The Lucky Bride Is Pretty And Delicate

Chapter 170 - I Didn’t Help You And I Won’t Help You

Chapter 170 - I Didn’t Help You And I Won’t Help You

Chapter 170: I Didn’t Help You And I Won’t Help You

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

In the next three days, the entire Tan mansion seemed to be enveloped by a fog. The people outside ignored the existence of the Tan mansion and people inside could not leave.

Hearing Tan Fengzhi’s scream, the servants were terrified.

Tan Fengzhi’s concubines did not dare to go out at all.

Even if they wanted to leave, they could not.

Three days later, Liu Sanniang knocked on the door. The servants opened the door in surprise and fear. “Miss Liu, you’re finally here.”

Butler Tan did not dare to breathe loudly. He regretted treating Liu Sanniang coldly before.

As soon as Liu Sanniang arrived, Granny Zhou walked out. She bowed to Liu Sanniang and thanked her before collapsing.

After Granny Zhou fell to the ground, Liu Sanniang went into the main hall. She took out some joss paper and lit it up. Then, she chanted the Rebirth Mantra to exorcize Old Madam Tan.

Tan Fengzhi walked out of the house and knelt in front of the coffin with a swollen face. He kowtowed heavily. “Mother, I’m sorry.”

He lowered his head and two streams of tears ran down his face. She didn’t know if those were tears of regret or something else.

Liu Sanniang burned the paper and prepared to leave.

Tan Fengzhi quickly stood up and instructed. “Butler, go and get 100 taels of silver. Miss Liu has helped me a lot. I want to thank her. If not for her, I wouldn’t have known what kind of beast I was all these years.”

Tan Fengzhi wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes and said to Liu Sanniang, “Miss Liu, I can’t repay you enough. Please accept it.”

Liu Sanniang looked at Tan Fengzhi. “I didn’t help you, so there is no need for you to thank me.”

Tan Fengzhi smiled. “Miss Liu, you deserve this. Please take it.”

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Liu Sanniang said calmly, “I didn’t help you and I won’t help you, so I won’t take anything from you.”

After saying that, Liu Sanniang glanced at Tan Fengzhi and left.

Tan Fengzhi looked at Liu Sanniang and felt that she seemed to know something. His heart trembled, but he maintained a smile on his face. After watching Liu Sanniang leave, the smile on his face gradually stiffened.

When Liu Sanniang reached the door, she felt a pair of eyes staring at her. She turned around and saw a plainly dressed woman looking at her. When she met Liu Sanniang’s gaze, the woman retracted her eyes and left.

Liu Sanniang turned around and walked out of the Tan mansion. She happened to see Granny Li walking outside. Seeing Liu Sanniang come out, Granny Li smiled. “Miss Liu, did you settle the matter?”

Liu Sanniang nodded.

Granny Li heaved a sigh of relief. “Thank you, Miss Liu, for helping me. This is fifty taels of silver. Please accept it.”

Liu Sanniang did not expect Granny Li to keep her promise and give her the money she received previously from the Tan family.

Liu Sanniang did not accept it. “No need.”

Granny Li stuffed the money into Liu Sanniang’s hands. “Miss Liu, though I’m greedy sometimes, I never fail to keep my word. We’ve agreed on this. I can’t go back on my word. I’ve learned my lesson.”

With that, Granny Li walked away immediately, not giving Liu Sanniang a chance to refuse.

Liu Sanniang put the money into her pocket and went home.

What Liu Sanniang did not know was that not long after she left, Granny Zhou came out of the Tan Mansion. She had aged a lot and looked in the direction where Liu Sanniang had disappeared with hatred.

When Liu Sanniang returned home, General Black had already opened his eyes completely. He had gained a lot of weight and seemed especially cute.

If one called him General Black, he would look up at them as if he could understand them.

After playing with General Black for a while, Liu Sanniang went to embroider. The clothes she was making for Chu Yan would be ready in a few days. Chu Yan was even taller than Liu Dalang. He was tall, but not fat.

Late September.

At noon, Lin Zheng came to look for her. “Miss Liu, sorry we have to trouble you again.”

Liu Sanniang followed him to the government office. There was another case.

On the way, Liu Sanniang asked him. “What case is it?”

Lin Zheng looked a little lost in thought. “Miss Liu, it’s difficult to explain. The murderer seems to have lost his memory. He shouted that he was innocent, but the murder weapon was in his hand. This homicide happened in Chaoyang Village.”

Liu Sanniang couldn’t help but fall into deep thought. “Lost his memory?”

Lin Zheng nodded. “Yes, he doesn’t remember anything. When he was captured, he didn’t even try to resist. The magistrate interrogated him personally and asked him questions but he couldn’t answer any of them. He kept saying that he’s in pain and that he doesn’t know anything.”

“Magistrate Wei asked me to invite you to take a look.”

Only Liu Sanniang could figure out the reason for this.

Wei Shilai never believed in mystics, but he believed in Liu Sanniang.

Liu Sanniang followed him to the government office, but Lin Zheng did not go in. “Miss Liu, go straight to see Magistrate Wei. I still have to investigate this person’s identity. The villagers in Chaoyang Village said that they don’t know this man.”

Liu Sanniang nodded. “Okay.”

Liu Sanniang entered the government office. There was a private interrogation room where Wei Shilai was.

Zhu Zongyang looked at the murderer and said, “Sir, this person must be pretending because he wants to get away with it.”

Criminals of this kind would receive capital punishment. He claimed to not remember anything because most likely he wanted to escape the punishment. josei

Hearing Zhu Zongyang’s words, the man in ordinary clothes said anxiously, “I really didn’t kill anyone. Why would I kill someone? I didn’t do it, Sir. I really didn’t do it.”

Wei Shilai turned to look at the officer beside him and asked. “Is Miss Liu here?”

The officer said, “I’ll go out and take a look.”

Wei Shilai nodded.

As soon as Liu Sanniang arrived outside, she met the officer who came out to receive her.

When the officer saw Liu Sanniang, he said, “Miss Liu, it’s great that you’re here. Magistrate Wei is waiting for you. This murder won’t admit to commiting the crime and keeps saying that he’s innocent.”

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