The Lucky Wife Reborn In the 90s Era Has A Spatial Ability

Chapter 186 - 186 Chapter 185, What Did You See

Chapter 186 - 186 Chapter 185, What Did You See

186 Chapter 185, What Did You See

Li Yong was stunned. The hand that was lifting the curtain also froze. It did not move for a long time.

Behind him, Li Lei was blocked by the curtain. He had no idea what was going on.

He went forward curiously, “What’s going on?”

He took a step forward and stood beside Li Yong. He looked at the three people in front of him curiously. He had never seen Qin Xiaomin before, so he naturally didn’t know what had happened.

But when the curtain was lifted, Liu Guihua and Li Zhiming had already seen Qin Xiaomin’s family of three.

“Xiaomin!” Liu Guihua hurriedly greeted Qin Xiaomin.

Only then did Li Lei realize that it was someone he knew.

He looked at his younger brother’s dejected look again, and the expression on his face was somewhat thoughtful.

Qin Xiaomin was also a little surprised when she looked at Li Yong.

Ever since Li Yong returned to his hometown, the two of them had never seen each other again.

She quickly withdrew her gaze and looked at Liu Guihua and Li Zhiming, “Uncle, Aunt, are you here to buy clothes?”

She smiled and asked.

“Well, Xiao Yong’s brother is getting engaged in two days, so we’re here to buy some clothes!” Liu Guihua said with a smile.

“Congratulations!” Qin Xiaomin quickly glanced at Li Lei.

Then, she looked at her parents. “These are Yuanyuan’s Grandparents and two Uncles.”

Then, she introduced them to Liu Guihua and Li Zhiming. “Uncle, Aunt, these are my parents!” josei

Although Ji Yuanyuan and Qin Mucheng have an arrangement, the two families had never seen each other before.

After exchanging pleasantries, Niu Ailansaid, “You guys are going home, right? Then we won’t hold you up. When you have time, go to our house for a meal!”

Liu Guihua said with some restraint, “Of course, of course!”

The two of them separated. One went into the department store, and the other went out of the department store.

The curtain in the middle fell down and blocked the glass door tightly.

Even so, Qin Xiaomin couldn’t help but turn her head and look outside.

Li Yong was the same. He stood where he was and stared blankly at the curtain.

Li Lei pulled at him strangely. “What’s wrong?”

Suddenly, he came to his senses and asked in a low voice, “It’s her?”

He knew his younger brother had a girl he liked, but her identity didn’t match his.

He had been thinking about the engagement just now, so he did not manage to react in time.

Li Yong turned around somewhat guiltily. “Let’s go!”

Liu Guihua and Li Zhiming, on the other hand, were dumbfounded. They did not understand what had happened.

Inside, Niu Ailan also came over and reached out to grab Qin Xiaomin!

Initially, seeing the way her daughter looked at that kid, Niu Ailan was filled with anger.

A good daughter who have a degree, looks, family background, and ability.

Wouldn’t it be good if she liked someone else? But she just had to like this kid, Li Yong.

Even if Qin Xiaomin liked a poor kid, as long as he had a degree and ability and was willing to work hard, she and Old Qin wouldn’t say anything.

But it just had to be this kid, Li Yong.

Forget about his family background, he didn’t even go to university, and now he went back to his hometown to farm.

If the two of them really got together, he and Old Qin would probably be unable to hold their heads up in front of their relatives and friends in the future.

“Mom!” Qin Xiaomin had Li Yong in her heart and unhappily shook off Niu Ailan’s hand, “What’s so bad about him that you dislike him so much?”

Niu Ailan sneered, “What’s so good about him?”

“I’ve already told you. When he went home to farm, he didn’t run away, nor did he have no ability. Why do you always have a preconceived idea and refuse to believe what I say?”

After saying that, Qin Xiaomin turned around in a fit of anger. “You two go on your own!”

Seeing her run back in a flash, Niu Ailan was afraid she would go to find Li Yong, so she hurriedly followed her.

Seeing this, Qin Zhiye quickly pulled Niu Ailan back. “Okay, okay, don’t push too hard. Xiaomin is a person who won’t turn back until she hits the wall. The more you push her, the more she will do the opposite of what you want!”

Niu Ailan looked in the direction where Qin Xiaomin had left with some disappointment. “Who am I doing this for? What an ingrate, whatever!”

As she said that, she turned around angrily and walked in the opposite direction.

Qin Zhiye looked at his wife and chased after her helplessly.

And after Qin Xiaomin ran out, she almost bumped into someone.

“Sorry, I…”

She raised her head and was about to speak. But after seeing the face of the person in front of her, she couldn’t open her mouth.

Li Yong stretched out his hand and held her arm. He said in a low voice, “Are you alright?”

Qin Xiaomin shook her head and looked around. However, she could not find Liu Guihua and the others.

She asked in a low voice, “Where are your parents?”

Li Yong said, “I told them to go back first!”

Qin Xiaomin listened to Li Yong’s words and said a moment later, “Why don’t we find a quiet place and have a few words?”


Li Yong looked at Qin Xiaomin with some surprise, but then he quickly answered, “Where do you think we should go?”

Qin Xiaomin’s family came by car. She asked in a low voice, “Where’s your bike?”

Li Yong reacted and immediately turned around to find his bike and pushed it in front of Qin Xiaomin.

He crossed his long legs and rode on it. Then he called out, “Come on, I’ll take you!”

Qin Xiaomin stepped forward and sat diagonally on the back seat. Her right hand also grabbed the corner of Li Yong’s shirt.

Li Yong slowly got up and then steadily walked forward.

Under Qin Xiaomin’s command, the two soon arrived at a small park.

They sat on the wooden chairs in the park and were silent for a long time.

After a long while, it was Li Yong who spoke first. His expression was a little awkward. He asked in a whisper “Are you and your partner… okay?”

Qin Xiaomin, who was still in a daze, suddenly turned her head when she heard Li Yong’s words. “Who told you that?”

Li Yong didn’t react for a moment. “What?”


Seeing this, Qin Xiaomin could only repeat, “I said, who told you that I have a partner?”

Li Yong shook his head, “No one. I saw it with my own eyes.”

Seeing Li Yong like this, Qin Xiaomin couldn’t help but get angry. She sneered, “You saw it with your own eyes? When did you see it with your own eyes? What did you see us do? How did you know that he was my partner?”

Li Yong looked at Qin Xiaomin, and the expression on his face became more and more awkward.

Seeing that Li Yong didn’t say anything, Qin Xiaomin suddenly stood up from the chair. “Say it! What did you see? Is that why you didn’t look for me and didn’t call me for such a long time?”

Li Yong saw that Qin Xiaomin was agitated, and he stood up somewhat helplessly. “I… I’m not…”

“If you were a man, you’d tell me clearly what you saw? Don’t accuse me out of nowhere!” Qin Xiaomin’s eyes were a little red, and after she said these words coldly, she directly turned her back to Li Yong.

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