The Love That Remains

Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Men who know how to kiss

Wang Mei is only scared of two people in the world: Grandmother Wang and her best friend, Fang Aisa. In her fifteen years of life, Wang Mei has seen her friend get angry twice.

The first time, it's when Wang Mei's classmate said something bad about Wang Mei. Fang Aisa stood up and glared at those boys. She couldn't see her friend's expression because she was standing behind Fang Aisa. But she saw the boys wet their pants from Aisa's deathly gaze alone.

The second time, she saw her friend get angry at Grandmother Fang's funeral. Fang Aisa was only 12. She kept her face expressionless throughout the day. Everyone in the Fang family ignored her. Outside the funeral hall, Fang Aisa beat up her cousin brother into bloody meat. Her cousin brother had said bad words about Grandmother Fang. When the adults asked both parties for the fight, Fang Aisa didn't utter a word. It affected Fang Aisa's reputation greatly.josei

Wang Mei has been thinking that the 'culprit' is her best friend's friend or her crush. She has heard her younger brother practice those 'cheesy' pick up lines at home. Even her twin sister speaks of similar pickup lines that one of her admirers used once. Now, she doesn't know what to say.

She starts sweating when she sees her best friend's expression darken like the clouds. She steps back away from her and the 'culprit'. Wang Mei doesn't know what's going to follow. She keeps her distance to 'avoid' what is going to come. She pities the pretty boy. A part of her also admires Sung Jun for not wetting his pants.

Fang Aisa laughs. Her laugh is cold and penetrating like sharp ice. "What did you say?"

"I will marry-" The 'culprit' stops when he sees Fang Aisa step closer to him. Fang Aisa looks like a silent volcano ready to erupt. He smiles lightly. He didn't imagine it. This girl hates him from every corner of her soul. He doesn't know why, but he will find out the reason

"You want to marry me?" Fang Aisa cracks her knuckles. She doesn't notice the 'culprit' leaning closer to her. Granny Lan is not there, else she would have warned her. Wang Mei is too scared to say anything.

"What happened to your fiancée?"

Sung Jun looks confused. He doesn't have a fiancée. He is just fifteen. He is at an age when he is supposed to experience summer love. Even talking about marriage to Fang Aisa is heavy. Why did he ask her to marry him? He doesn't know. He didn't like it when Wang Mei suggested her brother for Fang Aisa.

He starts questioning why he is even here and asking this odd girl to marry him. They are too young to talk about marriage. Shouldn't he ask her to become his girlfriend instead? When he says that he will take responsibility, that's only because he wants to know how this girl knows him. Her aura is another mystery. Why does she have dark shadows floating around her?

And, why is this girl angry with the idea of marrying him? Does she not find him attractive? This is the first time when someone reacted this way.

"I don't have a fiancé," Sung Jun says quietly. They are so close that their chests are almost touching. He inhales her sweet scent. His gaze falls on the girl's lips. If he 'accidentally' leans closer, he can kiss those cherry lips.

"Liar!" Fang Aisa scowls at him darkly. "If you don't have any fiancée now, you will have one in the future."

Does she not have any brain? Of course, he will have a fiancée in the future. He will get married someday. "Miss Fang, do you want to become my fiancée?"

"Absolutely, Not! I don't like your ugly face." Fang Aisa spits out the words with disgust. "Get out of here."

Sung Jun is not affected. But, he is confused. The girl clearly knows him. He has never seen her before. He doesn't remember ever coming across someone like her before.

How does he manage to make her this angry? She clearly hates him.

"Why are you not leaving?"

Fang Aisa and Sung Jun are standing too close. Wang Mei wants to separate them, but she doesn't dare to move. Fang Aisa is too scary right now. Wang Mei is the one who brought this 'culprit' to her home. She fears that Fang Aisa will deal with her next.

"Say," Sung Jun doesn't smile anymore. He has had enough. His eyes have a cold glint. He is smiling, but he is emitting a dangerous aura. "How did I offend you, girl?"

Just like that, Sung Jun shreds his 'gentlemanly' image.

"You offended me in our past life." Fang Aisa blurts out. "You are *$#@%"

Sung Jun grabs her chin and carefully observes Fang Aisa's face. The girl doesn't seem to be lying or joking. But, she is speaking nonsense. What should he do with her, hmm?

Several moments later, the girl and the boy are still glaring at each other. Their noses are almost touching. Things are not looking good between them. Who will make the first move?

Wang Mei wants to intervene. Her friend is in 'danger'. Sung Jun is definitely not Fang Aisa's friend or crush. She should beat the guy for the crisis he has caused her and her friend.

