The Lucky Bride Is Pretty And Delicate

Chapter 172 - Murder Of An Entire Family

Chapter 172 - Murder Of An Entire Family

Chapter 172: Murder Of An Entire Family

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Fortunately, she was traveling with Wei Shilai this time, so she wasn’t alone with Chu Yan in the carriage.

Liu Sanniang got into the carriage. Wei Shilai smiled and sat on the side as well. Chu Yan also came in and sat opposite Liu Sanniang. He looked at Liu Sanniang with his dark eyes. She quickly looked at Wei Shilai, wanting to talk to him to ease the tension.

However, Wei Shilai’s eyes were already shut, to take rest.

Liu Sanniang was speechless.

The corners of Chu Yan’s lips curled up, and his eyes revealed a doting expression. He took out a small bag and handed it to Liu Sanniang. She looked at the slender hand in front of her and found that Chu Yan’s hand was very beautiful. It was extremely slender and well-defined.

Liu Sanniang took the bag. It was heavy. She opened it to find it filled with food.

Liu Sanniang whispered. “Thank you.”

Chu Yan did not speak. If not for the fact that there was someone else in the carriage, he would reach out and rub her head.

On the way, Liu Sanniang glanced at Wei Shilai a few times. But he still had his eyes closed. Chu Yan looked fixedly at her. His gaze was too gentle. Liu Sanniang did not dare to look at him, afraid that she would fall into it. The temperature in the car seemed to have risen. She wanted to say something to ease the tension, but Wei Shilai was apparently resting, so she could only speak to Chu Yan.

Talking to Chu Yan… Forget it.

When they finally arrived at Chaoyang Village, just as Liu Sanniang was about to speak up, Wei Shilai opened his eyes and smiled at Liu Sanniang. “Miss Liu, we’re here.”

Wei Shilai got out of the carriage first.

Liu Sanniang wanted to wait for Chu Yan to get out first. She looked at him, and Chu Yan’s eyes were filled with love. “Sanniang.”

Liu Sanniang blushed and quickly got out of the carriage.

Hearing him call her name so gently, Liu Sanniang felt giddy as if she had gulped down some strong wine. No, no, if this continued, she would fall into his trap.

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Chu Yan followed Liu Sanniang out of the carriage.

A murder case, where an entire family was massacred, had happened in Chaoyang Village. The villagers fell into a panic and requested the government to punish the murderer as soon as possible.

They were terrified that such a disaster would befall them if the murderer was still at large.

At the same time, they were puzzled. This murderer seemed to have suddenly come out of nowhere. No one in their village knew him, so why did he want to kill this family?

The officers had already sealed off the murder scene.

On the way to the victim’s house, many people were talking about it. When they saw Wei Shilai, they said, “Sir, when will the murderer be executed? When will you seek justice for Huang Hu and his family?”

Wei Shilai looked at the onlookers and replied seriously. “Don’t worry, everyone. I’ll definitely find out the truth.”

Wei Shilai did not explain further and walked into the Huang family.

Huang Hu and his family of eight were killed in their sleep.

Namo Amitabha Buddha… (Note: Amitabha Pure Land Rebirth Mantra)

In the house, the sound of chanting scriptures could be heard. Every word seemed to carry enormous power, making people feel at ease.

When the chanting ended, Wei Shilai came back to his senses. “Who was chanting?”

The voice came from inside the house.

In the main hall of the Huang family, a monk in white was sitting with his back facing them. He put his hands together and chanted.

Wei Shilai asked him. “Who are you? Do you know where this is?”

The monk stood up and turned around. He was handsome and looked to be in his twenties. He was very amiable. He nodded at Wei Shilai, Liu Sanniang, and the others. “My name is Wu Ju. When I passed by this village, I was overwhelmed by the resentment, so I came to dispel it.”

Wei Shilai immediately lowered his guard and looked at Liu Sanniang.

Liu Sanniang looked at Wu Ju. She did not know how powerful Wu Ju was, but she knew that he had already reached Nirvana. When she entered the house, she could still feel the resentment, but after being exorcized by Wu Ju, it was gone.

The air was now fresh and even held some sweetness. The Huang family’s house seemed to be enveloped in a happy atmosphere. Liu Sanniang’s ears twitched. She could hear the happy chatter of this family from the past.

Wu Ju looked at Liu Sanniang and smiled gently. “Miss, are you also a Buddhist?”

Liu Sanniang said respectfully, “No, I don’t belong to any sect.”

“No sect.”

Wu Ju muttered to himself and looked at Liu Sanniang inquisitively.

Liu Sanniang looked into Wu Ju’s eyes and was stunned. Wu Ju’s eyes seemed to have an attraction, and the warmth inside them made Liu Sanniang forget to resist.

A big hand held her palm and squeezed it. Liu Sanniang came back to her senses and was a little confused. Was her mind being read by Wu Ju just now?

She did not feel anything at all. Even if it was just a moment, that warmth was still unforgettable.

Wu Ju smiled. “Miss, do you have a Dharma name?”

Liu Sanniang shook her head. “I don’t have a Dharma name.”

Wu Ju glanced at Chu Yan beside Liu Sanniang and nodded at her. “I’ll take my leave first. We’ll meet again if we are fated.”

Wu Ju walked out. Wei Shilai gave way to him. Seeing Wu Ju walk out of their sight, Wei Shilai sighed. “He’s also a master.”

Liu Sanniang nodded. “Indeed.”

And he might be stronger than her.

Liu Sanniang retracted her hand from Chu Yan’s palm. If not for Chu Yan, her mind would’ve been read by Wu Ju. Everything about her would be exposed to him.

“Stay on your guard next time.”

Chu Yan’s voice was slightly husky and filled with anger.

Liu Sanniang nodded. “Thank you.”

Chu Yan was angry. Why was he angry?

Wei Shilai looked at Liu Sanniang and asked. “Miss Liu, take a look and see if you can find any clues.”

Liu Sanniang nodded.

This was the place where the Huang family was murdered. They were stabbed to death in their sleep without even letting out a scream. When Liu Sanniang arrived outside, she reached out and brushed the wall of the courtyard. She closed her eyes and walked, trying to sense the memories of this house.

In the house, there was a happy family of eight. They relied on each other and lived a happy life. josei

Liu Sanniang walked into the room. This was the kitchen. She could sense that a gentle woman was cooking here. The family was eating together, happy and harmonious.

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