The Mafia King's First Love

Chapter 610 The Mafia King is discharged

Chapter 610 The Mafia King is discharged


Qingqing felt everybody's gazes at her, and she hissed.

Don't stare at me, peasant humans!

She was suddenly shaken off Bojing's shoulder and hugged hard by Lihua.

"Qingqing! I knew you were awesome, but I never knew you were so awesome!" She burst into tears. "Qingqing, you saved Wei! You are so cute, Qingqing! You are the best!"

Bojing bobbed his head hard, and he joined Lihua in her journey of tears too, feeling pride for Qingqing.

Qingqing, who was smothered against Lihua's chest, could see stars in front of her eyes.

You human! Do you want to kill me!?

Then as if Lihua wasn't enough, Jiang Yubi hopped in next to shower the cat with all her love. "Aish, you saved my son…How can I be thankful?"

How about not strangling me against your chests for a starter!? You want to kill this Queen!?

She hissed and bared her teeth against the two hyper emotional women. She immediately jumped down and away from the beast women who were a threat to her life. She scurried out of the lab as fast as she could.josei

"Where are you going, Qingqing?" Lihua sniffled. "I want to hug you more…"

Wei patted her shoulder. "Don't cry. You can hug her all you want when we are home. Qingqing will always be with us."

Lihua thought about it and nodded. "Indeed. I will prepare a grand feast for her too! She is so cool!"

Wei beamed and added. "En. You are cool too."


"I am talking about Qingqing."

"En. I am talking about you too."

Mingshen had enough of it and exclaimed. "Scram! You two are polluting my lab! Go get lovey-dovey all you want at your house, not at my space! Mr. Jiang Wei! You are discharged. Get out!"

He then sneered. "Also, have one billion ready. And when I say in billion, I mean in dollars. That is your payment to me for all the stuff I did for you in dealing with Jiang Zhen and getting you out of this coma."

Wei and Jiang Weizhe simply shrugged while Lihua and Jiang Yubi gasped in horror.

Lihua puked three litres of blood. "O-o-one billion!? In dollars? Mingshen, are you robbing us in broad daylight!?"

"My services are not for free, little chilli. Also, they are hell expensive," Mingshen smiled with disdain.

"You…Don't you think you can steal from us! I will complain to Aunt Bingqing!"

"Seriously, that's the threat you have to give to me?" He yawned and waved his hand in dismissal. "Anyway now. Shoo. Leave my lab and let peace prevail in my lab once again."

Amidst the mumbling and complaining, they stepped out. All the surviving Underworld gangs who remained loyal to Wei until the end, stood in attention in front of Mingshen's lab.

As soon as their eyes caught Wei's figure, they bent on one knee and bowed. "Boss!"

Everybody was so happy that everybody was crying. Chang Fang was among the ones who had shed a river of tears until now, but he still wasn't tired.


Their hearts overwhelmed with a lot of emotions as they finally got to see their Mafia King.


Now, everybody was sobbing like children who are left in the kindergarten on their first day.

"Boss is back!"

"The Mafia King is back!"


"Boss, we missed you!"

"Boss, we are so happy to see you back on your feet!"

Wei stared at his men and trembled. His heart pounded in his chest, and his eyes flickered with an unknown emotion.

"Get up all of you," he said in his usual calm and peaceful voice, "I don't want to see you all kneeling in front of me."

The gang leader of the Sparkling Water gang sniffled. "But you are our Boss…"

"That's why I am saying that nobody will kneel in front of me. You are not my servants to kneel for me."

They stared at them with their teary eyes which teared up even more, and the dam broke in full swing.

Wei widened his eyes and pursed his lips. He looked at Lihua for help. "Why are they crying?"

Lihua facepalmed and shook her head. "They are crying because they are happy, silly. You are back. They missed you so much. You treat them so preciously like your family. Naturally, these are tears of joy."

"Oh," Wei nodded in understanding.

He looked at his men. "You don't have to cry."

Chang Fang straightened up and glared at all the gangs. "All of you! Didn't you hear the Boss's order!? Nobody will cry! Stop crying right now!"

Wei interjected. "No. I wasn't ordering -"

"As if you are the one to tell us, Chang Fang," the Sparkling Water leader scowled. "Look at your damn eyes! They are so red and bloodshot! First, you stop crying and then lecture others!"

Wei immediately said, "Don't fight -"

Chang Fang glowered and fiercely shot back. "Look at your whole face, you fool! Tears and snot is everywhere! Ew! You are disgusting! And you dare show such a face to Boss!"

"You want a piece of me, Chang Fang!"

"I can take you on anytime!"

"Seriously!? You couldn't even win one round of rock paper scissors against me! That's how useless you are!"

Chang Fang burned with fury. "You compare my strength because of a puny game!? Come forward! I will show you who is stronger with the fists!"

"Hah! Let's have this battle once and for all!"

Wei tried to interfere countless times by now, but clearly, his gangs were in no mood to listen to their Mafia King.

Lihua laughed. "Your men are so cute just like you, Wei."

Wei's brows furrowed, and he seemed displeased. "You find them cuter than me?"


"I meant cute like you. Not cuter than you."

Wei was still dissatisfied. "But I want only me to be cute in your heart."


"I don't like it when you call others cute," his gaze looked downcast.

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