The Mafia King's First Love

Chapter 81 - The Mafia Kings Shocking Revelations To Lihua (1)

Chapter 81 - The Mafia Kings Shocking Revelations To Lihua (1)

Chapter 81 - The Mafia King's Shocking Revelations To Lihua (1)

One month?

Of course, Lihua remembered that it had been a month today since they met. But why would he bring a cake for this?

Lihua looked around and apart from them, nobody else was present in this big mansion. She expected to see Shi Ruomei, his family and a lot of guests for the ceremony. But this wasn't what she had imagined. Confusion marred her face.

"Happy One Month Anniversary," Wei softly said as he pulled her closer to him.

Lihua looked at him, stunned. " remember?"

"Of course. How can I ever forget it?" He smiled.

Hold on! What is going on here? Where is that crease woman? Is the engagement ceremony somewhere else?

"Today is a special day for us so I decided to do something special."

This was an important tip in the list of how to woo a woman and make her happy. Celebrate important dates with her and make feel special and cherished.

Lihua asked, her mind still spinning in a whirlwind of questions, "So-so this is it? You brought me here to celebrate our one-month event?"


"Nothing else?"


She rapidly blinked her eyes. "T-then what about her?"

Wei tilted his head. "Who?"

"Your fiance. Shi Ruomei. What about her and…"

"Fiance? I don't have any fiance."


It was as if thunderbolt struck her hard from head to toe. "Huh? Don't have a fiance? What does that mean? Today is your engagement ceremony with Shi Ruomei, isn't it? Then why did you bring me here?"

Wei frowned. He recalled Fu Renshu crying about a similar issue. "I don't know what is the confusion here, but I don't have any fiance. There is no engagement either."

She was stunned. "B-But I met her in the store one day. A few days back! She was shopping for her engagement dress with your Grandma."

Wei stared at her questioningly. "You met Old Madam?"

"Not just her. Your father too. He was the same man who I met in the supermarket that night! Didn't I say I met a man who looked exactly like you? He was Uncle Jiang!"

Wei narrowed his eyes. He had his suspicions that it could be Jiang Weizhe, but he had no reason to meet Lihua because that meant he was interested in his son's life which he wasn't since his childhood. josei

"Uncle and Assistant Fu told me that that crease woman was your fiance and that today is your engagement."

He blinked his eyes.

Crease woman?

Wei said with utmost sincerity, "She is not my fiance."

Lihua felt even more confounded. "But Assistant Fu said that you had agreed to this engagement yourself."

"No, I didn't. I don't know about any engagement."

Her mouth was wide open. "How is it that you don't know, Boss? Everybody else knows about your engagement. Today is the ceremony and you... Wait. Are you saying you were unaware of your engagement!?" She asked in disbelief.

"Yes," he plainly stated.

"How is it possible!? Did your family members hypnotize you or something?"


"Then how? Weren't you present during the discussion?"

"I was."


What is Boss doing? Agreeing and denying at the same time.

"Boss you were present when the discussions happened and you agreed to it. So how can you say you don't know about the engagement?" she sobbed. Lihua was completely baffled.

Wei furrowed his brows. "I didn't agree upon the engagement."


"I nodded my head for-"

He was about to say that it was her picture, but he stopped just in time. He froze.

I cannot say that I found her picture on Song Jia's phone. We hadn't met at that time, so Lihua will question how I got her photo…

Lihua asked, "Nodded your head for?"

"Something else. I was focused on a certain photo in my phone," he slyly said.


Lihua almost stumbled upon her feet. "So-so you just nodded your head in a daze!? You didn't actually hear what your family was talking about?"

Wei thought about it. He nodded. "En. I didn't pay any attention to them."

Lihua felt dizzy. She put her palm forward. "Wait, Boss. Let me just digest this…This is too much for my dumb brain to understand."

So it was all a misunderstanding?

He pursed his lips. "My woman is not dumb."

"No I am actually quite dumb-" she froze and looked at him in confusion. "What did you say?"

"That you are not dumb."

"No. Say it exactly the way you said it just now."

