The Lucky Bride Is Pretty And Delicate

Chapter 203 - Stalker

Chapter 203 - Stalker

Chapter 203: Stalker

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

There were so many juniors in the clan, and there must be some talented ones amongst them.

Liu Dalang chimed in. “I support you too.”

Madam Wei said, “I agree. This is good for the clan. We’ll discuss it with the clan chief another day.”

Opening a school in the clan was a big deal.

Liu Sanniang began to prepare for the opening of the school for the clan. She took out the silver taels she had. The amount was 1,000 silver taels in total.

Madam Wei did not expect there to be so much money. With money, everything would be much easier.

The clan chief naturally had no objection. Studying was good, but it also cost a lot of money. Unless their child was especially talented, no one was willing to spend this money.

When a school was established in the clan, kids could study whether they were talented or not. If people could not read, they could only work in the fields for the rest of their lives. As long as they could read, their knowledge and understanding of this world would increase.

On the fourth day of November, Liu Sanniang gave Liu Dalang a set of white clothes for his wedding day.

Liu Dalang took it and smiled. “Sanniang, thank you.”

Liu Sanniang couldn’t help but ask. “Brother, are you nervous?”

Liu Dalang smiled. “A little, but mostly looking forward to it.”

He was nervous but also was eager for his future with Tang An.

Liu Dalang reached out and touched Liu Sanniang’s head. “Even if I get married, I will still protect you. Erlang and I are your support.”

Liu Dalang wanted Liu Sanniang to know that in this world, she could not only rely on her future husband, but also her brothers and father.

Liu Sanniang felt warm in her heart. “I know.”

How could she not know? They had protected her all through her previous life.

Liu Dalang nodded. “I won’t change, nor will Erlang.”

Liu Sanniang was so touched that she wanted to cry. She quickly said, “I’ll go see General Black and go out to buy something later. We’ll eat braised chicken tonight.” josei

As Liu Sanniang spoke, she walked out. Liu Dalang smiled. Chu Yan was a good person, but he could not see through him. If Chu Yan could always be good to Liu Sanniang, that would be fine else…

If he changed his mind halfway, they would support Liu Sanniang and wouldn’t let her suffer.

Liu Sanniang went to see General Black. The puppy was chubby and wagged his tail vigorously when he saw her.

Liu Sanniang lifted him up. He had grown many times heavier.

She couldn’t help but think of what Chu Yan said about not letting General Black get too fat. She pursed her lips and muttered. “What’s wrong with being fat? The fatter, the cutter.”

General Black licked Liu Sanniang’s palm and rubbed his head against it. Liu Sanniang stroked his soft fur and played with it for a while before going out.

She would cook tonight and needed to buy some ingredients.

On her way back, she felt that she was being followed. She did not know what the stalker wanted. Liu Sanniang did not go home rashly. Instead, she ran into a store nearby.

“What happened?”

When Liu Sanniang heard Chu Yan’s voice, she was a little stunned. She looked up and saw Chu Yan’s smiley face. He happened to be buying something in this store.

Liu Sanniang’s heart skipped a beat. “What are you buying?”

Chu Yan replied. “Flour.”

Liu Sanniang asked subconsciously. “Why are you buying flour?”

Chu Yan looked at her and answered patiently. “To feed rabbits.”

Liu Sanniang couldn’t help but feel a little puzzled. Didn’t rabbits eat grass?

Chu Yan glanced outside and lowered his voice. “Are you being followed?”

Liu Sanniang’s eyes widened. “How did you know?”

Chu Yan smiled. “Let’s go.”

He bought a small bag of flour and held Liu Sanniang’s hand as they walked out. She immediately blushed.

She wanted to retract her hand, but Chu Yan gave her palm a squeeze. For some reason, Liu Sanniang understood what he meant.

He was warning her not to ever think about breaking free from him.

They walked very fast and successfully shook off the stalker. Chu Yan put down the flour and said, “Be careful.”

After saying that, he strode away. Only then did Liu Sanniang notice that they were at the corner of an alley.

She waited. Soon, Chu Yan returned with someone. His eyes darkened as he questioned the person. “Why are you following her?”

The person following Liu Sanniang was a man. His face was pale and his hands were hanging by his sides weakly. Hearing Chu Yan’s voice, he couldn’t help but tremble. He looked at Liu Sanniang and quickly said, “Miss, please spare my life. I don’t mean any harm.”

Liu Sanniang looked at him and asked. “Why are you following me?”

The man explained. “Miss, my name is Su Shun. It’s not that I want to follow you, but my master asked me to do so. My master found out about what you are capable of from someone. He happens to be in trouble lately, and wants to ask you for help. However, my master just came to Yong County, so he instructed me to follow you to see what kind of a person you are.”

After keeping an eye on Liu Sanniang for some days, Su Shun realized that Liu Sanniang was not famous at all. She was not as busy as those masters and was usually at home.

After Su Shun finished speaking, he was worried that Liu Sanniang would not believe him and that Chu Yan would hit him again. He quickly said, “Miss, everything I said is true. If you don’t believe me, I can take you to see my master now.”

Liu Sanniang said, “Then, lead the way.”

In the early stage of her cultivation, she was not that powerful. When she obtained enough power, she would be able to sense the evil in the world. What she had to do was eliminate those evil.

She also had a feeling that she and Wu Ju would meet again.

She needed opportunities to obtain power, but did not know what might be waiting for her. Therefore, whatever seemed like an opportunity to her, she had to seize it.

Su Shun led the way and brought Liu Sanniang to an inn. “Miss, this is the place.”

Without Su Shun needing to say anything, Liu Sanniang could already feel a gaze on her. She looked up and met the eyes that were staring at her through the narrow crack of a window on the second floor.

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