The Lucky Bride Is Pretty And Delicate

Chapter 93 - Ju’er Getting Married

Chapter 93 - Ju’er Getting Married

Chapter 93: Ju’er Getting Married

Madam Wei leaned against Mr. Liu. “We’re outsiders. We can’t stop them from doing something like this, but we can make sure that we won’t do that.”

Just like Liu Shun’s mother, Liu Ju’er’s stepmother, and the people in River Village, she couldn’t understand them and would never be able to.

Mr. Liu smiled. “They will be punished sooner or later.”

Madam Wei smiled and did not say anything. She did not know if the bad guys would get their retribution, but she hoped so. However, there were too many bad guys. Perhaps even God could not take care of so many of them. That was why the world needed righteous people to seek justice for the victims.

For example, Magistrate Wei and her daughter.

She only hoped that there would be fewer bad people in this world so that her daughter could live a stable life.

At the thought of bad guys, she remembered Liu Shun. Madam Wei felt uncomfortable. A person like him had actually passed the county-level examination and was participating in the provincial examination this year. If he passed the examination, his status would be even higher.

If Liu Shun was successful, he would definitely make things difficult for her family. In future, how would the Liu family resist his attacks?

Madam Wei was worried. Her two sons were not good at studying. At most, they could barely read. It was impossible for them to become officials in this lifetime. They were commoners. If Liu Shun became an official, they would only be at a huge disadvantage.

Mr. Liu sensed the change in Madam Wei’s mood and couldn’t help but ask. “What’s on your mind?”

Madam Wei calmed down. “Nothing.”

Mr. Liu said, “Don’t think too much. There will be a way to solve everything.”

Mr. Liu grabbed Madam Wei’s hand. “If you can’t sleep, let’s do something to help us sleep.”


Madam Wei blushed…

The days were uneventful and peaceful. In the blink of an eye, it was the fifteenth of July.

On this day, Liu Ju’er got married and the Liu family held a wedding banquet.

Liu Sanniang also changed her clothes and went to join in the fun.

At this moment, many guests had already arrived. Liu Ju’er’s stepmother greeted the guests with a smile. She was not worried about what others would say about her choosing this date to marry off her stepdaughter.

Yang Qingshan’s parents had died when he was young, and he was raised by hundreds of families in the clan. To them, it was already very good that Yang Qingshan could get married.

Liu Sanniang and Liu Huier went to Liu Ju’er’s house. Liu Ju’er lived in the woodshed, but because she was going to get married today, there was no firewood. The place looked very big.

Liu Ju’er was wearing new clothes and smiled gratefully at her friends. If not for them, she would not even have new clothes for marriage.

“Ju’er, this is for you. Everything is difficult in the beginning. Although your husband doesn’t have parents and life will be tough initially, at least you don’t have to serve anyone.”

Liu Hui took out a small pouch and placed it in Liu Ju’er’s hand.

Liu Zhi’er also took out a small pouch. “Hui is right. You have to be happy and make your stepmother angry. She doesn’t want you to be happy, but you have to prove to her that you can be happy no matter where you are.”

Liu Ju’er lowered her head, tears already welling up in her eyes.

Liu Sanniang also took out her purse and placed it in Liu Ju’er’s palm. “With our blessings, you will live well and be happy.”

Liu Sanniang did not know if Liu Ju’er’s life would change in this life, but Liu Ju’er was very diligent. As long as she kept striving hard, her life would only get better and better.

When the time came, Liu Ju’er put on a veil and went out.

Liu Sanniang also saw Yang Qingshan. He looked exactly like she remembered from her previous life, young and mature.

Liu Ju’er and Yang Qingshan had not met many times before, so they definitely did not have any feelings for each other. They were probably confused, but after getting to know each other, they would develop feelings for each other.

There were not many people who came with Yang Qingshan, and he only brought an ox cart to pick up the bride.

Liu Ju’er’s stepmother smiled and helped Liu Ju’er onto the ox cart. “Go, show your deceased parents your wife and make them happy.”

Yang Qingshan did not say anything and silently followed the ox cart.

Liu Zhi’er sighed. “Let’s go home too. I don’t know when we’ll meet again.”

Liu Hui also sighed. “That’s right. I really hope that Ju’er can live well.”

Liu Sanniang frowned. She did not expect Liu Ju’er’s stepmother, Madam Zhou, to be so vicious. It made her feel disgusted.

Liu Sanniang went to look for Madam Wei and briefly explained why she was going to Yang Village. Madam Wei frowned. “Sanniang, I won’t stop you from going but wait a moment.”

Madam Wei was also surprised that someone could be so vicious. Even if Liu Ju’er wasn’t her daughter, was there a need to make things so difficult for her?

However, Madam Wei would definitely not allow Liu Sanniang to go alone.

Madam Wei asked Liu Sanniang to wait, so Liu Sanniang could only hold on. When she saw Madam Wei bring Chu Yan over, Liu Sanniang’s jaw almost dropped.

Madam Wei smiled. “I will only be at ease if Chu Yan goes with you. Go, do whatever you want.”

Liu Sanniang felt like something was stuck in her throat. By the time she recovered, Madam Wei had already gone away to do her own things.

Chu Yan smiled. “You don’t want to go anymore?”

Liu Sanniang’s voice was softer than a mosquito. “Of course… I’m going.”

After saying that, Liu Sanniang turned around and left. She could feel Chu Yan following behind her. Liu Sanniang felt that every strand of her hair was standing on its end.

After leaving the town, Chu Yan said, “You have to get used to it.” josei

Liu Sanniang was about to go crazy.

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