The Love of a Lycan



Two white beasts shifted into their human skins when they walked through the gates, a few guards greeted them, but their minds were too occupied with others things inside their heads.

Kace, who knew that his mate had already woken up, couldn't even wait a single second to see her.

Meanwhile, Torak needed to see Lilac, to discuss about Calleb. Maybe she had a way to bring some back up to protect the people in the earth dragon castle.

They had to do something about it and Torak didn't even want to start imagining what would happen to Calleb if he lost his mate. He wouldn't be able stand such a blow.

His mind and judgment had been clouded from the first day he arrived here. Staring at the gloomy sky alone managed to dampen his mood considerably. It almost felt like they were surrounded in despair…

However, before that, he needed to see Raine first. If Hope and Lilac had already woken up, so why didn't Raine? historical

Maybe she had regained her consciousness now. She just came back late probably…

Torak hoped he was right and when he reached their room, Raine would greet him like usual.

"Alpha Torak, Alpha Kace…" one of the guards approached them.

When Kace heard the Alpha title, he didn't say anything, he was not in the mood to correct him. He could address him as he wished, though on a normal day, he would glare at this shifter.

"The queen asks for your presence in the meeting room once you got here," the young man said, half- running to follow the brothers' steps.

"Later," Torak said curtly and quickened his steps, but the young shifter followed them regardless.

However, they stopped walking when they heard a loud explosion that came from the direction of the place to where they were heading.

Without a second thought, Kace and Torak shifted into their beasts again and rushed over hurriedly.


Sebastian couldn't believe what he saw when a total of seven dragons flapped their wings in the air, shrieking relentlessly while breathing fire with the dark sky as the background.

"Impossible…" Sebastian muttered to himself.

But, even more impossible things happened… from the huge hole formed on the wall of one of the rooms, which seemed to be Raine's room, one more dragon came out… and another… followed by one more…

The general shook his head when he witnessed all of this and jumped in surprise when he heard menacing growls coming from behind his back.

But, to his relieve, he saw two white beasts rushing toward him, he didn't think he could take one more surprise after seeing more than a dozen dragons all at once.

The two white beasts then shifted into the two younger brothers of his king.

"What happened here?!" Torak roared at Sebastian, but he didn't stop walking toward the room. His red eyes became even more murderous when he witnessed the half- burned dragon people' bodies, while the rest had been blazed into ashes.

"I don't know… I just arrived here too…" Sebastian said. "There… how could the dragon shifter…" he pointed to the sky.

Yet, Kace and Torak just spared the scene a glance. They had seen that on their way here and it only made them more anxious.

Especially when they entered the room and watched as the last dragon shifter shifted into his beast and flapped his wings to join the other dragons.

But the most terrifying sight for Torak was when he noticed that Raine was not on her bed, though he knew it was most likely that their enemies would target their mates first.

"What happened here?" Torak tried to keep his voice as calm as he could, but it still couldn't hide the fact that the Alpha was on the brink of becoming a feral.

Behind Torak, Kace growled and snarled. He could smell his mate's scent in this room which indicated that Hope was here just a few moments ago.

But, just like Raine, Hope also disappeared and aside from Belinda, who was cradling someone in her arms, no one was inside the room.

Sebastian, who was standing in front of the broken door, immediately took the initiative. "I will let Lilac knew about this."

And then he ran toward the meeting place and when he glanced at the sky, he could see a horde of dragons flying in the north direction, the place where the battle was happening, where Jedrek was in charge along with some Lycanthropes that were left.


Lilac was in the middle of a conversation with one of the eight Alphas inside this meeting room, after rejecting Stephan's idea when all the Lycanthropes stood up and directed their attention toward the door.

At first, Lilac didn't understand, she thought they were being attacked, but maybe that was true, because from the loud explosion and rumbling sounds they heard from afar.

"What is that?" Lilac looked at them one by one and as if there was a tacit understanding between them, they started to run out of the room to check upon the situation.

Now, all of the people gathered inside the meeting room were standing in the open area, but due to their location, where a tall and huge tower covered most of their view, they failed to see the dragon beasts that were flying amok in the sky.

"I think the sound was from the direction of Raine's room," Stephan muttered, he glanced at Lilac, who was standing beside him and one of Alphas started to mind- link to gather more people.

"I will check what's going on." Alpha Ralph along with the other three Alphas volunteered to check the situation.

And when they were all gone, from the opposite direction, they saw someone running hastily toward them. It was Sybil.

"My queen," she said and her fearful eyes looked at Lilac. "The spell is broken. Something...." She shook her head, correcting herself. "Someone had managed to break into this place by magic."

Lilac narrowed her eyes when she heard that, but before she could think further about this new information, the Alphas gasped loudly as their hands pointed at something in the sky.

And that was when Lilac saw a horde of dragon beasts…

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