The Mad Tycoon of Rome

Chapter 261

Chapter 261: Succession Structure 2

< 261.Succession Structure 2 >

The preparation for the establishment of the military academy had been underway since before Marcus took power.

Rome had traditionally sent the children of the senators and nobles to the army after they became adults to gain experience.

They could be considered as future reserve officers.

Even though the military system had changed from conscription to recruitment, this tradition remained.

Marcus thought it was very encouraging that the future senators had military experience.

Since a considerable number of adult men went to the battlefield, it would cause serious problems if the leaders had no military service.

But he also roughly anticipated that there would be various problems if they continued with the current method.

The reason was simple.

Rome would soon be unable to train officers through real combat as before.

Even though the Roman army had a relatively systematic structure in ancient times, it still had clear limits.

Right after the Punic War ended, Rome easily defeated the eastern dynasties with its enormous power.

But as there were no more enemies, the quality of the legion declined in just a few decades.

The decline of the yeoman farmers and the overall level of the soldiers were also causes, but the incompetence of the commanders was undeniable.

If geniuses like Sulla or Marius had not appeared, Rome might not have been able to properly deal with the barbarians who came down from the north.

Therefore, a means to maintain the level of the commanders who would lead the legion at a certain level or higher was needed.

The quality of the soldiers could be improved by repeating systematic training within the legion.

So, setting up an institution that could train commanders professionally was a priority.

The Senate also actively agreed with Marcus’s argument.

The citizens had no reason to oppose it either.

As soon as Marcus got permission from the Senate, he immediately established a formal military academy in Rome and its eastern provinces.

He also faithfully reflected Rome’s tradition that nobles had to serve in the military.

Young people who wanted to enter the Senate had to apply to the army and serve as ordinary soldiers or complete basic training at the military academy.

No one could refute that those who would become leaders of society should set an example.

It was natural for anyone who wanted to build a political career in Rome to apply to the army anyway, so there was no backlash.

“Isn’t it easier? Rather than being sent to a distant legion and rolling around, you just have to complete your education at a military academy near Rome.”

“Now that I think about it, you’re right. Maybe Marcus is trying to look after our situation.”

“But doesn’t that mean that the education is harder?”

“That’s better. That means our Roman army’s level can be maintained steadily.”

Marcus’s reason for educating future young senators at the military academy was not just for them.

The superficial reason was that social leaders should set an example, but his real intention was elsewhere.

As long as commanders were actively trained at the military academy, most of the future military leaders would be graduates of the military academy.

And Marcus was the president of the military academy.

He intended to pass this position on to his family members for generations.

In other words, Marcus was both the leader of the legion and the head of the institution that trained officers.

It meant that he could legally control Rome’s military power.

Marcus looked around with a pleased expression at his first batch of cadets who would be his starting point for his plan.

On the faces of noble children and commoners who were selected through various tests, various emotions surfaced.

Some looked nervous and some were excited with their eyes shining.

The only common point was that they all sent eyes full of admiration to Marcus in front of them.

Most of those who applied to the military academy as fast as possible were young people who had ambitions to succeed in the army.

Or they were people who wanted to become soldiers and protect their country and citizens.

Either way, Marcus was a legendary figure for them.

Maybe they could learn some of his secrets.

It was strange not to have expectations in their hearts.

But Marcus’s presence was too overwhelming.

Their hearts were filled with anticipation, but their bodies were stiff like statues and they didn’t know what to do/

“I welcome you all who have gathered here. There may be some people who don’t know me, so let me introduce myself. I am Marcus Crassus, who will be responsible for you from now on.”

Everyone smirked as if there was anyone who didn’t know him.

Marcus continued his calm speech after confirming that the somewhat tense atmosphere had loosened up.

“I won’t explain what this place is since you must have heard it several times already. The army is a barrier that protects and defends our nation and citizens. And if a commander makes a wrong decision, he will not only die himself but also drag all his soldiers into a pit of death. If the army collapses, then our nation and citizens will be exposed defenselessly to the enemy’s threat. In other words, the commander’s judgment can determine the fate of the nation.”

A determined light flashed in the eyes of the cadets.

They didn’t say it out loud, but many of them thought of the Larissa battle where they suffered a defeat in the Hunnic War.

With one defeat, nearly 200,000 soldiers had died, and a sense of crisis that Rome might lose had engulfed the entire nation.

“That’s why the commanders who lead the army must always maintain a cool and rational mind. At the same time, they must arm themselves with theoretical grounds, tactics, and strategies that can support their thinking.”

Marcus called out one of the cadets standing in the middle row and brought him to his front.

