The Lucky Bride Is Pretty And Delicate

Chapter 232 - Jealousy

Chapter 232 - Jealousy

Chapter 232: Jealousy

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Tang Maosheng looked at his daughter crying and frowned. “What do you like about Liu Dalang? Isn’t there a rich young master here today? He’s even better-looking than Liu Dalang. He was the one standing next to Miss Liu. Why don’t you like him?”

Tang Maosheng felt that Tang Yu had probably taken a fancy to Liu Dalang because he was good-looking. He had the same idea as Madam Wu. If their daughter couldn’t marry Liu Dalang, marrying Liu Erlang wasn’t all that bad.

Whether it was Liu Dalang or Liu Erlang, it made no difference to Tang Maosheng and Madam Wu as long as they could be related to the Liu family.

Therefore, Tang Maosheng was a little displeased when he saw how determined Tang Yu was about marrying Liu Dalang.

Tang Yu glanced at Tang Maosheng and started crying. She tugged Madam Wu’s sleeve and sobbed. “Mother, look at what Father is saying. I like Liu Dalang not because he’s good-looking, but because of who he is.”

When Madam Wu saw Tang Yu crying like this, she immediately started working out a plan in her mind. To be honest, her daughter was much prettier than Tang An. There was no reason for Liu Dalang to like Tang An and not her daughter.

Tang Yu begged Madam Wu. “Mother, think of a way. I really want to marry Liu Dalang. Why can Tang An marry him but I can’t? Tang An is not worthy of him.”

At the thought that Tang An would live a good life in the future, Tang Yu could not accept it at all. She begged Madam Wu but to no avail. She ran into the house. “If you don’t help me, I’d rather cut my hair and become a nun.”

Tang Maosheng was shocked to hear that. “Why are you so willful? How can you say such a thing?”

Madam Wu had a plan in mind. She said, “I’ll think of a way.” josei

Tang Maosheng did not say anything to counter. In his opinion, it was naturally best if his daughter had the luck to marry Liu Dalang.

Hearing the happy conversations next door, Tang Maosheng felt upset. The Liu family was indeed generous. They bought so many good things, so the betrothal money must be a lot too.

If this happened to his family, their life would definitely be better off.

Tang Maosheng really hoped that Madam Wu could come up with a good plan.

At Tang An’s house.

Tang An’s eyes were red. She was wearing the new dress that Tang Yuan insisted on buying.

“Uncle Liu, Auntie Liu.”

Tang An called with a smile. There was not much at home, and she did not invite many people despite it being a big day for her.

The main reason was that last night, her uncle and aunt suddenly came to say that the engagement would take place at their house and that they had already invited some people. Tang An felt very sad. Without her parents, she had no one to rely on.

Fortunately, the entire Liu family came.

Madam Wei nodded. “Don’t think too much. In the future, you have Liu Dalang and our family. We can help you bring up your brother together.”

After the engagement, they would be a family. The Liu family wouldn’t hesitate where they could offer a hand.

Tang An felt as if she had eaten honey. She looked at Madam Wei and tears fell from her eyes.

What Tang An cared about the most was her younger brother, Tang Yuan. She wanted to support her younger brother more than anyone else. Without her parents, if she didn’t help her younger brother, who would?

Madam Wei hugged Tang An gently.

Although Liu Dalang did not say anything, he kept looking at Tang An. Action spoke louder than words.

Liu Erlang stole a glance at Liu Dalang and realized that Liu Dalang was really worried about Tang An. He really liked her.

Mr. Liu looked at her second son and said, “Erlang, go out and see if there’s anything you can help with.”

Liu Erlang scratched his head and went out without saying anything.

Tang Yuan was preparing to cook in the kitchen. His uncle and aunt had announced to the relatives that the engagement would take place at their house, so he didn’t know if there would be any guests coming over later.

Tang Yuan was calm. Even if no one came, he could still take care of everything himself.

In the future, he would also help with her sister’s wedding and make sure she married without any worry.

Liu Erlang walked into the kitchen. “Yuan, let me help you.”

Tang Yuan had never interacted with Liu Erlang, but he felt close to Liu Erlang because of what he said. Liu Dalang was here to help them with the autumn harvest. Liu Dalang was a very good person, down-to-earth, and warm when he smiled.

When Liu Erlang chuckled, he looked very similar to Liu Dalang. Tang Yuan smiled and said, “Brother Erlang, go and have fun. I can do it myself.”

Liu Erlang smiled. “We’re already a family. Don’t hesitate to ask me for help.”

Tang Yuan thought for a moment. “Then, help me start the fire.”

Tang An had been worried about Tang Yuan cooking alone, even though he knew how to cook.

Madam Wei could tell that Tang An was worried, but today, it was better for Tang An not to step into the kitchen.

Liu Sanniang wanted to go, but before Madam Wei asked her to go, she couldn’t offer it herself.

At this moment, a voice came from outside. “Tang An.”

As an old woman walked into the house, Tang An immediately greeted her. “Third Grandma.”

Madam Wei also stood up and greeted. “Third Aunt Tang.”

Third Madam Tang smiled. “Tang An is lucky to have found a good marriage. I’m here to help. Tang An, entertain your future in-laws. I’ll go to the kitchen to help.”

Tang An nodded. “Thank you, Third Grandma.”

If not for Third Madam Tang’s help, she would not have met Liu Dalang.

Until now, Tang An still did not know what Liu Dalang liked about her. She had nothing. Some people said that she had been blessed by her deceased parents.

No matter what the reason was, she would cherish this marriage.

Third Madam Tang went to the kitchen to help, and Tang An could finally relax a little.

Madam Wei held Tang An’s hand and patted it. “Come to our house for the new year this year. In the future, you can discuss anything with Dalang. Don’t worry about your brother. Dalang is his brother-in-law. He will help.”

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