The Mafia King's First Love

Chapter 105 - The Mafia Kings Awakening - Fear (3)

Chapter 105 - The Mafia Kings Awakening - Fear (3)

Chapter 105 - The Mafia King's Awakening - Fear (3)

Wei froze. With an incredulous expression, he slowly looked at her.

'Then I will fall for you once again. Simple.'

The words she spoke gently chimed in his ears. He looked at her in a stupor. Lihua stared at him in a lovestruck gaze. "Am I really your wife? It feels as if this is some fantasy-"

The rest of her words failed to escape her mouth as Wei suddenly pulled her into his arms. With trembling hands, he clutched her back. He felt too choked up to say anything. His eyes slightly shone in tears. Silently, he hugged her hard.


His heart was so overwhelmed with emotions that he couldn't utter a single word. She lost her memories. But she still said similar things as before. She acted the same. Even though she lost her identity, she still chose Wei. The words she spoke just a few hours earlier turned true.

Lihua was stupefied. The way he held her and how he shivered arose a suffocating feeling in her chest. She was meeting this man for the first time, yet she felt a strange attachment to him. She had no recollection of him, but she still found herself unable to let go of this warmth.

Maybe because I am really his wife? Maybe my heart still remembers the connection…

She didn't know what to do. Technically, he was a stranger to her, but she didn't have the heart to push him away. Normally, it was natural to be afraid to suddenly lose your memories and then a stranger claiming to be your husband. It wasn't easy to accept such a huge fact thrown upon you. But something in his eyes tugged her heart. His quivering embrace shook her.

She smiled and gently patted his head. "It's okay."

Wei silently gazed at her and gently cupped her cheek in a trance. josei

Lihua wasn't there with him anymore. The woman with whom he shared his wonderful memories was gone. To her now, Wei was just a stranger.

But even so, she was still the same. She was here with him, yet wasn't.

She straightened up and nervously said, "That you still haven't told your n-name."

Wei stiffened. He slowly whispered. "Jiang Wei."

Mingshen and he carefully observed her for any reaction. But she showed none. There was no sign of recognition at that name.

Once again, she went into a dreamy state.

Ah, even the name is so Godly handsome…

She snapped out and cleared her throat. "I see. So you are Jiang Wei and you are my h-husband," she strangely felt embarrassed. "And we are married for about a month."


"So what happened to me? Why can't I remember you or anything about me?"

A nervous hesitation filled his heart. "Accident."


"You fell down the stairs and hit your head hard. I found out from Mingshen that you lost your memories."


Wei looked at her. "Yang Mingshen."

At his mention, the man who stood in darkness in a corner slowly walked into the light. Her jaw opened wide, staring at another handsome face twice in a day now.

What the hell? Another handsome man has popped up now!

"He is a doctor."

Lihua snapped out of her daze. She looked at them alternatively. Where Wei's beauty was more of a princely type, the other man was deathly handsome in a devilish way. A prince and a devil. There was an air of danger surrounding him and with the sharp gaze that he cast upon her, a shudder ran through her spine. Alarm bells rang in her mind and she instinctively felt to keep her distance from him. Which was quite ironic knowing that he was a doctor.

She said, "A doctor is supposed to look pleasant and warm."

He dangerously smiled, making her jolt. "Sure I will be all pleasant and warm, but if you can fork out the money to afford me."


"Also, I am in a really bad mood right now…"

He shot a death glare towards Wei. He was busy with an important task in his special room of experiments, but Wei suddenly barged into his office and refused to go. He was so close to cutting Wei with his scalpel and make him a part of his special room.

Lihua stammered. "Y-you are a doctor. You haven't answered my questions."

He narrowed his eyes on her. "Am I your freaking servant?"

"Why are you so scary? Give me your diagnosis as a doctor! It's your responsibility."

His eyes glinted with bloodthirst. "Responsibility? I suppose my 'responsibility is done here, am I not right, Mr. Jiang?" He mockingly smiled.

Wei glanced at him and then at her, who was close to bursting into tears with Mingshen's tall and threatening figure looming on her.

Why is this man so mean? Thank God he didn't turn out to be my husband or I would have divorced him right now!

"Mingshen said that you hit your head and that has damaged a part of your brain. So, you have lost all your memories."

She anxiously asked, "Is there any chance of them returning?"

He stiffened.

"We don't know for now. He said not to stress over it. It's difficult and you shouldn't force yourself to remember anything."

Her shoulders slumped.

Not force myself to remember anything? But…

"Wouldn't that be lonely for you?"

He blinked his eyes.

"I mean, you say we are married. That means we knew each other and have spent time together. Don't you want me to remember it?"

He trembled.

Of course. Of course, I want you to remember our memories, Lihua. But if you remember me, then you would remember everything else too.

His gaze clouded in fear and danger.

And I don't want you to have anything to do with your past identity now. You are not Song Lihua anymore.

He smiled. "Your health and safety come first. Memories...we can just make new memories again."

Though he seemed to easily say that, in reality, he did feel hurt that Lihua wouldn't remember them anymore. But it was his choice.

Lihua felt a tightening bubble in her chest. His gaze was so mellow and full of concern. It was so saddening for his wife to lose all her memories and her love for him, but he still only thought about her safety.

"Okay…" she paused for a few moments, "You are my husband. What about my family?"

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