The Love of a Lycan



"A party?" Raine felt her mind was running very slow upon hearing this information. She couldn't believe it. How could she believe it?

Without a second thought, Raine jumped down from her bed and rushed toward the mirror inside her bedroom. It was a mirror that was as tall as her.

She stood there and watched her reflection with ragged breath and her heart thumped wildly against her ribcage, as if it would burst in the next second.

How could this happen?!

Raine looked at herself in the mirror. Her figure when she was eight years old.

If tomorrow was her birthday, then today was the day after that attack, the first day that turned her life upside down the day after her parents were killed.

But, no!

They were alive!

"Honey, what happened?" Her mother approached her and bent her body to look at her daughter's pale face. "You are pale? Are you sick?" she asked in concern.

The concern in her voice and the face that Raine thought had forgotten were right in front of her. Raine could even smell a tinge of cinnamon from her. The sweet smell that belonged to her mother, a small thing that she thought she had forgotten. historical

"Mom…" Raine called her mother in a very small voice. Her chest caved in with many unexplainable emotions that ran through her heart and mind.

"What happened, honey? Is something wrong?" her mother hugged her small body when Raine started sobbing before clutching her shirt hard. She didn't want to let go.

Of course, she didn't want to let go of this moment, she didn't want to go back to the endless fight and war.

Raine wanted to stay here with her family…

"Why are you crying, honey?" her mother patted her back and kissed her cheek softly.

Her body was warm and it made Raine feel at peace, but it coudn't stop her from crying because only now did she realize how much she missed her mother…


Alpha Alec from Torak's pack, crushed the glass in his hand and the sharp shards penetrated his skin, dripping his blood to the floor, but he didn't feel the pain because even before the last drop of his blood could leave it, the wound had closed.

The Alpha's red eyes stared at the camps outside the high wall of this castle, where they were trapped inside without having the ability to fight against the dark magic.

Hell! They wouldn't be able to hold down their fort if those blood suckers decided to attack!

They didn't have enough numbers here and if the magic that prevented them to teleport to a different place was still in place, it meant no one could send a back up either.

"But, what are those vampires and spell-casters waiting for?!" Alpha Alec asked his Beta, Lark, who was standing beside him to see their enemies.

The perimeter that they built wouldn't hold them forever. It was only a matter of time before the worse would be happening…

"I don't know…" Lark shook his head. He didn't understand why they didn't attack when the victory was before their eyes to grab. "It seems they were waiting for a command."

"Command from who?!" Alpha Alec would fight them to death without a doubt, but his concern was on the women and children that were sheltered in this place.

Not only that, he couldn't stop thinking about his mate and his daughter too. It was fortunate enough that they didn't come here with him and stayed back in their territory.

At least, they could hide inside the bunker of their house.

Ariana and Arabella… They should be fine…

"Dmtri," Alpha Alec hissed his name viciously. It must be him. There was no other vampire that was capable enough to mobilize these many troops.


Three white lycans stood in the middle of the carcasses, scattered on the ground beneath their feet, as blood trickled down from their white fur.

However, the moment they felt something moving on the ground, they immediately leapt high and landed a few meters away from the spot where those dead bodies started to come alive once again.

This battle wouldn't end.

Those dead creatures couldn't be destroyed and the worst part was; the moment their people died, it meant it would only add more people to the devils' death armies.

[Jedrek, this will not do.] Kace mind- linked Jedrek beside him grimly, while Torak continued fighting before crushing the first dead creature that approached them along with two other lycan warriors. [We have to back down.]

If they lost more men, they would only provide more people to their enemy. And it seemed the whole city had turned into these despicable creatures, human or not.

Jedrek scoured his surroundings, they had been too far from their camps and went too deep, to the heart of the battlefield, where the craters were, but it seemed this was as far as they could reach.

It weren't possible to penetrate further than this. Moreover, even if they found the craters, what could they do? They didn't have the ability to close them and send those devils' minions back to hell.

Closing his eyes, the white lycan raised his head to look up at the dark sky and howled, calling for the others beast. [Reatreat!] he said through the mind- link.


"… it became darker…" Hope said in a small voice.

The room fell into silence, as no one spoke after what Hope said.

Even though Calleb, Ethan and Belinda could not quite understand anything about whatever Hope stated, but they didn't dare to break this solemn atmosphere.

All of them stayed like that for a few more minutes, shifting their attention back and forth between the two guardian angels, who seemed to be sharing a conversation that they couldn't hear, though what all they had done was just sitting there.

The silence stretched out until Lilac decided to speak. She stood up and looked at Calleb. "Hope, I think you can do something to them."

"What?" Hope retracted her eyes from Raine and looked at Lilac, bewildered. "Do what?"

"Bring back their inner beast." Lilac looked straight into Hope's eyes.

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