The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 956 - I CAN DO AS I PLEASE (2)

Chapter 956 - I CAN DO AS I PLEASE (2)

"Hey, wake up…" Hope nudged Nutdrouk body lightly with the tip of her toe when the dwarf didn't wake up even after they had waited for some time.

"I don't believe that you can do something like this," Lilac said as she watched the soundly sleeping dwarf, in this realm belonged to Hope, but then she was also called here by Hope, yet why wouldn't Nutdrouk wake up? It had already been quite some time, hadn't it? "Why do you think he wasn't waking up?"

Hope frowned. She was sure that she had done it right, but why was this soul being super stubborn to the point he didn't even want to open his eyes. "I don't know."

After Hope said that, Lilac kicked the dwarf a little bit harder, until his small body rolled over, only then did they hear a cry from the dwarf.

"You can't kick me like that! You insolent girls!" he yelled at the two guardian angels, as he sat up and rubbed the side of his body that had just been kicked by Lilac.

As it turned out, Nutdrouk was awake from the moment he arrived in this place. He just couldn't believe what Serefina said was true. These girls had managed to bring his soul to this strange place, but it still pissed him off because he couldn't escape or teleport himself out of this realm that belonged to Hope.

"Where am I?" Nutdrouk grumbled, looking around him. However, he could see nothing but white. He knew the reason, but somehow he just needed the answer straight from Hope, so he could be sure about what Serefina had told him.

"Technically, you are still in the same place, where the last time you were still conscious. I only invited your soul here." Hope used the word 'invited' to smoothen the harsh way she forced him to come.

Yet, Nutdrouk corrected her choice of words immediately. "This is not an invitation, this is literally kidnapping," he grumbled.

"Whatever you say," Hope replied, shrugging her shoulders nonchalantly. "Now, tell me…" she suddenly crouched down and stared at the dwarf, forcing Nutdrouk to crawl away from her, as if she was some kind of disease.

Nutdrouk hated it when he felt helpless and that was clearly his state now, being vulnerable in this unknown realm.

"Tell you what?" he asked defensively.

"What happened to Raine?" Hope asked him. "Raine told me what you told her, which is her being a tainted guardian angel, and her soul was not as pure as it looks. What does that mean?"

Nutdrouk had expected this kind of question, well that witch had already given a heads up about it… however, he didn't want to tell them right away.

"Fine! I will tell you,onlyafter you guarantee that I will go out of this realm as soon as I answer that," Nutdrouk said.

"Okay." Hope didn't have a problem with that.

"And one more thing," Nutdrouk added.

"What now?" this time, it was Lilac, who was crouching down beside Hope. "You are asking too much, don't you think so?"

"Hey! This is me, asking for her to fulfill her promise to Lidya," Nutdrouk retorted in annoyance. historical

"What promise?" Lilac turned to look at Hope.

At first, Hope was confused, but then she remembered what she had promised Lidya. "Ah!"

"What is it?" Lilac asked worriedly. "What did you promise to the witch?"

Hope looked at Lilac, grimacing. That promise was made in a time of rush and she planned to trick her, but it seemed she couldn't avoid it any longer.

"I promised to give her my blood willingly," she said in an apologetic tone, as though she had done something bad. Or, maybe it was a wrong decision.

"You promised what?" Lilac raised her brows. "You know that it was very crucial for us to get our blood drawn, right?"

Hope grimaced. "Well, I didn't think that far at the time I promised her, and the situation was a little bit urgent…" Then she looked at Nutdrouk. "But, you need to tell Lidya to come and get it from me herself," she said.

After all, they couldn't draw her blood here.

"No problem, I will tell her this," Nutdrouk said lightly.

Lilac could only sigh before she turned her attention onto the dwarf again. "So, what do you know about Raine's condition that we don't know about?" she asked.


"Why are we here?" Raine looked around her when she found herself in yet another familiar place.

They were no longer in the desert, but now they were surrounded by rows after rows of blue flowers that bloomed to the fullest. It was beautiful to see.

Though it was Raine's second time to be here, but she was still astonished to see such scenery, in spite of the fact the dark gloomy cloud hanging low in the sky. It seemed this place also shared the same sky. Were they in the current time? Raine couldn't tell, she lost track of time, despite it was her gift.

"To train," Serefina said in a matter of fact tone.

Raine narrowed her eyes at the witch, whatever training that she was talking about, it wouldn't be a pleasant experience, especially when even Hope was not sure, which side the witch had taken.

"Which side are you now?" Raine blurted out the question that she desperately needed an answer for. It wasn't just her, but also some people that were close to Serefina were pondering over this. "Have you been deceiving the devils to help us?"

Raine hoped Serefina would nod her pretty head, if she did so, she would believe her unquestionably.

It was true that her hard- approach attitude and rude behavior was such a pain to deal with, but people closer to her would feel like something was amiss without it.

Serefina would give those three Donovans a few earfuls if she knew what they had done about the war. Just like how she disobeyed Torak's order when he told her to not tell Raine about his condition a long time ago, when Torak's human side was very weak and his beast took over.

The witch would always find a way to do what she thought was right, despite her method being unpleasant to be followed sometimes.

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