The Lucky Bride Is Pretty And Delicate

Chapter 60 - Yinniang’s Marriage (Part 2)

Chapter 60 - Yinniang’s Marriage (Part 2)

Chapter 60: Yinniang’s Marriage (Part 2)

At first, Liu Yinniang thought that it must be because Liu Shun was ugly.

However, after seeing him, this thought was completely dispelled in her mind. Liu Shun was good-looking, gentle, and scholarly.

Liu Yinniang was very happy that her future husband was a scholar. At the same time, she could not understand why Liu Sanniang did not like him. What did she not like about Liu Shun?

Liu Yinniang looked at Liu Sanniang, hoping that she could enlighten her.

“What do you mean by why? If Sanniang doesn’t like him, then no one can force her.”

Liu Xian’er responded calmly and was a little unhappy that Liu Yinniang had ruined the fun by bringing up this topic. josei

Liu Sanniang looked at Liu Yinniang and thought for a moment before replying to her seriously. “Yinniang, you can’t judge a book by its cover. Liu Shun is not a good person. You have to consider it carefully. I’ve seen him torture cats very cruelly.”

Liu Yinniang was stunned. So that was the reason.

Liu Sanniang was Madam Wei’s treasure. She was beautiful and had a gentle personality. When she saw Liu Shun torturing cats, she was definitely frightened. However, wasn’t it too rash to miss such a good marriage just because of this small thing?

Liu Yinniang wanted to say something, but Liu Zhi’er, Liu Ju’er, and Liu Hui had already stood up. They took their things and said, “Sanniang, it’s getting late. We are going back.”

After everyone left, Liu Yinniang was too embarrassed to continue the topic.

Liu Yinniang also held a basket. “Sanniang, I still have something on. I’m going back too.”

After sending them out, Liu Sanniang looked at Liu Yinniang’s departing figure for a while. She could not understand why Liu Yinniang’s marriage had changed course in this life.

After closing the door, Liu Sanniang went to the kitchen. Madam Wei bought a big chunk of meat in the morning and had asked Liu Sanniang to make braised pork at night.

After Liu Sanniang washed the meat, she stir-fried it with sugar and stewed it with water.

She recalled that in her previous life, the woman who married Liu Shun ran a bookstore. After Liu Shun married her, people praised this couple as a perfect match.

Back then, Liu Sanniang did not get married. For many years, many people mocked her for not recognizing the jewel and losing a good husband.

Later on, after Liu Shun became an official, he divorced that woman when he left Yong County. That woman stopped Liu Shun at the city gate and scolded him for being an ingrate.

The woman said that if she had known that Liu Shun was so heartless, she would never have married him.

However, it was too late. Liu Sanniang heard it from Madam Wei because Madam Wei was very happy when she found out about the matter. Madam Wei did not marry her daughter to Liu Shun because Liu Sanniang said that he liked torturing stray cats. Madam Wei immediately rejected such a disgusting person.

However, the others did not believe her. Instead, they felt that Liu Sanniang was too arrogant and didn’t know what was good for her.

As soon as Liu Shun abandoned his wife, people changed their opinions about Liu Sanniang.

But in this life, everything had changed, because Liu Shun proposed to Liu Yinniang.

Liu Sanniang couldn’t help but worry about Liu Yinniang’s fate.

Liu Sanniang decided to tell Madam Wei that she did not want Liu Yinniang to fall into the wolf’s mouth.

After the braised pork was stewed, it was fragrant and soft. The fat was not greasy, and the lean meat was not too hard. Liu Sanniang also cooked a pot of rice.

When Mr. Liu and the others returned, they could start eating.

There was not much work in the fields these days, so Liu Daliang and Erlang were working elsewhere.

Back home.

Liu Erlang smelt the fragrance first and asked. “Sanniang, what did you cook? I’m already drooling.”

When Liu Erlang entered the kitchen, the fragrance from the kitchen rushed into his nose. Liu Erlang immediately took a deep breath. “Meat, meat, there’s meat.”

One could never get tired of eating meat.

Liu Dalang came in and dragged Liu Erlang out. “You are covered in dirt. Wash up first.”

Mr. Liu also returned and put down the hoe. “It seems like we’re in for a treat today.”

He was blessed to have such a daughter.

Madam Wei, who was standing by the side, smiled. As long as her children’s marriage was settled, she would be able to rest in peace. She had been praying to God for her daughter to find a good husband.

Madam Wei got someone to look into Zhang Shuan and it turned out that he really was a gambler.

How could Madam Wei marry her daughter to a gambler? Therefore, when she saw Madam Zhang, she immediately questioned her why she didn’t tell her that her grandson was a gambler.

Madam Zhang was embarrassed. She explained that it was because Zhang Shuan was still young. When he got married and had a family and children, he would definitely stop the bad habit. He liked to gamble, but he was also capable. He could earn dozens of taels of silver every month.

Madam Wei did not care about his money at all. She mocked Madam Zhang by saying that she should wait till her grandson grew up before helping him find a wife.

After rejecting Madam Zhang, Madam Wei was filled with worry. Why was it so difficult to find a good husband for her daughter?

No matter how difficult it was, she would have to choose carefully.

Liu Sanniang was relieved to hear Madam Wei’s thoughts.

During the meal, there was only the sound of Liu Erlang eating.

Madam Wei hit Liu Erlang’s hand with her chopsticks. “Eat slower. People who didn’t know might think I raised a pig!”

Liu Erlang swallowed his rice. “Mom, Sanniang’s cooking is amazing. I’m afraid if I eat slower, the food will be gone.”

Soon the braised pork was all devoured.

After dinner, Liu Erlang went to wash the dishes.

Liu Sanniang was eating plums in the courtyard. The plums in her courtyard were already ripe and sweet. Madam Wei never sold them.

As she ate the plums, Liu Sanniang heard Madam Wei shout at her from the back room. “Don’t eat too much of that, or you’ll get a toothache tonight.”

Liu Sanniang sat back, eating the plum, while thinking to herself that if she could meet a gentle and nice man! She still wanted to get married.

She didn’t want to stay single like her previous life.

The Zhou family and Wei Shilai would not let the word out that she was a psychic, so she wasn’t worried.

That night, Liu Sanniang had a dream.

In her dream, she saw Liu Yinniang getting married. The person riding a horse to pick up the bride was Liu Shun. Liu Shun had a smile on his face. He was as gentlemanly, but Liu Sanniang could see the darkness and evil behind his smiling face.

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