The Lucky Bride Is Pretty And Delicate

Chapter 377 - 377 Liu Shun Murders His Wife

Chapter 377 - 377 Liu Shun Murders His Wife

377 Liu Shun Murders His Wife

Liu San stood up and walked out, leaving Madam Bai to cry on the ground.

Liu Dashan and the others helped Madam Bai up and walked out together.

Liu San dragged himself to the Ministry of War and beat the drum outside.

Soon, several people came out of the Ministry of War.

As the Right Assistant Minister of the Ministry of War, Yi Zilan was often at the post. The position of the Left Assistant Minister of the Ministry of War was still vacant. Qian Jin was outstanding and had already been appointed to the position by the emperor. However, the case of his father’s murder had dealt him a huge blow. Qian Jin had already left the capital. As long as he returned within a year, the position would be his. This was a special permission granted by the emperor.

Without an assistant minister, Yi Zilan was naturally busier.

With a scar on his face, he looked extremely fierce. He came out and asked coldly. “Who is beating the drum? What’s the fuss about?”

Liu San looked at Yi Zilan and was about to kneel down.

Yi Zilan said coldly, “For beating the drum, I’ll punish you to thirty flogs.” josei

Liu San stood up to take the punishment. He was still strong enough to withstand thirty flogs.

Liu Dashan grabbed Liu San’s hand. “Father, let me take the punishment.”

For their own selfish reasons, they neglected Liu Yinniang. As her eldest brother, he felt ashamed and thought he deserved the punishment.

Liu Zhongshan and Liu Xiaoshan also said together, “Let me suffer the punishment. I deserve it.”

They were guilty, and the guilt would accompany them for the rest of their lives, but for now, they only wanted to seek justice for Liu Yinniang. They would not let Liu Shun get away with it.

Yi Zilan pointed at Liu Dashan. “Drag him away and flog him.”

Soon, thirty flogs were done.

Liu San told him what happened. Yi Zilan got someone to record it and quickly sent people to investigate the case.

Murder was a serious crime. Even if Liu Shun was working for the Crown Prince, it didn’t mean he could get away with murder.

Liu San looked at Yi Zilan and said, “Sir, I have another request. Please help me deliver a message.”

Yi Zilan looked at Liu San. “What is the message and to whom?”

Liu San said, “Sir, please tell Miss Liu Sanniang that our family has let her down, but we still hope she can help us. Liu Shun is an evil person. We hope she can seek justice for Yinniang.”

Liu San later came to know that Liu Sanniang had already made a name for herself in the capital. She was a psychic and had helped many people.

Liu Shun was valued by the Crown Prince, so Liu San was worried that the matter concerning his daughter’s death would be left unsettled. If Liu Sanniang was willing to help, it might be different.

Yi Zilan looked at Liu San. He did not expect them to be acquainted with Liu Sanniang. He nodded. “Alright, I’ll get someone to help you pass the message, but I can’t guarantee if Miss Liu will come.”

Liu San thanked him. “Thank you, Sir.”

Yi Zilan looked at the family without saying anything.

The crown prince knew that the Liu Mansion was burnt down and had quickly arranged a new place for Liu Shun to stay. It was a small courtyard in the crown prince’s mansion.

Therefore, if people from the Ministry of War wanted to interrogate Liu Shun, they had to get the Crown Prince’s permission first.

Xia Hongyuan asked with a frown. “Murdered his wife?”

Zhou Changzhu nodded. “Yes, Liu Yinniang’s family came to the Ministry of War and accused Liu Shun of abusing Liu Yinniang and murdering her.”

Liu Shun was still clad in mourning dress. He looked a little sad. “How is that possible? There must be a misunderstanding. My wife knocked over the oil lamp and lit the house accidentally.”

Liu Yinniang’s family actually went to report the case. This was something Liu Shun did not expect. He wiped the corners of his eyes and explained.

Zhou Changzhu said calmly, “Official Liu, as for what exactly happened, we’ll know after a thorough interrogation. Please follow us back to the Ministry of War.”

Xia Hongyuan looked at Liu Shun. “Go. You have a clear conscience. There is nothing to be afraid of.”

Liu Shun was still useful to him. He did not want to lose this pawn. As for whether Liu Shun really killed his wife, it was not important.

If Liu Shun could prove himself innocent, that would be even better. If Liu Shun couldn’t, he would just think of a way to save him.

Liu Shun nodded. “I’m also very sad about Yinniang’s death. I even gave a hundred taels to her family as compensation. In the past, I tried my best to help Yinniang’s brothers, but I didn’t expect that they would turn against me. I really feel terrible. I will cooperate. Let’s go.”

Liu Yinniang had already been burned to ashes. What could they find?

What was there to be afraid of?

Liu Yinniang’s death was destined. Liu San’s family already knew that he was abusing Liu Yinniang, but there was nothing they could do about it because they chose wealth over their daughter.

Liu Shun followed Zhou Changzhu out. He raised his head and puffed out his chest, not looking guilty at all.

Zhou Changzhu brought Liu Shun back to the Ministry of War.

When Liu San’s family saw Liu Shun, they wanted to pounce on him and kill him.

Liu Shun remained calm. He looked at Liu San’s family in disappointment. “Father-in-law and Mother-in-law, you really disappoint me. How can you accuse me of committing such an atrocity? Yinniang died of an accident. I was very sad about it, and to comfort you, I gave you a hundred taels of silver. But you…”

Liu San was furious. “Who wants your money? You killed my daughter. I want to seek justice for my daughter.”

When he did not know the truth, he thought that Liu Shun was being kind and considerate by giving them the money.

After knowing the truth, he wanted to throw the money back at Liu Shun.

Liu Shun looked at Liu Dashan and the other two brothers. “First Brother, Second Brother, Third Brother, back then, as long as you had something to ask of me, I never refused. Yinniang was always present when you were there. You came to see her often. Why didn’t you notice that I abused her?”

The three brothers lowered their heads in guilt. They were all selfish and only concerned about themselves. Whether or not Liu Yinniang was abused, they couldn’t care less.

Even if they saw that Liu Yinniang was getting thinner and paler, they never expressed their concerns.

However, they never thought that their indifference would cause Liu Yinniang to die.

Yi Zilan said, “There’s justice in this world. Those who kill will be punished. We will get to the bottom of it and find evidence.”

Yi Zilan looked at Liu Shun. “If the Ministry of War can’t find anything, the Xuanyi department will.”

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