The Lucky Bride Is Pretty And Delicate

Chapter 177 - Sweet Nothings

Chapter 177 - Sweet Nothings

Chapter 177: Sweet Nothings

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Liu Sanniang’s mind started to buzz.

Chu Yan retracted his gaze and smiled. He then turned to leave in a good mood.

Liu Sanniang immediately closed the door with a bang.

She turned around and leaned against the door. Before she could heave a sigh of relief, she saw Liu Dalang and Liu Erlang holding General Black and looking at her.

Liu Sanniang blushed. She covered her face and quickly ran back to her room.

Did her brothers hear everything just now…?

Liu Dalang and Liu Erlang were struck dumb.

They were completely confused. No one expected Chu Yan to say such sweet nothings. josei

He was already engaged to their sister and met her quite often. It was normal for them to talk sweetly, but for some reason, they were jealous.

Liu Erlang touched General Black. “Brother, why do I feel bad? Do you think I can win if I go and beat up Chu Yan now?”

Chu Yan was slightly taller but much stronger than him. After all, he used to be a blacksmith and was quite muscular.

Liu Erlang looked at Liu Dalang. “Brother, I think if we team up, we can give him a good beating.”

He might not be able to do it alone, but with Liu Dalang, he would definitely be able to win.


Liu Dalang came back early today. He did not expect to see such a scene and wasn’t feeling good either.

At first, he also wanted to beat Chu Yan up, but after hearing Liu Erlang’s words, he thought better of it. He glanced at Liu Erlang. “Aren’t you afraid of Mother?”

Liu Erlang was a little scared. He had almost forgotten that Chu Yan was now the son-in-law of the Liu family.

If Madam Wei found out that he had hit Chu Yan, she would definitely spank him. He was already a grown up. It’d be embarrassing if he got spanked.

Liu Erlang gritted his teeth. “Then are we just gonna pretend that nothing happened?”

Liu Dalang asked in return. “How old is Sanniang?”

Liu Erlang said dejectedly, “Fourteen, She’ll be fifteen after the new year.”

Liu Dalang said, “She’s different from ordinary people now. When the time comes, we’ll talk to Mom and get her to keep Sanniang at home for two more years. When she’s 20 years old, she can marry Chu Yan.”

In this way, they could spend more time with their dear sister.

Liu Erlang gave him a thumbs up. “You’re smart.”

At dinner time that night, Liu Sanniang was too embarrassed to go out to eat.

Madam Wei thought that she was sick. After entering the house, she touched her head and hand.

Liu Sanniang leaned against Madam Wei and said, “Mother, I’m fine. I just want to eat the poached eggs you make for me.”

Madam Wei immediately went to cook. When Liu Sanniang was at the dining table, she had a poached egg.

Liu Erlang drooled.

Feeling the sweet love of this family, Liu Sanniang felt better.

After dinner, Liu Erlang took the initiative to wash the dishes.

Madam Wei asked Liu Dalang. “How’s Tang An’s family doing? Do they have enough food?”

Liu Dalang nodded. “There’s enough to eat. They have 20 acres of land. It’s enough. Tomorrow, I’ll help them plow the land.”

In the past, the two siblings were young and weren’t able to take care of so much land. Now, with him around, 20 acres of land was a piece of cake.

Madam Wei nodded. “Good idea. If you need help, take your father and Erlang with you. Tang An’s parents died early. You should help the siblings more. Tang An is a good child and will remember your kindness.”

Liu Dalang nodded. “I will, Mother.”

Madam Wei smiled. “Go and rest. Don’t think that you don’t need sleep just because you’re young.”

Tang An was a good girl. Madam Wei treated Tang An well because she hoped that Tang An would treat her son well too.

Liu Dalang really liked Tang An, so much so that he couldn’t wait to get married. As his mother, Madam Wei could tell that at a glance.

He blushed and looked away. “Yes, I know.”

Liu Dalang quickly returned to his room, his heart beating faster.

Sometimes, one couldn’t stop oneself from dreaming. That night, he had a wet dream, so next morning, he woke up early to wash his pants and didn’t dare to dry it outside…

As usual, Liu Sanniang had a prophetic dream at night. In the dream, she saw a tragic scene and heard someone chanting Buddhist scriptures.

After she woke up, she was no longer sleepy. The sky was still dark, and Madam Wei was still asleep. She went to the government office without alerting her family.

As soon as she arrived at the government office, she saw a carriage leaving. The government officer was surprised to see Liu Sanniang. “Miss Liu, you came at the right time. We were just about to go and find you. Master Wu Ju said that there was another murder case in Xiangle Village. He and Magistrate Wei have already gone over.”

Liu Sanniang said, “Does Wu Ju know where the murder happened?”

The officer nodded. “That’s right. He knows the location. I don’t know how he knows. Miss Liu, wait here. I’ll go get Chu Yan.”

Liu Sanniang also knew that a new murder was committed, but she did not know the exact location. This proved that Wu Ju was far stronger than her.

Zhu Zongyang came out and looked at Liu Sanniang with a smile. “Miss Liu, why are you so late? If you came earlier, you could have gone with Magistrate Wei.”

It was not difficult to tell from Zhu Zongyang’s tone that he was gloating. Although he did not know anything about mystics, he could not stand the fact that Liu Sanniang did not do anything and earned more money than him. Now, there was a master more powerful than Liu Sanniang at the government office. What was more humiliating for Liu Sanniang than that?

Zhu Zongyang wanted to see an angry expression on Liu Sanniang’s face, but he was disappointed. Liu Sanniang’s expression was calm as she ignored Zhu Zongyang.

After being ignored, Zhu Zongyang felt a little embarrassed.

He thought that Liu Sanniang might be angry, find it difficult to accept, or lose control of her emotions. However, he did not expect Liu Sanniang to disregard him completely. He snorted and left in a huff.

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