The Lucky Bride Is Pretty And Delicate

Chapter 83 - Coming Of Judgment (Part 1)

Chapter 83 - Coming Of Judgment (Part 1)

Chapter 83: Coming Of Judgment (Part 1)

After Liu Sanniang stopped, the girls around her smiled. “Thank you, Sis.”

After thanking her, they turned to look at their parents and skipped towards them.

The parents, who were already helpless, screamed, “Quick, exorcize them. They’re all ghosts. They’re not human.”

Faced with their daughter running towards them with a smile, they were all shocked.

One after another, they started running away.

However, it was useless. No matter how fast they ran, their daughter still caught up with them and jumped on their backs. They rode on their necks and hugged them tightly.

Su Yanyu was shocked and immediately instructed Liu Sanniang. “You, I order you to exorcize these ghosts. Don’t let them harm the villagers.”

Kongyu looked at Liu Sanniang and said in a low voice, “Miss, why are you letting these vengeful souls harm humans?”

Kongling gritted his teeth. “You can’t do that. These vengeful souls are vicious. You can’t help them. Hurry up and exorcize them.”

Liu Sanniang looked at Su Yanyu. “Does Lord Su know why they’re vengeful?”

Su Yanyu was not interested. “I don’t care why. Just exorcize them.”

Liu Sanniang asked again. “Then how does Lord Su plan to convict these villagers?”

Wei Shilai admired Liu Sanniang’s courage. He added. “These people are all guilty. They killed their daughters.”

Su Yanyu frowned. “Magistrate Wei, are you saying that they killed their daughters with their own hands? Do you have evidence?”

Before Wei Shilai could speak, a villager shouted. “My daughter died of illness. No one killed her.”

“Yes, mine died of illness too.”

Su Yanyu looked at Liu Sanniang. “Did you hear that? You need evidence to convict someone. How can you say something without evidence?”

Wei Shilai was furious when the villagers were still defending themselves.

Liu Sanniang felt a little sad.

Kongyu said coldly, “There’s no evidence of them killing their daughters, but there’s evidence of you abusing your psychic power to harm people. If you’re sensible, you should exorcize these vengeful souls to make up for your mistake.”

The villagers agreed with what he said. They looked at Liu Sanniang indignantly. “Hurry up and get rid of these evil things.”

A woman even came forward to grab Liu Sanniang. “You little b*tch, are you wanting all of us dead?”

She raised her fists but was grabbed by Liu Sanniang. Liu Sanniang’s spiritual sense was extremely powerful and easily broke through the woman’s defense. The woman immediately went weak and a terrified look appeared on her face.

When someone wanted to step forward to help the woman, Wei Shilai shouted. “Back off!”

Wei Shilai’s shout shocked the villagers who wanted to go forward to hit Liu Sanniang.

Liu Sanniang said slowly, “You married here when you were 17 years old. You had a rough childhood because you were a woman and your parents didn’t love you. You thought that your son was the most important, but the first child you gave birth to was a daughter. You felt sorry, so after giving birth, you worked hard to atone please your husband.”

“The third time you were pregnant, you finally gave birth to a son. You were overjoyed. You protected him like your own eyes. You despised your eldest daughter for being lazy and eating too much. When she was sick, you didn’t allow her to rest. When your son coughed, you even blamed her for being a jinx and told her to get lost. Do you know that she would also get sad and her heart would hurt to be treated like that by her mother? She ran out and fell into the water and drowned. When you knew that she was dead, you didn’t shed a single tear. You didn’t care at all.”

“It’s the same for all of you. That small river has become a place where you throw all the dead bodies.”

Liu Sanniang calmly let go. The woman was already limp. She was afraid because Liu Sanniang knew everything about her. The feeling of being completely transparent to someone was terrifying.

“None of you felt guilty for what you have done. Do you really think there’s no evidence?”

Liu Sanniang glanced at everyone indifferently.

Someone glared at Liu Sanniang angrily and retorted. “That’s my business what I wanna do with my daughter. It’s none of your business.”

“What evidence is there. Who can testify?”

A woman mustered her courage and hit the daughter on her husband’s neck. “I gave birth to you and you came back to torture us. I shouldn’t have given birth to you in the first place. You’re a jinx!”

They were unable to fight back because of their blood ties. They were dragged down by their mother.

When the woman saw this, she was emboldened. It turned out that vengeful souls were not invincible.

The woman then started to vent all her anger on her daughter. She hit her daughter while cursing. “You’re already dead. Why did you come back to torture us? Go to hell.”

The punches were thrown at a small girl.


Blood spurted from the gaping hole in her head.

The men were emboldened too when they found that the vengeful souls that looked terrifying were actually very weak and couldn’t fight back.

In an instant, blood and flesh splashed everywhere. Everyone seemed to have gone crazy as they vented their anger.

Only the children who were really alive were crying in fear.

Wei Shilai was stunned. He came back to his senses and looked at Liu Sanniang. He asked in a daze. “Miss Liu, what should we do?”

These girls had already died once, but now, they were punched to death again. josei

Su Yanyu was so shocked that he couldn’t speak. “Damn it, these lunatics, exorcize these things. I want to go out.”

Kongyu said, “They were born from their mother, so they naturally can’t hurt their mother. They can’t even fight back. If they die like this, their souls will dissipate and they will really disappear from the world.”

If the vengeful soul died again, it would evaporate from the world. The men and women with murderous look on their faces didn’t expect that they didn’t have to be afraid at all.

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