The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 920 - ILL FATE

Chapter 920 - ILL FATE

Kace couldn't believe his own eyes when they watched the city before their eyes surrounded by flames within the span of a few minutes.

The color of orange licked the dark sky, as smoke soon erupted from everywhere.

The place where the two planes crashed into one another before exploding above the residential areas, was not too far from this library building. Even now, sounds of consecutive explosions could be heard from afar and the ground beneath their feet wouldn't stop shaking.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Beelzebub asked the three people standing frozen near the window and shifted her attention toward the squeaking phoenix that flapped its big feathery wings across the corridor.

The Wrath and the Greed appeared behind Glutton, the three of them smirked proudly in satisfaction upon seeing what they could call their creation.

"You should go out and see with your own eyes, how the sentence ; 'the world collapsed before your eyes' becomes literal," the Greed snickered and patted the Wrath's shoulder.

"Wasn't this the place where the previous battle happened? So, why don't we make this place as our current battlefield too? As a matter of fact, this place already holds so many memories from our past," Beelzebub threw that random idea.

"What you are seeing here, is only a tiny part of what is happening out there." Wrath sighed in pleasure.

"Or in the castle," Greed chimed in and he turned around to face someone who was surprised upon hearing his words. "Have you heard about what happened in the castle? People were killed, and a lot of people, your people died there."

"Including your sweet friend, Lana? It was her name, right?" Beelzebub winked at Kace and Hope. Lana was a close person to the two of them, thus there was no way they didn't feel anything upon hearing the news of her death. historical

"It was a pity I can't have her baby, though the baby will not look as delicious as you were nineteen year ago, but I think the baby will satiate my hunger." Beelzebub licked her lips.

She met Hope when she was a baby who was being carried by Kace when they were running away from Jedrek's people and headed to the northern coven realm, since then, Beelzebub was trying to track down Hope and before she knew, the baby with delicious smell turned out to be one of the guardian angel.

In spite of the fact that she was well protected, still there was a time when she almost caught Hope if Kace and Lana was not there to interfere.

What a pity, she couldn't taste her…

"DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HER BABY!" Hope yelled loudly and the phoenix above them squeaked loudly, flapping its wings continuously, as if the bird could feel the irritation from the guardian angel.

"We don't have time for this," Purple murmured, she felt that something bad was going to happen and those three devils were only there to distract them.

Yet, Hope was not done yet.

How could she accept the fact that she couldn't see or talk with Lana again? She was like a sister for her, she grew up with her and Lana was also the first person who watched her taking her very first step and heard her first words.

Lana was always there for Hope, ignoring the little bit clash between them before she met Raphael, Hope had never treated her less than the person that she loved with all her heart.

Hope had promised her to come and see her baby, but now she was gone?

There were a lot of deaths recently which were definitely way above what Hope's kind soul could take, but this time, she felt a raging fury built in her heart and ran through her veins when she realized what she had lost.

Above her, the phoenix grew bigger, as yellow glow blanketed its being. The color was very bright, it illuminated the whole corridor in a few mere seconds and could be compared to the fire that was running rampant outside.

"Impossible…" Purple muttered to herself when she watched the phoenix, not only that, the smirks on the three devils' faces faded in an instant.

"I have never know that the phoenix could grow this bigger...." Greedy tilted his head, as he couldn't take his eyes off of the magnificent creature in front of them.

Just after the stunned words left the Greedy's lips, the firebird, the sacred creature, which only belonged to the Donovan brothers, appeared breathing fire, which spiraled along the corridor and hit the three devils, leaving a big hole on the wall behind them.

"The firebird…" Kace was surprised, it supposed to be only him, who could call the bird. But, what now?


"What happened?" Lilac immediately approached Jedrek when he fell to the ground all of a sudden, in a kneeling position.

Lilac looked around her, but found nothing. No possible danger was around them.

"I don't know…" Jedrek couldn't put it into words, as he clutched his chest. There was this strange feeling that overwhelmed him. "Something is calling to my inner beast…" he shook his head and opened his palm, as the firebird appeared from thin air.

Lilac had seen this bird once when Jedrek fought the spell casters in the eastern region, but something about it looked way different than her previous encounter. The glow around the bird was much brighter.

"Something calling to your inner beast?" Lilac repeated his words. "Isn't that your wolf?"

"For us, we have two inner beasts," Jedrek scrunched his eyebrows as he looked at the bird in his arms. "I think we need to go as soon as possible."

"Where?" Lilac asked with worried expression.

And when Jedrek closed his palm, the firebird disappeared from their sight, just like a puff of smoke. "To Rieka."

"The place where the first war happened?" Lilac took Jedrek's hand and intertwined their fingers together.

"Yes," Jedrek answered thoughtfully, he raised his hand and caressed Lilac's face. "Don't worry, I will keep you safe?? I will not let anything happen to you."

Whether it was an ill fate or not… If everything happened just exactly how it began, then there was a huge possibility it would end in the same way.

However, Jedrek was determined not to lose the guardian angel before his eyes at any cost. He wouldn't allow the history to repeat. It was a mistake and he wouldn't repeat that.

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