The Love of a Lycan



"What is it?" Ethan asked sharply. Whatever favor that this dragon lord asked from him, he couldn't feel at ease to know it or involve himself with these creatures.

They didn't look reliable…

However, Ethan had to make sure that Rossie was all right.

"Where is my mother?" Ethan remembered that their mother was with his little sister inside the bunker and since the beasts managed to break through it, those women, elders and children must have escaped in to the forest through the other door.

Ethan knew the blueprint of the bunker pretty well, because it was part of the training.

"My condolence," Lord Bayle said, he stood up and crossed his right hand in front of his chest, while bowing slightly. "Your mother didn't make it."

"What?" Ethan was having a hard time to discern this emotion. He thought the pain that he was feeling now because he had lost Ian, but he would have never thought that he would lost his mother too.

"Your mother sacrificed herself to save your sister's life and the pregnant woman…" Lord Bayle informed him again.

"No…" Ethan felt his chest caving in when the realization hit him hard. historical

"Think about it carefully, I have a lot of free time on my hand, but I don't think your sister has the same amount of time." Lord Bayle tried to persuade him?by using Rossie. "She was out there, alone with only a baby and a little girl. Who know what…"

However, before Lord Bayle could finish his dramatic story, Ethan had cut his words viciously.

"What do you want from me?" Ethan asked sharply.

A smirk appeared at the corner of Lord Bayle's lips when he heard the young boy relenting easily. "I want the baby that was with your sister."

"The baby? What baby?" Ethan overlooked this small detail when the dragon lord kept talking about the baby, because his entire focus was on his little sister.

"The baby. The firstborn of a werewolf and a fae, a successful and healthy hybrid" Lord Bayle said excitedly. "Lana and Raphael's baby."

Lord Bayle didn't spend his time in the castle by only talking about the war and planning strategy after strategy. He had his own hidden agenda too. For himself, for his own kind.

It had been a long time since those lycan started ruling them.

"Lana will never allow it," Ethan said grimly.

"Don't worry," he said casually, waving his hand. "She is dead, also her mate."


"So, the devils can use the same power like the guardian angels?" Torak approached Jedrek as the latter was staring at the dark sky from the balcony of the dragon shifter's place.

For the meantime, they chose to use this place to take some rest and think about what they should do next, since they had suffered a great loss.

Torak eyed Jedrek in his human clothes, but didn't say anything about how strange that style looked on him.

"That was what Serefina told Lilac,?? Jedrek said to Torak, they had discussed about it with Lilac and Raine, but now those guardian angels had fallen asleep and now was the time for some real brotherly talk.

Torak handed a glass of wine to Jedrek and looked at the sky just like his brother. A peaceful moment of silence followed after that.

"What is it?" Jedrek shifted his attention toward Torak, narrowing his eyes at his brother.

"What?" Torak only gave him a glance before he averted his eyes again.

"You are being very silent." Torak always had his own opinion about many things and Jedrek thought he would have his own theory about the information that Serefina had told Lilac.

For some reason, Jedrek felt like there was more to it. What exactly did Serefina want to do?

"Have you mistaken me for Kace?" Torak asked sarcastically, as their younger brother was the one who always talked more than the two of them combined.

After all, there were a lot of things that roamed around his head right now. This piece of information was only another thing that he had to put aside as there were some other important issues to rack his brains over, for example; to find his Gamma.

Torak had lost Raphael, he didn't want to lose his Gamma too.

"Do you believe that?" Jedrek asked, ignoring Torak's sharp remark.

"Lilac had seen how Serefina manipulated time, which was Raine's gift and if you asked me whether the witch did it on purpose or if she had other motives to tell us about it. I don't know. You know her better than me," Torak answered all the questions Jedrek wanted to know.

"Why do you think only we can move when Raine stopped the time?" Jedrek posted another question, he had been questioning himself about this inside his head, but didn't have the right time to ask others.

Torak frowned. He remembered, aside from the guardian angels and him, Jedrek, Kace and Calleb could also move during that time.

Yet another spell of silence fell between the brothers.

"The blood," Torak finally said after some time.

"Hm?" Jedrek gulped down the entire wine before he played the glass between his fingers. "What do you mean?"

"Their powers seem to don't have any effect on one another and we tasted their blood when we marked our mates," Torak explained, contemplating.

Jedrek nodded when he listened to his theory, but then he remembered one thing. "But, your theory didn't explain why your Gamma could move as well, did he mark your mate?"

There was a deep and dangerous growl that rumbled in Torak's throat when he heard that.

Jedrek always had a bad sense of humor and used it in the wrong place and time.

"Raine gave him her blood when he almost died because of an attack." Torak was really tempted to push Jedrek to the ground from this balcony for making that remark. It wouldn't kill him, but it was enough to anger him.

"An attack?" Jedrek narrowed his eyes.

"Hm," Torak didn't explained any further, since that event had nothing to do with this.

"Torak…" Jedrek's voice turned chilling all of sudden when some realization hit him. "If their blood is what we need to counter the same strength that the devils have… then how much blood do we need to strengthen a whole army?"

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