“The criteria for selecting you were as I said before. The one who achieved the best results here is Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa, who stands before you. Agrippa, as a representative, express the determination of the cadets who will participate in the training.”

Agrippa, whose face was stiff with tension, took a deep breath and raised his hand.

“We swear in this place that we will faithfully perform the education of the great Marcus Mesopotamicus and dedicate ourselves to the nation with abilities that are not shameful as disciples. I will devote all my abilities and heart to the glory of the great Rome.”

Agrippa shouted as he lightly tapped his left chest with his hand.

“For Rome!”

The cadets behind him also followed the same action and raised their voices.

“For Rome!”

Marcus, who was satisfied with their young spirit and passion, left his seat and entrusted the rest to his subordinate.

Caesar, who had been watching the whole process from the side, whispered a sigh of admiration in a low voice.

“Now you have everything in your hands. Now I understand why you said you are Rome itself.”

“Actually, it’s more for the future than for me. I can exert my control without going through this process while I’m alive.”

“Well, that’s true. Then don’t you think we need to start working from now on?”

“I’m going to do that. First of all, I’m going to assign Agrippa, who just swore as a representative, as Sophia’s assistant.”

“You have the same idea as me after all.”

Caesar sighed lightly and bit his lip.

It was right to push Sophia forward considering the abilities of his children.

Trajanus might have some military talent, but he didn’t have the talent to lead the nation.

Besides, Sophia had Octavius by her side, so comparing their political skills was meaningless.

If he tried to force Trajanus’s hand here, there was a risk of a purge or an intensification of palace intrigue.

The problem was how to control the military power, but if he attached Agrippa to Sophia and handed over the entire military academy to her, the problem would be solved.

Marcus intended to give Agrippa an image similar to a knight who protects the queen.

However, there were some problems that had to be solved in order to do so.

Caesar sharply questioned him about that point.

“What about Trajanus? He must think he will be the heir. Have you thought of a way to appease him? And even though you have a son, giving power to your daughter is against the common sense of Rome. Have you thought of a process that can convince them?”

Marcus answered without hesitation.

“I’ve talked to Trajanus a long time ago. He was anxious from the old days that he couldn’t do what I did, and he had a strong tendency to depend on his smarter sister. You don’t have to worry about him.

He would rather help Agrippa take over the military power. And I don’t intend to make Sophia an empress directly. There are still some uncertainties, so I have to start working from now on.”

“Sophia is not an empress? Didn’t you just say you would make her your successor?”

“Sophia will not be an empress…”

He continued with a smile of triumph.

“She will be a goddess.”

For a moment, Caesar opened his eyes wide and then nodded with a smile as if he understood everything.

“You’re going to make her divine. I think it’s a good idea. Proceed with it right away.”

It was very common propaganda in ancient times that rulers inherited the blood of gods.

In Judaism, they were anointed by God; in Egypt, they were incarnations of the sun god; in China, they were sons of heaven; and even Roman emperors in original history called themselves gods.

Of course, people in ancient times were not fools either. They would laugh at them if they said they were gods without any evidence.

Even Roman emperors in original history had few people who sincerely thought they were gods.

In this respect, Marcus was in a much more advantageous position than others.

He had hardly ever said that he was related to gods until now.

But there were too many achievements that could not be achieved without God’s touch, and people around him praised him as God’s apostle.

He was the one who received wisdom from Ceres, goddess of earth; he was blessed by Tethys, goddess of water; he accomplished the feats of Mars, god of war, and so on. He had so many titles with the names of gods that it was embarrassing.

Moreover, Caesar was officially the highest priest of Rome, who was the representative of God.

The woman born from the union of these two families had a tremendous persuasive power to the Romans as the incarnation of a goddess.josei

Marcus only taught his wife and daughter the essence of modern makeup.

He gathered all kinds of natural materials available at that time and succeeded in making cosmetics and makeup techniques that made their beauty shine more after many trials and errors.

They were women who were already famous for their beauty.

With silk clothes and refined makeup techniques that contained all his knowledge and wisdom, and eye-catching jewelry, his wife and daughter were no exaggeration to say that they were goddesses who descended to the world in this era.

When they showed up at official events, people lined up to see the faces of the goddesses once, filling the streets of Rome.

Sometimes he thought they were more popular than him.

But there was one person who knew his mind.

It was Julia, who thought her son would inherit the family.

She was worried that there might be unnecessary trouble in the house, and she noticed Marcus’s intention at once.

On a quiet night when the night was deep, she formally asked Marcus for an explanation.

“I think you need to tell me something convincing. What’s going on right now? Are you thinking of Sophia as your successor instead of Trajanus?”

< 261. Succession Structure 2 > End

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