The Lucky Bride Is Pretty And Delicate

Chapter 192 - Identity exposed

Chapter 192 - Identity exposed

Chapter 192: Identity exposed

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

After Huang Daniu’s mother finished asking, a woman replied immediately. “The midwife isn’t here yet. Lang’er went to get her. She should be here soon.”

Huang Daniu’s mother went back into the house. The women stopped gossiping. Everyone was doing what they could to help.

Not long after, a figure ran into the courtyard. People heard an old woman speak up. “Don’t panic, don’t panic. I’m old and can’t walk as fast as you young people.”

Huang Lang’er put down the midwife, Granny Hu and said, “Granny Hu, my wife is about to give birth. She’s in so much pain. Please help her.”

Granny Hu smiled. “This is what every woman has to go through. It’s impossible not to feel pain. Don’t worry, my hands are called blessed hands. I’ve delivered a dozen children. Don’t worry.”

She had indeed delivered many children, and every time, it was smooth-sailing, so everyone in Huanghu Village respected her a lot.

Seeing how nervous Huang Lang’er was, Granny Hu smiled. “Watching you grow up, I knew you’d love your wife.”

After saying that, Granny Hu walked towards the room.

Huang Lang’er looked on nervously. He wanted to go in too, but he was stopped by Granny Hu. “Men are not allowed to come in when women give birth. Wait outside.”

Huang Lang’er was extremely nervous. “Granny Hu, can I go in and take a look? I won’t do anything. I won’t cause you trouble.”

Huang Lang’er was extremely worried. His wife was a mountain god. He was afraid that her identity would be exposed.

Granny Hu smiled. “Alright, I know you love and care about your wife. Don’t worry, just wait to be a father.”

With that, Granny Hu closed the door.


It was a custom for men to stay away while women were giving birth.

Huang Lang’er had no choice but to clench his fists and pace about in anxiety.

The woman muttered in a low voice. “Look at how anxious Huang Lang’er is. It’s as if his soul has been stolen by that woman. He even wanted to go in to watch her give birth.”

“That’s right. No one knows who she is. One look and you can tell that she’s not a good person.”

“She came from the mountains. Could she be a demon…”

Liu Sanniang wanted to know what was going on inside. After some thought, she went to get a basin and filled it with hot water. “I’ll send some hot water in.”

After entering the room, she would just stand aside watch and no one would notice her.

There were a total of four people in the room. Huang Xianxian was sweating profusely.

Granny Hu touched Huang Xianxian’s stomach and lifted her skirt to take a look. Then, she said, “Hang in there. I can already see the head. When I tell you to push, push with all your might.”

Huang Daniu’s mother was holding a bowl with a few poached eggs in it. She fed it to Huang Xianxian and said, “Eat it so that you’ll have strength later. Lang’er really dotes on you. He said that you like eggs and especially made these for you.”

Liu Sanniang placed the hot water at the side and stood there, looking at Huang Xianxian. She did not speak, and no one paid attention to her. josei

Huang Xianxian swallowed the eggs. She knew that she had to eat to have strength.

Seeing that she was eating quickly, Huang Daniu’s mother couldn’t help but mutter. “Slow down, you can’t swallow it like this…”

Huang Xianxian was in so much pain that she couldn’t hear her at all.

Giving birth was undoubtedly one of the biggest tribulations for her.

After feeding Huang Xianxian, Huang Daniu’s mother helped her wipe the sweat and went to prepare the child’s clothes.

Granny Hu pressed on Huang Xianxian’s stomach and said, “Push! Push it out in one go. That way, you won’t have to suffer.”

Huang Xianxian felt an overwhelming pain. She gritted her teeth and let out a shrill scream. “Ah…”

As her body relaxed, she heaved a sigh of relief.

Granny Hu glanced at her and was about to say something when she saw Huang Xianxian’s face turn furry. It was a demon’s face. Granny Hu immediately screamed in fear. “Ah… demon, demon…”

Huang Xianxian revealed her true appearance for a second because she couldn’t catch her breath. She took a deep breath and returned to her human form, but she knew that she had frightened Granny Hu.

Granny Hu’s expression turned blank. She had been scared out of her wits.

Huang Daniu’s mother was washing the child when she heard Granny Hu scream. She immediately stood up and asked. “What’s wrong?”

Huang Xianxian looked pale and weak. Granny Hu was still dumbstruck and unable to utter a word.

Huang Daniu’s mother was also a little scared. She placed the child beside Huang Xianxian and said, “It’s a boy.”

Huang Daniu’s mother came out to report the good news. As soon as she opened the door, Huang Lang’er rushed into the room. He looked at Huang Xianxian and heaved a sigh of relief.

Huang Xianxian looked at Huang Lang’er worriedly and said, “Granny Hu.”

Huang Lang’er comforted Huang Xianxian. “It’s fine. Leave it to me.”

Huang Lang’er helped Granny Hu out. Her eyes were dull and lifeless.

Everyone had heard Granny Hu’s scream. When they saw her coming out, they immediately asked him. “Huang Lang’er, what’s going on? What happened to Granny Hu? Where’s the demon? Is your wife a demon?”

Huang Lang’er explained. “No, my wife is not a demon. Granny was just frightened by the animal skin hanging on the wall. She will recover after a while.”

Someone immediately asked Huang Daniu’s mother. “You were inside just now. Tell us where the demon is.”

“That’s right, don’t be afraid. If there’s really a demon, with so many of us in the village, we can definitely subdue it. Demons must die.”

Huang Daniu’s mother looked at Huang Lang’er and hesitated for a moment before replying. “I didn’t see it. I was cleaning the child just now. I don’t know why Granny Hu screamed.”

She really did not see it. When she turned to look at Huang Xianxian, she was already a human, not a demon.

Huang Lang’er heaved a sigh of relief and sent Granny Hu back. He was beaten up badly by the Hu family. However, he endured it silently and gave all the money he had to the Hu family.

The Hu family had no choice. After all, they could not kill Huang Lang’er.

When Huang Lang’er returned home, he smiled at Huang Xianxian and said, “Xianxian, it’s alright. It’s all settled.”

He leaned over and kissed her. “Take care of yourself. Thank you, Xianxian.”

Huang Xianxian looked at the child in her arms. No matter how much she had suffered, it was worth it.

Liu Sanniang and Chu Yan had already returned home. She knew that Huang Xianxian did not reveal her true appearance on purpose. She did not want to. However, she was too weak at that time. Even if it was just for a moment, Granny Hu saw it.

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