whole kingdom on his own and entrust Calleb with those lycan warriors?

The lycan warriors were slightly different from them, they were brutal and brash, it needed more than title to calm them and on top of it, Raphael was not sure if Calleb could handle them all.

Before this, there was him and Kace, who helped overseeing the training, sometimes Sterling too. But, with Kace's departure, he was worried about what would happen later. historical

At the very least, on rare occassion, when those lycan warriors were hard to control, Kace would subdue them with his Alpha's tone and that was the only effective thing to stop the brawl and scowl.

"Your mind is very loud." Lana stood in front of Raphael, who was sitting on the edge of the bed. She cupped her mate's face between her palms and kissed him tenderly. "If Torak trusts you with this, it means; you are capable enough to do this."

Lana could hear Raphael thoughts through mind-link and she knew what troubled him the most.

Meanwhile, Raphael closed his eyes to calm his nerves as Lana's sweet scent helped him to feel more at ease, along with the two beating hearts.


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