Wei softly smiled. "My woman is not dumb."

Lihua was dumbfounded. "My woman?"

Wei smiled. "En."



Lihua was dumbstruck. "When did I become your woman?"

Wei didn't understand her question.

Suddenly, Lihua had a bad premonition that there must be a lot of things inadvertently kept from her that she was unaware about. She felt as if she was stuck in a web of misunderstandings that spiraled out of control.

"B-Boss...why did you address me as your woman?"

Ugh. Why do I feel that his answer would make me faint in shock?

Wei tilted his head. "Because you are my woman. Because we are a couple."


She felt as if the whole earth shook beneath her feet and it would gobble her down whole. Her dizziness just increased a thousand folds. Wei widened his eyes and quickly caught her in his arms. "Lihua! What's wrong? Are you sick?"

He held her face and checker over her. "Are you hurt anywhere?"

"Haha...My brain is hurt."

Lihua couldn't decide from where to begin bombarding her questions on him.

Goosebumps tingled her hair on her arms and she asked, "Boss. How is it that we are a couple but I don't know about it?"


She lacked tears to shed. "Boss, when did we become a couple? Did I miss something? Do I have selective amnesia? Why don't I remember our confession? I am pretty sure I would have definitely remembered such an awesome moment! Wh-who told you that we are a couple?"

"Chang Fang."

She rapidly blinked her eyes. "Chang Fang. Wait, that gang's leader who kidnapped me?"

"En. He said that you are my woman."

"Huh? Why!?"

Lihua couldn't wrap her head around this revelation.

"Because I came to save you. He said that only boyfriends who care about their woman would come and save them. Otherwise, I wouldn't have. He said that he wouldn't have targeted you if he knew that you were my, CEO Jiang Wei's woman."

Actually, it was because he was the Mafia King, but he just altered that small fact.

Lihua was utterly speechless.

What the hell is with this cause and effect? Who created this equation?

Wei smiled. "Not just that. I came to realize that I am your man too."


"You took me grocery shopping that day. You said that most of the crowd were couples who came for shopping. I read on the net that couples usually shop together like that. You took me with you, so it meant that you consider me as your man."

At this point, Lihua had no words to say. Wei had assumed too many things on his own. Some part of it because others gave him wrong information while another part of it, he thought it to be true on his own.

So-so Boss was thinking of us a couple since that long!? And I had no idea about it?

"Boss this…this is...completely wrong! This is a misunderstanding. We-we are not a couple."

Wei froze. He stared at her in a trance. "Not a couple?"

Lihua wanted to bang her head on the wall.

Ah, that leader Chang Fang! You! It is because if you that things escalated to this point! You fed all wrong things to my innocent Boss!

Somewhere, Chang Fang sneezed. "Achoo!"

Is somebody talking about me?

Lihua said, "Boss, didn't I tell you last time that relationships don't work like that? You should have feelings for that person. You shouldn't treat me as your woman just because somebody told you that. It should be because you feel that way. I took you grocery shopping because I wanted you to experience how an average life feels like. I wanted to show you how you can find joy even in the little things like that."

I mean of course, I like Boss, but my intention wasn't to take you to make it seem like a couple shopping together.

Wei blankly looked at her. "But we kissed too."

Lihua furiously blushed. "I-I know, but it doesn't automatically assume that we are a couple. Again, you kissed me because you wanted to," she coughed, "console me. I was crying, right? You didn't kiss me because you wanted to. Your acquaintance told you to kiss me. So once again, you did something purely because somebody else told you to do it. But your feelings must be your own decision. Our actions should be based on how we feel, not based on what others feel."

Wei wanted to say so many things but it was as if he couldn't speak. He wanted to explain himself, but he didn't know how.

"You...are saying that you are not my woman?"

She stiffened. "I-I mean…"

"Are we not a couple?"

"That y-you are thinking all this because you have been told like that. Your feelings-"

Wei suddenly grabbed her arm and pulled her towards his chest. He held the back of her head and crashed her lips onto hers before she could say anything.

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