Before she can move, Fang Aisa waves her hand for her to stop. She doesn't spare a glance to Wang Mei. Wang Mei doesn't take another step. It's the empress' decree.

"I don't like you, Fang Aisa." Sung Jun professes. His 'almost' smile doesn't leave his face. Fang Aisa looks like she wants to break his teeth.

"Hateful. Narcissistic. Lying Bastard." She utters the word with her clenched teeth.

"I should show you how much of the bastard I am." So, he wants to teach this girl a lesson. He leans and kisses those cherry lips that he has been eyeing for a while.


When his lips touch mine, it sends a static shock through my nerve. Before I can react, he pushes me back until my back hits the wall and pins my wrists on the wall. He presses me with his body to keep me from using my legs to kick his balls.

It takes immense willpower to not kiss him back. I am too old to not understand what it means. I hate that my heart is crazily beating and my body is reacting to the kiss. I hate it that he can still make me feel the way I am feeling. I keep my eyes open to let him see how much I hate it. Despite that, he doesn't let me go. He prods my lips with his tongue, trying to pry it open. I press them together harder. I see the amusement in his eyes as he nibbles my lower lip with his teeth. I will hold my breath. I won't open my mouth to give him an opportunity to invade my mouth. I am aware of every trick.

When he lets go of my lips, I step away and gasp for air. He has this winning smile on his face. This brat! I am supposed to be 30 years old mentally. How could a fifteen years old brat make me breathless? If I had known that I was going to be reborn in the past, I would have slept around after he left me and mentally prepare myself for this. Damn! I am ashamed of myself.

Wang Mei opens her mouth to say something. Just then, Granny Lan knocks on the door and comes in with a tray full of snacks and cups of tea.

"Is something wrong, young miss?" She narrows her eyes suspiciously. Her eyes stop on my lips.

"Nothing is wrong." I look away from Sung Jun. Looking anywhere else is better than looking at him. I am resisting the urge to beat him in front of Granny Lan.

Granny Lan sets the table and asks us to sit down for the tea. Wang Mei and I sit together while Sung Jun takes a seat opposite of me. He picks up the cup of tea and drinks. His movements are sophisticated and precise. I don't know who he is trying to impress. But, I want to pour the hot tea on his face.

Granny Lan watches us quietly.

"Are you staying for dinner?" Granny Lan asks them politely, breaking the heavy silence.

"No," I answer for them. I want them to leave as soon as possible.

"Yes." Sung Jun ignores me and invites himself shamelessly.

"Yooonsh..." I have no idea what Wang Mei is trying to say with her mouth full of snacks. "Iamsahying~"

Granny Lan nods at her. She seems to understand her.

"I will make dinner." Granny Lan finally leaves us alone.

With wronged and annoyed expression, Sung Jun says, "Miss Fang should apologize."

I furrow my brows. Did this idiot just ask me to apologize to him?

"Why should I?" I raise my brows.

Sung Jun's eyes twinkles. He smiles mockingly. "Just a while ago, Miss Fang tried to seduce me."

"Sung Jun, You #$!#-" Sung Jun ignores my cursing and carries on with the farce.

"You intentionally stood close to me when it's inappropriate for a man and woman to stand that close." He takes another sip of tea and speaks like a headmaster is scolding his student. "That morning when I asked you the way to high school, you tried to flirt with me. You even said that I should recognize you when we have clearly never met before."

I have had enough. This guy keeps breaking the limit of shamelessness. I can't tolerate him.

"I didn't seduce you. I didn't flirt with you. I don't even like sissy boys like you."

"What did you say?" Sung Jun growls.

Ho Ho Ho! I know that it's his sore spot. Sung Jun's face is too pretty. Like a girl. He is tall but slender and lean. In my past life, when we went out on dates, he was often mistaken as a girl in boy's clothes. There were even men who flirted with him in front of me. I had to 'save' my ex-boyfriend from leering men. He played me well in my past life.

"Boy with a babyface." I gloat on my victory when I see him getting furious. "If you wear a wig and a dress, you can easily pass for a girl."

"Fang Aisa!" He bellows.

"Besides, I like older men. Well built men in suits. Not someone like you." His face gets darker with each word. "Manly man in their thirties… Men who know how to kiss."


"Hmph! You think that I would ever try to seduce someone with a face like you?"


"Ah!" It's Wang Mei who shouts suddenly. "Stop arguing. My head is hurting. I don't understand at all. Aisa, is he your friend or enemy? Do you like him?"

He and I stare into each other eyes. He is waiting for me to answer. What does he expect? I smile at Wang Me and answer her, "Enemy. He's my enemy. He will always be."

Sung Jun gets up and leaves.

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