The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 929 - IT FELT FAMILIAR

Chapter 929 - IT FELT FAMILIAR

Hope screamed at the top of her lungs when she watched Serefina set her on fire, in addition to that, the look in her eyes reminded her of someone who was in despair.

What happened to Serefina? Why was she injured pretty badly and even bruised? If it was true that she was with the devils, why did Lucifer looked so mad? Had Serefina done something atrocious that incurred the devil's wrath?

There were a lot of question which started rummaging her head.

However, just a few seconds later, she realized that the fire didn't really hurt her like she thought it would, Hope opened her eyes and saw Serefina again, who was now staring at her with such intensity that Hope couldn't understand.

She seemed to want to talk about something, but she just couldn't do it.

Hope had known Serefina for as long as her memory lane could take her back. The witch was the first person she had acknowledged as her family when her memory started to solidify and was there with her during her first nineteen years of life, thus she knew that look. She wanted to talk to her.

But, Hope was in Raine's body now, therefore, was it Raine that she wanted to talk to?

Hope held the witch's gaze for a few seconds longer before everything faded away before her and she was back inside the library again, standing in front of the stone with shock written all over her face.

"Hope?" Kace's voice could be heard from behind her back, thus she turned around and stared at her mate. "Are you okay?"

Kace walked forward, stretching his hands to reach her and cupped her face between his palms.

"I don't think so," Hope replied with uncertainty. "I feel awful," she said with a deep crease between her brows.

In the midst of this, they heard yet another deafening explosion that shook the ground.

"We need to go, something is not right here." Purple didn't even bother to hide her fear.

"What is this? There is a war outside?!" Kace grumbled, as he helped Hope to step down from the stone and followed Purple out of that place.


Meanwhile, Stephan and the rest of the dragon shifters agreed to go with them. He had told Torak everything that he knew about the cross heart vow.

As it turned out the vow wouldn't harm the baby, but it would take an account for the person, who took it.

Actually, it was the same vow that Kace and Lana took years ago, which let Kace feel the same amount of pain that Lana felt when her mate left this world.

It meant, they couldn't harm the fire dragon shifter, or else they would harm Ethan too.

Despite the fact that Ethan's well being didn't mean anything to Torak, but he was Rossie's brother, thus everything that hurt the girl would hurt Calleb too.

"Lilac what happened to your hair?" Raine looked at Lilac in bewilderment. This was the first time she saw her like this.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #%!d(string=13952362506619705)/it-felt-familiar_%!d(string=50898888441265331) for visiting.

Jedrek noticed that Lilac's hair had turned white when they finished their dinner.

Based on Raine's vision, the fire dragon shifters would come around this time, but Lilac's condition would prevent her from attending that meeting.

Lilac saw her white hair which was cascading down beside her face, and felt Jedrek tucking her hair behind her ears before pulling her closer to him.

"I don't think I can attend your meeting with the fire dragon people." Jedrek noticed that Lilac started to close her eyes sleepily.

She would be like this once in a month where she would lose of all her power and since they had many things that kept them busy in the past few days and they lost the track of the day and night as the sun and the moon were no longer could be seen, Lilac didn't see this night coming.

"What happened to her?" Torak narrowed his eyes at Lilac.

"It's nothing, she will be like this once in every month."

Torak looked at Lilac more intently. Why did he feel like he was familiar with this kind of thing? "Did she lose her power during this particular day?"

"Hm," Jedrek hummed, he let Lilac drink some water before carrying her in his arms to head back to their room. "You can do everything to Bayle that you see fit with your demands."

The fire dragon shifters were people from Jedrek's territory, thus it was only right if Torak asked the king for his opinion, but since Jedrek said he was all right with whatever Torak deemed fit, then he would do what he needed to do.

"Once in every month?" Raine murmured and when Jedrek walked past her, he could hear next sentence. "Why does it remind me of Serefina?"

Serefina? What happened to her?

However, his line of thought got distracted when Lilac nuzzled against his neck, looking for a more comfortable position.


The world seemed to be falling apart when chaos broke out in every part of the city, it almost felt like people had suddenly turned more aggressive and more brutal than ever.

They were dissatisfied with everything. The government that was clueless about their condition and these strange gloomy clouds that had been hanging over their heads for weeks now, the unpredictable weather that brought more catastrophes for the farmers, and not to mention the unstable economy of the country since the Donovan company had fallen and brought a lot of changes that they could ever possibly imagine.

Everything seemed out of order and place.

"This is what you want?" Serefina asked Lucifer beside her as she stared at the burning building in front of her with a boring gaze. "Ruin the human world? What is this? A new strategy?" historical

"No, I have been thinking about it since the first war… if only the Donovan didn't ruin my plan, this world will be so beautiful and on fire like this." Lucifer watched someone killing the person next to him after a quarrel about a trivial issue, with a proud gaze.

"Should we head to Rieka?" Serefina had enough of seeing this and turned around to head back. It was too crowded and loud for her taste.

"Of course, lets meet with our old friend, or should I say your ex lover?" Lucifer teased the witch, yet the latter couldn't take it well.

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