The Mafia King's First Love

Chapter 553 The wrong target to get bitten

Chapter 553 The wrong target to get bitten

Chapter 553 The wrong target to get bitten

Jiang Zhen carefully watched Lihua trying to provoke him. Admitting that he was chasing after some other woman when his wife and son were still here would mean his reputation plummet instantly.

Right now, he was already the centre of attention by how the waitress treated him and how only his food was cooked bitterly. Everybody was throwing casual glances at him. Naturally, everybody was curious about Lihua's relationship with him.

Jiang Zhen lightly smiled. "Nothing. She is our family friend. We met her by coincidence tonight, and Hua asked her to join us. Right, Hua?" He dangerously narrowed his eyes. josei

Jiang Hua jolted and quickly nodded her head.

He iterated the same thing in English for Charles.

Jiang Hua felt the language barrier and everybody's pointing gazes at her. Lihua held her hand and shook her head.

"There is nothing to be ashamed of. Don't lower your head."

She weakly smiled. "Thanks…"

Charles laughed. "Oh, I see, I see!"

Jiang Zhen smiled. "As for her husband, she is divorced. She is very lonely. Now she is pregnant too. You can understand her plight, right? My wife often helps her as much as she can. Lihua is very pitiful. We are…just trying to make her feel comfortable in our family. She is already so much attached to Ruru and so is he."

Lihua threw him a sharp glare.

"Oh…" Charles apologetically looked at her. "I am sorry."

She just smiled.

This bastard! I really hope he gets attacked by a scorpion!

Charles then introduced his date to them. Lihua beamed. "Oh, she is so pretty! Hey, I have an idea! Why don't you two join us?"

Jiang Zhen's face turned as black as a burnt pot. He had already conceded enough by allowing Jiang Hua and Ruru to tag along. Now she wanted more people to join in?

And not just anybody but Charles Miller who he had a long feud with in America over the Underworld?

Charles and his date were pleasantly surprised. "Oh sure! We will be happy to."

Jiang Zhen inwardly gnashed his jaw but kept his smile on his lips.


With their addition, the dinner became more bearable, at least for Lihua.

Charles's date, Anna, observed Lihua and asked, "How far along are you?"

"Oh. I am in my sixth month."

"Wow and it's already so big!" She coughed in embarrassment. "I am sorry. I didn't mean it in a bad way."

Anna was well versed in Mandarin but with an accent, so the conversation was easier to grasp for Jiang Hua too.

Lihua shook her head. "I am not offended. Hehe. In fact, this makes me happy. Big belly would mean my child is healthy, right? I want him to be all super chubby and cute! Just like Ruru!"

The tip of Ruru's ears tinted in red.

Charles chuckled. "So, you think it's a boy."

Lihua was surprised. "You know Mandarin?"

He scratched his chin. "As you can see, I am not fluent. It's broken, so I don't talk much. I don't want to offend anyone by my wrong grammar, haha."

Lihua seriously wondered if this man belonged to the American Mafia. He didn't give off that dark and dangerous vibe at all.

Then she thought about Wei and his innocent smile and his warm eyes.

Well…neither does he.

Anna asked, "What if it's a girl?"

Lihua sparkled. "Of course, I will be overjoyed!"

Jiang Zhen sneered.

Who would want a girl?

Lihua clapped her hands once. "The gender of my baby doesn't matter to me. As long as it's healthy and safe."

"That's adorable."

Anna then suddenly noticed Qingqing. "Y-You have a cat too? Gosh, she is so pretty!"

Qingqing's ears perked up and she turned her head.

I feel someone is singing my praises. Who is that intelligent human?

"Oh God she was so quiet I didn't realize her presence at all. I am a fanatic animal lover! Can I hold her please?"

Lihua laughed. "Sure."

Before Anna could extend her arms, Qingqing jumped onto her lap on her own accord. Anna froze, and then her expression melted.

"OMG! Did you see, Charles? She came to me on her own! She is so cute! Oh gosh and her fur is so silky! And her green eyes are just like emeralds!"

Charles laughed. "Yeah, she is one beautiful cat. Where did you find her?"


Lihua's mouth twitched.

"I-I saved her from an evil man's clutches! Yes, I definitely didn't steal her at all!"

Anna was horrified. "Evil man? Oh my poor cat. You have suffered. Such men who harm animals should rot in hell!"

Somewhere in his lab, Mingshen sneezed loudly. His gaze clouded in anger.

"Who is cursing me? Is that dumb woman talking about me behind my back?"

He sneered. "Well, once she is out, I will get my due revenge~"

He stared at the research subject in front of him that Jiang Zhen just sent him a few days ago.

"So you are my assistant's clone. So disappointing…" he sighed. "I expected better from you, Li Dong. You are a hundred times behind to copy Lu Bojing. There can be only one crybaby idiot in this whole world."

Back at the luxurious hotel, Ruru felt dizzy with Anna speaking nonstop about Qingqing and animals in general. It was as if a switch was activated inside her. Jiang Hua chuckled and pinched his cheek.

So cute.

Suddenly, from the corner of her eyes, Jiang Hua noticed something crawling upon Jiang Zhen.

Her blood ran cold, and her stomach churned in horror. It was a small, black scorpion silently climbing from Jiang Zhen's back. His pincers were pointing at his neck.

"Zhen…" her voice was inaudible.

That scorpion was about to dunk into his skin when Jiang Hua suddenly stood on her feet.


She hastily bent over him, startling everybody. She shook off the scorpion from his back and threw him away. But it bit Jiang Hua's finger before falling off.


She immediately withdrew her hand and saw blood oozing out of the bite mark.

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