The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 996 - I AM SORRY

Chapter 996 - I AM SORRY

The end of the dark tunnel was an abandoned house, near one of the bustling streets of this city. The house looked like it would collapse in the next second. This place was creepy enough to keep any outsiders from coming closer.

"We can't go out there," Adair interrupted Oliver's thoughts, while he was considering the idea to mingle among humans. "Those humans already knew about our existence! They will kill us the moment we step out of this place!" She hissed in anger.

Adair had been a walking nervous wreck all this time making everyone around her feel exhausted, but this time, she was not wrong, though what Oliver suggested made sense too.

"But, what will we get if we stay?" Oliver rebutted the young werewolf and glared at her. "Aside from me, you and Glen." He nodded his head to the man behind the line of the people. "The rest of them can't fight, if the vampires managed to find this secret tunnel, which they will, sooner or later!" he said in frustration.

To think that it was not only the vampires, but also the spell- casters whom they were searching for them, it was only a matter of time before they found them.

Thus, the idea to stay was not the best thing to do, but…

"Can't you see it?" Adair argued. "Out there, the humans were trying to kill us!"

"They will not know whether we are a shifter or human!" Oliver became more frustrated. "How could they guess that we are shifters?"

This shut Adair's argumentation and she mumbled something incoherently.

"But, where we will go?" Rossie stepped forward, aside from her, Adair and two other shifters, the rest of them were children and elder who summed up to almost forty people. "We can't roam around on the streets with these many people at a time. It will draw unnecessary attention."

"She is right," Adair grumbled. "It's normal for ten people to gather together, but forty? They will get suspicious."

The commotion died down as everyone were immersed in their own thoughts.

"Let's split," Glen suggested. He had been silent during their journey in the secret tunnel.

"I don't think that is a good idea…" Oliver mumbled, but didn't reject it out rightly either.

"Let's split." Adair agreed with Glen. "Ten people in each group. But, do you know where we are heading?"

"Yes," Oliver answered, he had thought about it when he realized which city they were in now. "There is a small pack near this place. I hope humans had not yet found it. They have a safety place in their pack house if I am not mistaken."

"We will go in different routes. This way the vampires and the witches will have a hard time tracking us." One of the Elders chimed in.

"Let's split then…"


Jedrek wrapped Serefina's cold body with the cloak that he wore, he held her trembling body and patted her back when the pain was no longer tolerable for her to bear.

Comfortable silence wrapped around them, as no question was asked and no words were uttered.

During which, Serefina could only clutch onto Jedrek, as if her life was hanging on it. Tears streamed down her pale cheeks and wetted the front of his shirt.

It was not clear whether those tears were coming from the pain of her body or her heart…

Only when Serefina's breath became more easy and the clutch on his shirt had slightly relaxed, did Jedrek loosen his grip around her shoulders.

For now, the king just leaned against the shelf behind him, while cradling the woman who once filled his life to the brim with happiness and whom he would sacrifice everything… that was how important Serefina was in his life… once…

"What is happening to you?" Jedrek finally asked after Serefina had calmed down and it seemed whatever pain that she felt was now gone, it had subsided.

Serefina shook her head weakly. She was too tired to talk, or who knew she could be even pretending to hide behind her arrogant mask. "Can you please don't ask?"

"I need to know." Jedrek's voice was devoid of any emotion, but he still pressed this matter, since Serefina couldn't run away. "Don't you think that you owe me an explanation?"

"There is nothing to explain now…" Everything had happened and explaining it would only amplify her heartbreak, making her feel utterly hopeless.

Sometimes, it was best to leave a matter untouched, since talking about it would only make everything worse…

Jedrek clenched his jaw and looked at the wall of flames through the window. His mind was elsewhere and his emotions were all over place.

"Did Selene resurrect you?" Jedrek asked this question all of a sudden. If Serefina refused to explain it on her own, then he would find the answer in his own way.

Jedrek drew this conclusion when he watched how Lilac would lose her power once a month while her hair turn white, though she was not in great pain like what Serefina suffered, but his mate looked very fragile and vulnerable at that time, she was akin to someone, who would have their last breath when that time comes.

Therefore, Jedrek drew the same conclusion…

Lilac had died, he killed her indirectly and she suffered because of it when the moon goddess resurrected her. Does it mean, Serefina had died too?

"If you don't answer me, I will take it as a 'yes'." Jedrek concluded. He glanced at Serefina and watched the witch who wouldn't even move an inch.

"I don't remember hearing anything about your death," Jedrek continued speaking, his heart caved in with that thought. How could he not know that his woman at that time had been killed? "Was it at that time when you went to the village of angels?"

Because after that, Serefina had gone missing for a quite while.

The witch stayed still.

"Who killed you?" The arms around Serefina's body tensed, as Jedrek hugged her tighter. historical

"I have killed him." Only those few words left her lips with her eyes still closed.

Jedrek rested his chin on the crown of Serefina's head, relishing her scent. "I am sorry."

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